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Old 27-09-2014, 19:07   #871
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
The case was mainly based on hearsay which is pretty worrying for British justice.I can remember in my late teens and early twenties when I had a physique, women (particularly older women) touching me up at work for a laugh and it didn't leave me with mental issues .... I wonder how many of them have a large bank account....hmmm
Any sexual abuse case is going to be(by the nature of the offence) one person's word against another.
This young woman was trying to get herself a career in radio and TV.....she reported the incident and it was brushed aside.
She has not sought financial gain from this case.

The fact that you were touched by older women.....and that it did you no harm is neither here nor there, and has little bearing on the case in question.
It is almost as if you are excusing the gross behaviour of this creep.
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Old 27-09-2014, 19:15   #872
I am Banned

Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Any sexual abuse case is going to be(by the nature of the offence) one person's word against another.
This young woman was trying to get herself a career in radio and TV.....she reported the incident and it was brushed aside.
She has not sought financial gain from this case.

The fact that you were touched by older women.....and that it did you no harm is neither here nor there, and has little bearing on the case in question.
It is almost as if you are excusing the gross behaviour of this creep.
The litmus test to me Margaret was then and would be now even in my advancing years.
"How would I feel and react if I saw it happening to one of my three sisters"
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Old 27-09-2014, 19:27   #873
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Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

I feel sure that if Jason had a daughter who came home from work and reported that some creep had had his hands all over her, he would feel murderous towards him.
According to what the young woman reported, this was not just a'goosing'(a term that is used to minimise the impact of the almost excuse it).but this creep had his hands all over her.

Another young woman also had a similar experience with this man.....she was a reporter and was sitting in the public gallery at the court case and DLT asked her to move because her gaze was making him feel uncomfortable.
The reporter declined to give evidence as it would have meant that she could not write about it.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 27-09-2014 at 19:32.
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Old 27-09-2014, 21:35   #874
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Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
It was Whitworth!
She wer bent over't loom wen id appened....she wer titenin this nut on this sprokit,,,,,,,wi a dirty gret big Whitworth spanner....wen mi and just slipped out of mi am not one to mek indiscretions,,,,,,,an mi morals er fer cast in stone,,,,,,,,,,in mi mind ther wer perfect intentions,,,,,,,but mi and ad a mind of it's own...............well, a felt that gret big Whitworth spanner,,,,,,cum dewn on mi knuckles real mean,,,,,,,so ad best keep mi ands in mi pocket,,,,,,next time't lass is fixin't machine.....Boom Boom.
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Old 27-09-2014, 21:45   #875
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Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
So what are you saying?
Do you have any idea of the ages of the jury members?
Do you know the actual composition of the jury?
Did you listen to the evidence?
Have you read a transcript of the proceedings?
How do you know what particular aspects of the evidence influenced their decision?
And can you answer these questions, Barrie. If not then perhaps it's more than "so he squeezed her ass" as per your post 859.
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Old 27-09-2014, 22:23   #876
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Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by putsinker View Post
She wer bent over't loom wen id appened....she wer titenin this nut on this sprokit,,,,,,,wi a dirty gret big Whitworth spanner....wen mi and just slipped out of mi am not one to mek indiscretions,,,,,,,an mi morals er fer cast in stone,,,,,,,,,,in mi mind ther wer perfect intentions,,,,,,,but mi and ad a mind of it's own...............well, a felt that gret big Whitworth spanner,,,,,,cum dewn on mi knuckles real mean,,,,,,,so ad best keep mi ands in mi pocket,,,,,,next time't lass is fixin't machine.....Boom Boom.
My were there !
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 27-09-2014, 23:08   #877
I am Banned

Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by putsinker View Post
She wer bent over't loom wen id appened....she wer titenin this nut on this sprokit,,,,,,,wi a dirty gret big Whitworth spanner....wen mi and just slipped out of mi am not one to mek indiscretions,,,,,,,an mi morals er fer cast in stone,,,,,,,,,,in mi mind ther wer perfect intentions,,,,,,,but mi and ad a mind of it's own...............well, a felt that gret big Whitworth spanner,,,,,,cum dewn on mi knuckles real mean,,,,,,,so ad best keep mi ands in mi pocket,,,,,,next time't lass is fixin't machine.....Boom Boom.
Shame on you Mr B making light of a serious assault on a woman.
Maybe things are different in Vietnam and other parts of the Eastern world?
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Last edited by DtheP47; 27-09-2014 at 23:10.
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Old 28-09-2014, 05:20   #878
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Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

