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04-10-2012, 18:24
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
r all she keeps telling us the Mainstream TV companies are lying...
Mainstream Media/News on a whole is more like it.
If I am not mistaken. The people Margaret may be referring to(the secret rulers of the world) sacrifice children to a giant owl....

04-10-2012, 19:31
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
Originally Posted by MargaretR
It sounds like you watch too much of Alex Jones 
I have a friend that watches all that stuff.  though hes not as bad as that user "life" that we had here a while ago 
04-10-2012, 21:13
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
When I woke up this morning, I felt mildly sick after that program.
Fact is Mr Savile is clearly heard supporting Gary Glitter, now that is dodgy for a start, he's basically saying that Glitter didn't do anything wrong other than get caught.
Statements or stories have been told to Newsnight while Mr Savile was still alive and they chose to ignore these claims.
Also there are more women coming forward since that program was shown.
Fact is he was in the TV, Radio business he was exposed to the celebrity of it all, main guy on Top of the Pops! Yet if you believe the official story he never got married or involved with woman in a formal way. i.e. got married or had long term relationships with girls or women so that makes one wonder...
Last edited by kestrelx; 04-10-2012 at 21:18.
04-10-2012, 21:50
Coffin Dodger.
re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
When I woke up this morning, I felt mildly sick after that program.
Fact is Mr Savile is clearly heard supporting Gary Glitter, now that is dodgy for a start, he's basically saying that Glitter didn't do anything wrong other than get caught.
Statements or stories have been told to Newsnight while Mr Savile was still alive and they chose to ignore these claims.
I agree about the Glitter thing no question, The fact though they have ignored whilst still alive, I find harder, it says more like they hadn't enough evidence.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
04-10-2012, 22:14
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
When I woke up this morning, I felt mildly sick after that program.
Fact is Mr Savile is clearly heard supporting Gary Glitter, now that is dodgy for a start, he's basically saying that Glitter didn't do anything wrong other than get caught.
Statements or stories have been told to Newsnight while Mr Savile was still alive and they chose to ignore these claims.
Also there are more women coming forward since that program was shown.
Fact is he was in the TV, Radio business he was exposed to the celebrity of it all, main guy on Top of the Pops! Yet if you believe the official story he never got married or involved with woman in a formal way. i.e. got married or had long term relationships with girls or women so that makes one wonder...
Tell you what I noticed from the off that all references to him were as 'Savile'....if this had been a positive program it would have been 'Jim' or 'Sir Jim'...score one for the marketing psychologists of ITV.
There are claims made by chancers/ people with mental issues on a daily basis against 'the famous'.
You can take any soundbite, written comment etc.. out of context and apply it accordingly.
As for more people coming forward...Russell Brand, Jonathon Ross phone call to Andrew Sachs...on the night 5 complaints....reported the next day in the press...500 complaints...one week later 5000 complaints...go figure
Lets take this further...his peers must have known....so guilty by collusion..Noel Edmonds, DLT, Ed Stewart, Tony Blackburn and one of his critics Paul Gambcini etc..etc..etc..
And if we are talking about great British eccentrics who hide behind celebrity..Cliff Richard.. apart from a couple of short term flings with Una Stubbs, Sue Barker and Olivia Newton John, never married, low profile (except at xmas), he's a god botherer, almost everyone dislikes him/takes the pee out of him..but he's revered by the media and pretty much untouchable.
I was particularly sickened by Ester Rantzen doing a Richard Attenborough impression at the end, with her crocodile tears and cliches.
I'm devils advocating here because my head says he did these things, and I'm genuinely sad because although I thought he was a nutjob, I also thought he was a good guy
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
Last edited by Guinness; 04-10-2012 at 22:21.
04-10-2012, 22:56
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
Now we know why he was always making Tarzan noises!
05-10-2012, 08:25
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
I think the sad thing is people actually watched this crap, I may have watched this program if it had have been made 2 or 3 years ago, I agree with Guinness, the media light the fire and it burns out of control, lets face it even today you start a rumour about a minor incident and by the time it gets to the other end of town its a murder, people always add their two penneth
05-10-2012, 09:12
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
When I saw that program I had mixed feelings. At first I thought it was a bit of a witch-hunt and the claims made was all hearsay by a bunch of dodgy characters. Also the sense that here was a 70's icon that we all had a image of him being this kind eccentric DJ doing good works for charity and that was being decimated.
Again the question is why didn't anyone do something about it? If they all knew.
Janet Street Porter was on Question Time last night and she said she'd heard rumours in the 80's and so on. Fact is well never know 100% and it will always be a case of making your own mind up - however as I write this on the Wright Stuff it's just been mentioned there are now 40 women who have come forward!
