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DVD/TV/Film Discussion If you sit in front of a screen and watch it, here's the place to discuss it.

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Old 24-03-2016, 22:21   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
It's Ten O'clock at night for God's sake!

At the moment of writing this the time is correct, I have just switched to a programme called Family Guy I enjoy both this and a sister programme called Family Guy.

Both of these are animations that are close to the knuckle with their humour.

Before each episode of these prog's an announcer tells us 'THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMME CONTAINS ADULT HUMOUR'.

I know this I've seen what they have done before and sometimes the progs will be on until 2 or later at night. always with the above warning.


An adult prog is on when there should only be adults up and about, surely?

If an adult is allowing a child to be up at this time two thoughts cross my mind.

1/ The adult doesn't care less and will let a child watch anything.

2/ The adult isn't present and the unsupervised child is hardly likely to think to itself, 'Oh dear I'd better not watch this then'.

So, is there any point in announcing, 'THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMME CONTAINS ADULT HUMOUR'? Anyone irresponsible doesn't care and anyone responsible has already tucked the little ones in to bed with a hot water bottle and a cup of Horlicks in plenty of time for themselves to enjoy Adult humour.
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Old 24-03-2016, 22:26   #2
Beacon of light

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Re: It's Ten O'clock at night for God's sake!

I like to know if there is 'adult' humour. This usually means that it isn't really humourous, but is based on lavatorial/sexual themes.
When films or programmes tell me that they have adult themes or violence.....I excuse myself and go to bed.
I am far to young (in my head I am only 14...and a young 14) to cope with adult themes.......and violence just gives me nightmares.
As I write this my other half is watching something with adult themes and violence which is why I am here doing this.
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Old 24-03-2016, 23:02   #3
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: It's Ten O'clock at night for God's sake!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I like to know if there is 'adult' humour. This usually means that it isn't really humourous, but is based on lavatorial/sexual themes.
When films or programmes tell me that they have adult themes or violence.....I excuse myself and go to bed.
I am far to young (in my head I am only 14...and a young 14) to cope with adult themes.......and violence just gives me nightmares.
As I write this my other half is watching something with adult themes and violence which is why I am here doing this.
This is where we are allowed to differ, adult humour, often involves all you said, just because you don't find it humorous doesn't mean it isn't humorous, some of it is tongue in cheek and subtle that doesn't mean offensive. However I wouldn't allow a child to watch it, after all if a child laughs at sexual innuendo what has been going on to make someone so young understand?
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Old 25-03-2016, 00:00   #4
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Re: It's Ten O'clock at night for God's sake!

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Know what you mean. Before every UFC program we have the warning: "May contain violence." I damn well hope it does. And how about those signs on packs of smokes: "Cigarettes are addictive." Well, no shiite Sherlock ... I've been wondering for years why I buy the damn things. I wonder if the offerings on porn channels are preceded by "May contain nudity and explicit sexual content." Are these warnings necessary for a movie called "Gang Bang lV?"
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Old 25-03-2016, 05:43   #5
God Member

Re: It's Ten O'clock at night for God's sake!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I like to know if there is 'adult' humour. This usually means that it isn't really humourous, but is based on lavatorial/sexual themes.
oh it gets worse than that lol

brilliant show which considering the following it shoudlnt be by todays lunatic do gooder world where you cant make fun of anyone

a baby that can talk with an amazing IQ that hates his mother and has tried on a few occasions to assassinate her

a dog that not only talks but has sex with female humans

a pedophile that is given free roam and often tries to seduce a teenage boy whom he has a fixation on

many distasteful remarks mainly aimed at jews ..This is ok as i think one of the writers is jewish

a crippled police officer who is often mocked for not been able to use his legs who also has a wife who has sex with anyone with a pulse

a sexual deviant who likes his women three at a time as long as the combined age of all three is under 60

cant put jim davidson on tv though hes not clean enough for UK tv lol

it should be a warning saying if easly offended not adult humor
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 25-03-2016, 08:39   #6
Beacon of light

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Re: It's Ten O'clock at night for God's sake!

Originally Posted by Less View Post
This is where we are allowed to differ, adult humour, often involves all you said, just because you don't find it humorous doesn't mean it isn't humorous, some of it is tongue in cheek and subtle that doesn't mean offensive. However I wouldn't allow a child to watch it, after all if a child laughs at sexual innuendo what has been going on to make someone so young understand?
Yes, of course Less. And that is what makes the world interesting.
I have to say that I do make exceptions from time to time.
I watched the series 'Happy Valley'....Mainly, because I am a fan of the writer (Sally Wainright) and the actress Sarah Lancashire.
Yes,there were adult themes. Yes, there was violence, but it was all in keeping with the storyline and had not been put in purely to attract viewers.

I have also watched the 'Night Manager'.....some of it from the back of the sofa(I told you I was only 14 in my head).
I didn't appreciate the view of Hiddleston's bum while they performed the horizontal tango in the vertical plane.....but then that is just me. I would have preferred it if the producers had implied what was going on......again that is just me.
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Old 25-03-2016, 09:53   #7
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: It's Ten O'clock at night for God's sake!

Originally Posted by Less View Post
At the moment of writing this the time is correct, I have just switched to a programme called Family Guy I enjoy both this and a sister programme called Family Guy.
By the way the sister prog' is American Dad just thought I'd throw in a correction so folk know what to avoid.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 25-03-2016, 10:06   #8
Beacon of light

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Re: It's Ten O'clock at night for God's sake!

Less, I am very choosy in what i watch. If I had my way the TV would be off most of the time.
Himself watches anything rather then press the 'off' button.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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