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Old 25-05-2010, 01:38   #16
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Just think...Sir Horrace could have had 6 weeks in Ossy. I wonder what he would have had to say then?
We don't tolerate toffs in Ossy.

Old man Hargreaves tried throwing his weight about at York St. Methodist Chapel, and was soon booted out by his eglaitarian minded fellow worshippers.

Even though most would be back in his mills, come Monday morning.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-08-2010, 18:27   #17
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

Probably whistling in the wind, but need to investigate further.

It turns out that Caroline's husband, the Marquis de Jaucourt, is related to every crowned head in Europe, through the Hanovers, and is a blood relative of our Queen Victoria.

Now for the grasping at straws.

My paternal grandmother told me she had an aunt who was related to Queen Victoria. She also told me we were descendents of Hogarth, which explained her's, and my own, artistic leanings. So I took all this with a pinch of salt.

I have never heard of any blood ties that Queen Victoria had to Accrington, other than through this information about the Marquis de Jaucourt.

My grandmother's family were Worsley-Taylors, and in the C19th lived at Moreton Hall, near Whalley Nab. My grandmother stayed there as a child, and was invited to a demolition party in the fifties, when the Elizabeathen house was pulled down. Only the gatehouse survives, which you can see on Whalley Rd.

Since Caroline Steiner had so many siblings, did any of them marry a Worsley-Taylor, or which there were equally many off-spring?

Is there any truth in my grandmother's tale?

I never remeber her telling me anything that she didn't believe to be true.

Further investigation required.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-08-2010, 18:49   #18
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

WOW! What a fantastic story! Love it! Keep delving! Cant wait for next chapter!
Photo here of Moreton Hall.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Moreton Hall.jpg (510.9 KB, 16 views)
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Old 29-08-2010, 07:45   #19
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

Garinda, you've got me "going" again on this marvellous Steiner story. Here is a photo of The White House. Some building eh? It became the Royal Ballet School. So this is where one of the Steiners lived!

Last edited by Atarah; 29-08-2010 at 07:49.
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Old 13-09-2011, 13:10   #20
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

I have today had reason to go to Hartman Street and again, was looking at the fabulous hotel at the top of the street, but then I noticed, on the same side, lower down, is a rather nice large type terraced property known as REGENT HOUSE, then.... lower down, the house at no. 8 is also known as "Pembroke House".
There MUST be some truth in the tale about King Edward V11 and Accrington!!!!
An Earl of Pembroke was at the King's coronation!!!
Mmmmm! Interesting!

Princess Daisy of Pless: The Happy Years. An exhibition at Castle Pless
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Old 13-09-2011, 16:42   #21
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

Originally Posted by Atarah View Post
I have today had reason to go to Hartman Street and again, was looking at the fabulous hotel at the top of the street, but then I noticed, on the same side, lower down, is a rather nice large type terraced property known as REGENT HOUSE, then.... lower down, the house at no. 8 is also known as "Pembroke House".
There MUST be some truth in the tale about King Edward V11 and Accrington!!!!
An Earl of Pembroke was at the King's coronation!!!
Mmmmm! Interesting!

Princess Daisy of Pless: The Happy Years. An exhibition at Castle Pless
Anyone in the vicinity with access to their deeds?

I'm sure Atarah would love a respectful shufty at them, to see if she could unearth any interesting information about this royal mystery.

I'd happily accompany her.

We occasionally pair up to do the odd bit of sleuthing.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 13-09-2011, 17:37   #22
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

NOTICE ia hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore
subsisting between the undersigned, Robert Ellis
Green, James Hartman'n, Eliza Emma Hartmann, Francois,
Comte de Janconrt/and Victoria Lina de Jaucourt, carrying
on business at Church and Manchester, 'both in the county
of Lancaster, as Turkey Bed Dyers and Calico Printers,
under the style or firm of F. "Steiner -and 'Co., is this day
dissolved, by mutual consent, so far as regards the said
Robert Ellis Green, who retires therefrom. All deb'ts due
and owing to and by the late firm will be received and paid
by the said James Hartmann, Eliza Emma Hartmann,
Francois, Comte de Jaucourt, and Victoria Lina de Jaucourt,
who will continue the business as heretofore, under the
same style or firm.—Dated this 18th day of March, 1874.
Robt. E. Green.
James Hartmann.
E. Emma Hartmann.
Fr. de Jaucourt.
Victoria Lina de Jattconrt

Only of interest because by this date Lina/ Caroline was Comtesse de Jaucourt.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 13-09-2011, 17:45   #23
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

Only of interest because it concerns the estate of the recently deceased Frederick Steiner.