He Hee, Asia's not so bad like that, in fact for all the bad press that Thailand gets the Thai moral code is quite strict. A friend of mine went to a local village meeting where one Thai fella, a bit worse for wear after imbibing on the local rice wine, had a bit of a feel of my mate's Thai wife's bum. My mate and his wife were down at the local police station making a formal complaint the morning after and this Thai guy received a visit from the police. Shortly after he was round at my mate's house . He had a big bunch of flowers for her, he went down on his knees and and begged for forgiveness. He was then told to put 10,000 Baht on the table and leave (About 170 quid, a lot of money for a Thai villager). The alternative, was to face a Thai court with probably a short prison sentence. Now then, lets talk about personal experiences. A few years ago, when I lived in Madagascar, I was in the town disco in Diego Suarez. I popped into the gents for a quick Jimmy Riddle. As I was getting my little brother out, a hand came round and actually held him for me, when I finished, the hand gave him a little shake and returned him to his enclave. I turned and saw this gorgeous Polynesian looking goddess. She explained , in perfect French, that competition for white mails in Madagascar was fierce, and this was her way of inviting me for a dance. I wonder what Accrington magistrates court would have made of that one????????
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Old 28-09-2014, 06:25   #879
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Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by putsinker View Post
He Hee, Asia's not so bad like that, in fact for all the bad press that Thailand gets the Thai moral code is quite strict. A friend of mine went to a local village meeting where one Thai fella, a bit worse for wear after imbibing on the local rice wine, had a bit of a feel of my mate's Thai wife's bum. My mate and his wife were down at the local police station making a formal complaint the morning after and this Thai guy received a visit from the police. Shortly after he was round at my mate's house . He had a big bunch of flowers for her, he went down on his knees and and begged for forgiveness. He was then told to put 10,000 Baht on the table and leave (About 170 quid, a lot of money for a Thai villager). The alternative, was to face a Thai court with probably a short prison sentence. Now then, lets talk about personal experiences. A few years ago, when I lived in Madagascar, I was in the town disco in Diego Suarez. I popped into the gents for a quick Jimmy Riddle. As I was getting my little brother out, a hand came round and actually held him for me, when I finished, the hand gave him a little shake and returned him to his enclave. I turned and saw this gorgeous Polynesian looking goddess. She explained , in perfect French, that competition for white mails in Madagascar was fierce, and this was her way of inviting me for a dance. I wonder what Accrington magistrates court would have made of that one????????
Sorry, "males" I've just got up.
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Old 28-09-2014, 06:50   #880
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Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

I'm not trying to justify his actions (he's still a sex pest in my eyes),I just wonder if he hadn't been a celebrity and was joe soap,just a bloke in the office would they even have investigated it?
Men and women shouldn't feel they are free to grope another person.
I feel the time and effort that's gone into this case may have been better spent with some of the more serious cases.
I have the impression that having failed on the more serious charges they were determined to get DLT on something.

I wonder how many other folk (men and women) in this country should be on a suspended sentence?
Did the judge take into account the fact that the woman involved has used the incident in her stand up routine? Hmmm

Should folk grope other folk? No.
Should the punishment take account of the effect of the incident on the 'victim'? Yes
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Old 28-09-2014, 07:19   #881
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Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

I can answer that one for you.
If he had been another Joe soap, the incident would not have been brushed aside.
He would have been disciplined by his employers.
But as he was seen as some kind of media personality, and she was just getting started on her career, nothing was done for 19 years.

As for the time and effort going into something more serious........if this was a female relative of yours, it would be serious.
You would be wanting this man to get his just it is and because of the time that has elapsed you see it as something that is of little consequence.

As to your last mention of the person using it in her stand up comedy routine.......well, sometimes to cope with bad situations laughter is used to take the sting out of it(I know this to be true, because having worked in situations which have been humour has helped not exactly normalise, but to make things more acceptable......not that I am saying any kind of sexual abuse is acceptable).

This man is a sexual predator......and he doesn't like people knowing that.
He tried to call the victims liars and fantasists....he wasn't doing anything wrong in his eyes, he still thinks he wasn't doing anything wrong and that should tell you he would do it again.
He has learned nothing. He should have gone to jail.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-09-2014, 07:43   #882
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Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

I was once in a bar in Pattaya,sat avin a beer with mi chum,
When this beautiful young Asian lady, came over and felt at mi bum,
Buy me a drink will you mister, she whispered so sweet in mi ear,
I simply just couldn't resist her, I think t'was the effects of the beer,
We sat and we chatted for hours, till she asked me would I walk her home,
when I noticed a bulge in her panties, it looked like two nuts and a bone,
The moral of this little story, is plain for you all to observe,
If you stray from the path straight and narrow, yer gonna get what you deserve.
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Old 28-09-2014, 08:20   #883
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Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

I think that is called 'natural justice'.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 28-09-2014, 08:51   #884
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Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Being a gluten for punishment, I (mistakenly) asked Mrs explorer what she thought about sexual harassment/abuse as I jokingly pinched her bum (whilst allegedly "smiling") wrong move if ever I made one.

"I find it highly offensive that you can make light of such a subject" was her reply....I wasn't expecting that
She went on to tell me about a guy she use to work with who held a very high position in the company.
She said he always made snide/horrid comments when she walked past his office like "why don't you come in here and sit on my lap" Or "you look gorgeous today love, you have amazing legs".

She said at first she brushed it off but she eventually became tired of it because it was happening daily.She even said she had to walk a different way in a bid to avoid him. Apparently, he was well known for being like that but nobody said anything because of his rank in the company.
She went on to tell me how depressed this eventually made her and how she had to quit a well paid job leaving her in financial difficulty for a number of months......

.....Accyexplorer wonders how much it's going to cost to get back in the good books
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Old 28-09-2014, 09:28   #885
I am Banned

Re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by putsinker View Post
I was once in a bar in Pattaya,sat avin a beer with mi chum,
When this beautiful young Asian lady, came over and felt at mi bum,
Buy me a drink will you mister, she whispered so sweet in mi ear,
I simply just couldn't resist her, I think t'was the effects of the beer,
We sat and we chatted for hours, till she asked me would I walk her home,
when I noticed a bulge in her panties, it looked like two nuts and a bone,
The moral of this little story, is plain for you all to observe,
If you stray from the path straight and narrow, yer gonna get what you deserve.
Maybe you shoulda' posted this on the "An accident waiting to happen" thread Mr B?
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