In line with this there was a prog about Coronation Street, telling the story of when a story featured Bet Lynch getting stranded in Spain - 1,000's of people sent money in to Granada TV for her to pay for a return ticket back!
Which indicates that TV has a strange effect on people for them to send money in for fantasy character. In context of this - again it could be the effect of television?
05-10-2012, 09:29
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
When I saw that program I had mixed feelings. At first I thought it was a bit of a witch-hunt and the claims made was all hearsay by a bunch of dodgy characters. Also the sense that here was a 70's icon that we all had a image of him being this kind eccentric DJ doing good works for charity and that was being decimated.
Again the question is why didn't anyone do something about it? If they all knew.
Janet Street Porter was on Question Time last night and she said she'd heard rumours in the 80's and so on. Fact is well never know 100% and it will always be a case of making your own mind up - however as I write this on the Wright Stuff it's just been mentioned there are now 40 women who have come forward!
In line with this there was a prog about Coronation Street, telling the story of when a story featured Bet Lynch getting stranded in Spain - 1,000's of people sent money in to Granada TV for her to pay for a return ticket back!
Which indicates that TV has a strange effect on people for them to send money in for fantasy character. In context of this - again it could be the effect of television?
Well you certainly got that right about TV, I mean it was even mentioned in Parliament when the Free Deirdre campaign was running on corry and how many times have you heard about actors being attacked in the street, being hit with little old women wielding handbags because of a storyline. As for 40 women coming forward maybe they see it as a chance for their 15 minutes of fame 
05-10-2012, 09:29
Coffin Dodger.
re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
yeh but a fact of life is after every high publicity murder oer 40 always confess to it, so really tells us nowt.
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05-10-2012, 09:34
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
Mmm well I just came across this article at...
Jimmy Savile's affections laid bare by...Jimmy Savile? | Times Opinion on Tumblr
In today’s Times story about the allegations surrounding Jimmy Savile, David Sanderson highlighted some quotes from As It Happens, Savile’s 1974 autobiography, that nobody else seems to have picked up on. It’s strange that they haven’t, because they are startling:[Savile] writes of an incident at the Mecca Locarno ballroom in Leeds, where he worked as a DJ during the 1950s, when a female police officer came in with a photograph of “an attractive girl who had run away from a remand home”.
Savile writes: “‘Ah,’ says I all serious, ‘if she comes in I’ll bring her back tomorrow but I’ll keep her all night first as my reward’.” He then writes that the girl did go into the club and “agreed that I hand her over if she could stay at the dance, [and] come home with me”. He wrote that he did then hand her over to the “lady of the law…[who] was dissuaded from bringing charges against me by her colleagues, for it was well known that were I to go I would probably take half the station with me”.
This actually comes out of his auto-biography from 1974, so his attitude does seem very strange and to indicate he had dodgy leanings. Sum up the evidence for yourself! 
05-10-2012, 09:53
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
I wonder why this has become relevant now and didn't at the time  Quoting passages from anything is always quite difficult and may mean something entirely different
05-10-2012, 10:06
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
The link I provided in post #167 provided that autobiography quote, and another -
"Let me tell you about the fun part of the charity deal. I got a call one day from the chairman of a local council. He'd got a new idea for the annual mayoral ball and wanted to turn it into a big youth dance. and would I come? For years the affair had been just a bit stuffy and only attracted a couple of hundred locals. He wanted 2,000 and did I have any ideas? Sure I had. Good ideas are my strong point. I will come, to Orley in Yorkshire it was, if you will arrange for me to sleep in a tent up the local hillside with another tent alongside with six girls to sleep there as my bodyguards! My demands really put the dance on the map and 2,000 tickets went like hot cakes. My ultimatum of "no tents, no girls, no me" meant the council had to go through with it."
05-10-2012, 10:09
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?
Originally Posted by MargaretR
The link I provided in post #167 provided that autobiography quote, and another -
"Let me tell you about the fun part of the charity deal. I got a call one day from the chairman of a local council. He'd got a new idea for the annual mayoral ball and wanted to turn it into a big youth dance. and would I come? For years the affair had been just a bit stuffy and only attracted a couple of hundred locals. He wanted 2,000 and did I have any ideas? Sure I had. Good ideas are my strong point. I will come, to Orley in Yorkshire it was, if you will arrange for me to sleep in a tent up the local hillside with another tent alongside with six girls to sleep there as my bodyguards!My demands really put the dance on the map and 2,000 tickets went like hot cakes. My ultimatum of "no tents, no girls, no me" meant the council had to go through with it."
If we were seeing Quots from Jim Bowens life story people would me rolling about laughing 
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