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05-04-2011, 11:53
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Doctor Who
The latest series (the 32nd season) is being trailed quite a bit at the moment and it looks promising but despite a confirmed air date of 23rd April on BBC America there is nothing from this side of the pond.
As ever I'm as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve, anyone else feel the same?
05-04-2011, 12:19
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Re: Doctor Who
yep, saw a trailer for it the other day...i was gutted when all it said was 'coming soon'
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05-04-2011, 13:23
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Re: Doctor Who
05-04-2011, 13:30
Common Sense Member
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Re: Doctor Who
It's the expected date but as yet it still hasn't been officially confirmed by the BBC.
05-04-2011, 17:46
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Re: Doctor Who
[quote=Ken Moss;896221]The latest series (the 32nd season) is being trailed quite a bit at the moment and it looks promising but despite a confirmed air date of 23rd April on BBC America there is nothing from this side of the pond.
Wish I could find out when its on Ken then I could make sure I don't switch it on by mistake 
23-04-2011, 11:46
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Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
The latest series (the 32nd season) is being trailed quite a bit at the moment and it looks promising but despite a confirmed air date of 23rd April on BBC America there is nothing from this side of the pond.
Wish I could find out when its on Ken then I could make sure I don't switch it on by mistake 
Tonight at 6pm, BBC One.
Straight afterwards on CBBC there's a 15 minute tribute to Elisabeth Sladen, otherwise known as companion Sarah Jane Smith who died earlier this week.
01-05-2011, 08:14
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Re: Doctor Who
I love the feel of this new series but I'm glad I'm not a casual viewer. The pace of the dialogue is way too fast because if you miss something then it's likely that you've probably missed something important.
However, the tone is much darker than before and we've lost most of the RTD era slush which was bogging it down in the end. Good cliffhanger last night, too.
23-05-2011, 07:09
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Re: Doctor Who
Not quite the Accyweb interest in the series as there was last year. I must say I'm thoroughly enjoying the new episodes though, just good storytelling, direction and production.
I'm happy to see that they've ditched the companion-in-love-with-the-Doctor routine and I don't live in fear of a sky full of Daleks or Rose Tyler at the end of each series now.
General thumbs up from me although next week's episode is the last before a break of a few months.
Not sure about that.
23-05-2011, 09:23
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Re: Doctor Who
yup they mentioned that they are doing more breaks in the show or something to improve merchandise sales.Apparently if they spin the show out longer it keeps the appeal for the action figures etc higher
roughly what they said in an interview it was a few months ago .
no need for breaks in a series just show the damn shows then get the next show along instead of using a good show as a breaker between the other crap shows they put on
getting used to the new doctor and the slutty chicks not bad but that rodney trotter lookalike needs to be killed off sharpish
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
01-10-2011, 10:17
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Re: Doctor Who
Final episode of the series tonight and I'm looking forward to a few loose ends being tied up. However, knowing Steven Moffatt this will not be the case.
Matt Smith shines as the Doctor although Amy and Rory do seem to have run out of steam as companions and since they were nicely written out two weeks ago and tonight's episode will involve them earlier in their timeline I hope they will leave room for new blood on board the TARDIS.
Still got quite a thing for Alex Kingston though....
01-10-2011, 13:06
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Re: Doctor Who
I haven't seen any of the "new" Doctor Who series apart from the Christopher Ecclestone one which brought The Doctor back out of retirement. That was great because he's such a brilliant actor.
As a child I loved John Pertwee and then Tom Baker who were both definitive Doctors -used to hide behind the settee when the Daleks came on back then....
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02-08-2012, 10:03
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Re: Doctor Who
New series is due to start anytime soon, must say I'm looking forward to the first episode which will include every single type of Dalek onscreen since 1963.
Trailer on Saturday night, so I'm told.
02-08-2012, 17:53
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Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
The latest series (the 32nd season) is being trailed quite a bit at the moment and it looks promising but despite a confirmed air date of 23rd April on BBC America there is nothing from this side of the pond.
As ever I'm as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve, anyone else feel the same?
Can't quite take to Matt Smith in the title role, much preferred his predecessor. My grandchildren think Merlin is much better and destined to return in the autumn.
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02-08-2012, 22:24
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Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
New series is due to start anytime soon, must say I'm looking forward to the first episode which will include every single type of Dalek onscreen since 1963.
Trailer on Saturday night, so I'm told.
it was on tonite during the olympics on bbc 1
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
03-08-2012, 08:19
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by shillelagh
it was on tonite during the olympics on bbc 1
I refuse to watch 12 hours of the Olympics Just hoping to catch a Dr. Who Trailer.

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