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03-08-2012, 15:51
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Re: Doctor Who
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
05-08-2012, 17:19
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Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by shillelagh
Does look interesting, though. Just hope the plots aren't too complicated to understand: as put me off the last series. Anyone watch Matt Smith in the drama/doc about the olympic rowers? Absorbing and brilliantly acted by all concerned.
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08-08-2012, 05:41
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Re: Doctor Who
Really This is a great show ever fore me.I have watched the first season of this show and I liked that so much.But i am not interested in other seasons..but now so much excited about the episodes of this show...
08-08-2012, 09:57
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by nicolet
Really This is a great show ever fore me.I have watched the first season of this show and I liked that so much.But i am not interested in other seasons..but now so much excited about the episodes of this show...
Green Karma for the first translation into English.

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08-08-2012, 10:06
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Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by nicolet
Really This is a great show ever fore me.I have watched the first season of this show and I liked that so much.But i am not interested in other seasons..but now so much excited about the episodes of this show...
Originally Posted by Less
Green Karma for the first translation into English.

Looking at the username I did wonder if this might be AudiBMWGuy's girlfriend in another guise - perhaps she's sodded off to America to get away from him?
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08-08-2012, 22:48
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Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by nicolet
Really This is a great show ever fore me.I have watched the first season of this show and I liked that so much.But i am not interested in other seasons..but now so much excited about the episodes of this show...
Stick with it. David Tennant was largely regarded as being pretty excellent as the Tenth Doctor for his five year run and Matt Smith has now taken it off in another direction.
I was a little concerned that he was only 26 when he took over but his first episode, The Eleventh Hour completely blew me away.
08-08-2012, 22:59
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Re: Doctor Who
i dont like dr who ... the spugster loves it ...
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
16-09-2012, 18:59
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Re: Doctor Who
My 15 year old daughter & I always watch it, really liked the first 2 episodes of the latest series but last nights wasn't as good. The first one with the new companion in was interesting I wonder how they will introduce her at christmas knowing she ends up Dalek, Steven Moffet has a warped mind. Shame only 2 more to go in the series.
28-01-2013, 12:34
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Re: Doctor Who
Second half of the new series starts on 30th March for an eight episode run.
All eleven Doctors are reported to be involved in the anniversary special, with a Christmas special featuring 9, 10 and 11 called The Three Kings which sounds interesting.
Personally, I'm just looking forward to seeing more screen time for Paul McGann.
12-04-2013, 21:06
Senior Member
Re: Doctor Who
I'm losing the will to live watching the current series, reminiscent of the dark days of Sylvester (that guy from Vision On) McCoy and Bonnie (scweam and scweam til i'm thstick) Langford which pretty much killed off Dr Who once before.
Matt Smith just cannot do intelligent and eccentric, wearing a bow tie as a prop is no substitute for acting. The scripts are as puerile as stories from 60's comics such as the Hotspur or Valiant. Last weeks special effects of riding a hover bike across the expanse of space, were pathetic, 14 year old you tube amateurs produce far better. The BBC cannot even produce a decent background starfield.
Sci-Fi requires that you suspend belief, and good sci-fi is immersive and kinda makes you forget reality and the laws of physics. Riding a motor bike without wheels between planets without the need for air or pressure suits (coupled with crap special effects) requires too much suspension, as does believing that you can sing a lullaby across a vaccum and soothe a demon on a distant planet to sleep.
I love sci-fi..I watch all kinds of rubbish on Sky but this current Dr Who's acting/writing/effects/direction is absolute garbage!
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12-04-2013, 21:09
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Re: Doctor Who
I haven't watched it since the days when the chap with the long scarf was in it.
I prefer my sci-fi to be more thought provoking.
12-04-2013, 21:19
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Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by Guinness
I'm losing the will to live watching the current series, reminiscent of the dark days of Sylvester (that guy from Vision On) McCoy and Bonnie (scweam and scweam til i'm thstick) Langford which pretty much killed off Dr Who once before.
Matt Smith just cannot do intelligent and eccentric, wearing a bow tie as a prop is no substitute for acting. The scripts are as puerile as stories from 60's comics such as the Hotspur or Valiant. Last weeks special effects of riding a hover bike across the expanse of space, were pathetic, 14 year old you tube amateurs produce far better. The BBC cannot even produce a decent background starfield.
Sci-Fi requires that you suspend belief, and good sci-fi is immersive and kinda makes you forget reality and the laws of physics. Riding a motor bike without wheels between planets without the need for air or pressure suits (coupled with crap special effects) requires too much suspension, as does believing that you can sing a lullaby across a vaccum and soothe a demon on a distant planet to sleep.
I love sci-fi..I watch all kinds of rubbish on Sky but this current Dr Who's acting/writing/effects/direction is absolute garbage!
I agree. Watched last Saturday's tonight on BBC3 - possibly the worst episode ever!!
13-04-2013, 18:17
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Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by steve2qec
I agree. Watched last Saturday's tonight on BBC3 - possibly the worst episode ever!!
Recorded it for test purposes last week and just now. Only watched a few mins from last week's, and saw Matt Smith and a new girl flouncing around the TARDIS console.
Unfortunately, I have to have the audio on for the test. The screenplay seemed as bad as the acting.
14-04-2013, 11:02
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Re: Doctor Who
after been brought back from the dead and totally revamping the show this new writer for teh show is undoing all the good work.
dr who has neve rbeen known for its amazing special effects but this new lot is making red dwarfs effects look awsome and red dwarfs effects were deliberatly bad
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14-04-2013, 17:57
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Re: Doctor Who
I think the makers of Dr Who realise that the story lines are weak, and the dialogue is to complicated to follow that they are making a big play on special effects in the hope of carrying the series forward. Matt Smith tries to play it for laughs, but his acting is woeful, it's almost like panto. I used to look forward to the Xmas shows......but they have been a none event.....time to regenerate I think and get some decent plot lines
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