What a bag of crock this film is!
10.0 Earthquake (2014) - IMDb
Fracking propaganda, but the worst thing about the plot is that two engineers go to inspect a site discover two workers dead, then immediately have a discussion with a couple of scientists (to explain the plot to the audience about this nasty bit of technology), then report in to their arrogant boss who tells them not to worry about anything just get back to work.
Excuse me? don't worry? Erm, there are two dead guys on site, shouldn't we be calling in the emergency services to recover the bodies and perhaps this is one time that we should actually consider health and safety protocols?
Maybe in America two dead workers can just be written off, I think things would be treated a little differently this side of the pond.
needless to say I didn't wait to see the following:-
1/ The token black guy meeting a tragic and painful death.
2/ The two engineers, one a handsome American that is obviously going to save the day, the other a Hispanic underling that will soon meet a similar end to the black guy, blunder from weak scenario to weaker scenario.
Some films should never have been made and this is one of them.