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Old 08-10-2012, 18:40   #256
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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
I'm amazed that people are still daft enough to come on here and defend the late Yorkshire paedo on the basis that guilt can not be proven in a court of law. I suppose on the same basis Adolf Hitler was not guilty of any crimes in his period as fuhrer.
Feeling duped is so uncomfortable that some prefer to deny they were.
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Old 08-10-2012, 19:19   #257

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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

Not defending or duped, just not seen much in the way of evidence.
If the police findings are that he would have a case to answer for, then I will happily go along with it.

It saddens me to see so many on here, most of whom I thought to be independent thinkers, to follow the herd and decide a man is guilty based on some two bit documentary and the tabloid newspapers. I for one have never or given the Sun and never will for Hillsborough and people believe the c@@p they write....
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Old 08-10-2012, 19:21   #258
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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Not seeing sufficient evidence that would stand up in a court of law, is not in my opinion opting out,its pretty logical to me, but some folk deal more towards conspiricy.
Just came across this article that claims a woman went to the Police in 2008 about an incident with Savile back in the early 70's! But she stipulated she didn't want to take it forward.

BBC News - Jimmy Savile: Sussex police confirm 2008 assault claim
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Old 08-10-2012, 19:27   #259
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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
Not defending or duped, just not seen much in the way of evidence.
If the police findings are that he would have a case to answer for, then I will happily go along with it.

It saddens me to see so many on here, most of whom I thought to be independent thinkers, to follow the herd and decide a man is guilty based on some two bit documentary and the tabloid newspapers. I for one have never or given the Sun and never will for Hillsborough and people believe the c@@p they write....
He said that he'd never been to the Jersey home under investigation then later said he had when a photo was produced of him at the home.

He said he didn't know a girl who commited suicide in the early 70's after claiming she was sexually used by DJ's. The girl was 15 and was a regular dancer on TOTP's and there is a photo of him next to her.
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Old 08-10-2012, 21:07   #260
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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

Things are interesting on this side of the Pennines. Last week local BBC were reporting on the documentary with near outrage on behalf of the late "Sir Jimmy" today Harry Gration is referring to the deceased DJ as simply "Savile". It seems that the deluge of accusations has tipped even his close media friends (the hideous Christa Ackroyd) into a situation where they are distancing themselves from him.
There have always been rumours about his activities in this part of the world (I live about a mile from Roundhay Park) but I suspect that some of the claims now being made may be due to a Persistence of Memory issue as I find myself looking at footage of the guy with increasing distrust and dismay. A doctor acquaintance was struck off for misconduct after the boys in blue managed to find enough women to complain about his gynaecological technique going back some 30 years. Like some of you are wondering now, I wondered then why no-one had thought to make a complaint previous to the investigation. Unlike with Sir J., the complainants made some financial claims as well.
Real victims should be able to offload their genuine accusations in order to get that all important "closure" I guess, but like by-gone occupants of countries in the now defunct eastern bloc, I suspect that some are joining the queue to denounce because it's there.
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Old 09-10-2012, 09:37   #261
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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

At last ! one mainstream newspaper has mentioned Jersey.

Jimmy Savile linked with Haut de la Garenne children's home scandal | Media |

The reporting has been sidetracked into reports of gropes of mature women at the BBC - a diversion of your attention from the main problem -pedophilia.

Jersey rules itself and polices itself. This provides it with the ability to provide tax avoidance, but also provides a haven for sex offenders.

PS Jersey is the place where coconuts contain mammalian collagen

Last edited by MargaretR; 09-10-2012 at 09:46.
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Old 09-10-2012, 09:48   #262
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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

yeh it also says there was not enough to even question him, so what exactly is yer implication?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-10-2012, 10:09   #263
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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
yeh it also says there was not enough to even question him, so what exactly is yer implication?
The enquiry into the pedophilia at the Jersey childrens home revealed facts that were suppressed -
ie. there was a cover up.

Saville was a 'bit player', but I hope that revelations about his part in it may cause a re-opening of that enquiry. It will be a difficult thing to do because Jersey is self governing and many of the 'governors' have a vested interest in keeping it under wraps.
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Old 09-10-2012, 10:16   #264
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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post

Saville was a 'bit player'
How do you know he was a bit player? With the evidence so far we are no nearer to finding him to have been a 'bit player' or the 'Mr. Big'.
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Old 09-10-2012, 10:36   #265
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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

As a 'bit player', he abused, but didn't likely murder, children.

Here are some of the many links available. If you are interested enough to ask, maybe you will be interested enough to read them.

Lenny Harper: Jimmy Savile was implicated in Haut de la Garenne children's home scandal | Mail Online

Jersey Abuse Case Exposes Vast Conspiracy -- Puppet Masters --

voiceforchildren: Exclusive Footage of "Eddie" Cadaver Dog at HDLG.
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Old 09-10-2012, 11:03   #266
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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
he abused, but didn't likely murder, children.
No link with proof he didn't murder though in among that lot, where did you read that?
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Old 09-10-2012, 11:13   #267
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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville

No allegation of murder has been made by any witness or victim of Saville

JERSEY ISLAND OF SECRETS(Short edited version) - YouTube!

Last edited by MargaretR; 09-10-2012 at 11:15.
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Old 09-10-2012, 13:49   #268
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Jimmy Savile referred to himself as the Godfather - this is taken from article in the paper:
In 1983, he shocked many of his fans and charity recipients by giving an interview to the Sun in which he described violent and sordid incidents from his past. "The people who work for me call me the Godfather," he claimed. "And nobody messes with the Godfather. He is the boss. The big man." And, he added: "Some of the hairy things I've done would get me 10 years inside."
Sir Jimmy Savile obituary | Media | The Guardian

What hairy things did he do that could get him 10 years inside? Seems we are just beginning to find out what.
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Old 10-10-2012, 18:18   #269
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Jimmy Savilles family have had his headstone removed from his grave, it is to have the wording removed then broken up an used for landfill.
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Old 10-10-2012, 18:39   #270

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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Even his family think he is guilty
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