Frederick Steiner Esq., deceased,
who died on the 29th day of November,
1869, and whose will was proved ou the 18ih day of
March, 1870, by Eliza Emma Hartmann (wife of James
Hartmaon), and Victoria Lina Countesse de Jaucourt (wif?
of Francois Count de Jaucourt), and Frederick Albert
Gatty, the executrixes and executors therein named, are
hereby required to send in the particulars of their claim* 10
Frederick Albert Gatty, of Hagg Works, near Accriogton,
in the county of Lancaster, on or before the 20th day of
April, 1870, after which date the said executrixes and
executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said
deceased, for the benefit of the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the debts or claims of which they
shall then have had notice.—Dated this 21st day of March,
SHAW and TREMELLEN, No. 14, Gray's-innsquare,
Middlesex, Solicitors for the Executrixes
and Executor.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 13-09-2011, 17:58   #24
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

Found Lina's will, which I can't copy.

Comtesse de Jaucourt, Victoria Lina of 62 Rue Varenne. Paris, France.
Widow, died 24th March, 1925.
Probate granted to Marquis de Jaucourt.

Effects £25,064. 16s 8d.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 13-09-2011, 18:29   #25
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

Hey, thanks a lot for all this info Garinda. Where on earth do you find it all. The amount of money which Comtesse de Jaucourt, Victoria Lina (nee Steiner) left, was a heck of a lot of money for those days, eh?
Keep searching please!
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Old 13-09-2011, 20:33   #26
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

It seems Accrington's Lina Steiner was also a friend of Queen Alexandra's, as well as being a favourite of her husband the King.

The Prince of Wales's Royal grandmother, Queen
Alexandra, has still a number of chosen friends in Paris,
and she has reminiscences of many whom her con-
sort delighted to honour the Galliffets, the Sagans,
Baronne Alphonse de Rothschild, the Marquise de
Canisy, the Vicomtesse de Courval (the American
Miss Ray), the Marquise de Jaucourt.
Read the ebook King Edward in his true colours by Edward Legge
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 13-09-2011, 21:09   #27
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

Apparently there's a photograph of Lina, Marquise de Jacourt taken in 1925, the year that she died.

Interestingly it's kept at Yale University, in the papers of Violet Trefusis, daughter of Alice Keppel...mistress of Edward VII.

Apparently her name, Marquise de Jacourt, is written under one of the photographs in this album.

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Just to difficult for me to see which is the right photograph, even when enlarged.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 13-09-2011, 21:46   #28
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

Hyndburn House was situated in a fine park of large extent, which now gives its name to a district and council school. The mansion was probably first erected by the Ellison family. Mrs Wilcock the sister of Jonathan Peel resided here until she married the Rev John Park, resident curate of St James Church.
Hyndburn house was re-built by Robert Peel, the eldest son of the first Jonathan Peel of Accrington House and he removed from Hyndburn House in 1834 when his father died. Robert Peel died in 1839 and the Peel's sold Hyndburn House to Frederick Steiner in 1849. Steiner enlarged the house and converted it into one of the finest in the district, he died in 1868. One of his daughters married Mr Hartmann and resided here, and Cobden and Bright of corn repeal fame were entertained at the house.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-09-2011, 11:44   #29
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

Originally Posted by garinda View Post

My paternal grandmother told me she had an aunt who was related to Queen Victoria.

My grandmother's family were Worsley-Taylors, and in the C19th lived at Moreton Hall, near Whalley Nab. My grandmother stayed there as a child, and was invited to a demolition party in the fifties, when the Elizabeathen house was pulled down. Only the gatehouse survives, which you can see on Whalley Rd.

Where exactly does this leave you in line to the throne?

Shame they knocked the family home down it looked pretty impressive...

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 14-09-2011, 12:25   #30
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Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Where exactly does this leave you in line to the throne?

Shame they knocked the family home down it looked pretty impressive...
Down my paternal grandmother's line, even though she could be a bit snooty about her Morton Hall links, none.

Down another line, via Pendle villages, and then through someone called Marmaduke Beckwith, directly back to King John.

Sounds odd, but was just lucky, because they didn't move around much for a couple of hundred years.

Though if you bear in mind that if you go back 1,000 years we all have literally tens of thousands of great grandparents many times removed, so half the country will have a direct link to Lackland too.

Nnety percent of us all will be in some way related.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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