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17-10-2012, 13:20
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Less
Yet another pathetic attempt at humour, when you finally grow up what do you want to be?
A free sentient being ,,but if not a comedian might be a possible route 
17-10-2012, 13:43
Beacon of light
Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS
i don't beieve for one minute the outrageous 'bills' folk get are a direct consequence of anything i or others like me (non payers) have done(Although these companys do like you to think that) 
So you think that everything you get should be free......that the men and women who work to provide you with services that you need to live, are not worthy of their hire??
You make everything the rest of us use and pay for, more expensive because you do not pay....not only are you a sponger, and a free loader, you are selfish too.
Don't wait for me to start a law thread...you will be waiting a damn long time.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
17-10-2012, 13:51
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS
A free sentient being ,,but if not a comedian might be a possible route 
What a shame, I think you are being overambitious on both counts, perhaps you need to crawl back under your stone and consider something you are more likely to achieve?
Have you considered brain dead?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
17-10-2012, 14:13
I am Banned
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
So you think that everything you get should be free......that the men and women who work to provide you with services that you need to live, are not worthy of their hire??
You make everything the rest of us use and pay for, more expensive because you do not pay....not only are you a sponger, and a free loader, you are selfish too.
Don't wait for me to start a law thread...you will be waiting a damn long time.
Marg i'm sure your well aware of the profits these companys make each year, With that amount of money they can afford freeloaders,scrounger's etc and still pay waages don't try make out it's my, freeloaders,scrounger's fault prices are silly cos it won't wash.if they were on your/our side i think we would have vertually free energy...Who benefits most from free energy being suppressed? "Follow the money" as they say 
17-10-2012, 14:19
Resting In Peace
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Re: Licence's
There's nothing I'd like better than not to have to pay for my utilities. But I live in the real world and know that if I did this while obtaining them from utility companies I would be cheating my fellow citizens and making them pay more on their bills. As Margaret says this is selfish and sponging off others. The only way to achieve your dream is to live in the middle of nowhere, build a wind generator, dig a well, build a reed bed for sewage treatment and chop down some trees for fuel.
You would then be truly self sufficient without sponging off others so why don't you go away and research such a lifestyle instead of coming on here and boasting about how much you can get away with without having to pay for it. The hard work might do you good and we'd all be a lot happier. But I guess you're also lazy and couldn't do that in a million years.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
17-10-2012, 14:45
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by susie123
The only way to achieve your dream is to live in the middle of nowhere, build a wind generator, dig a well, build a reed bed for sewage treatment and chop down some trees for fuel.
there's nothing i'd like more at this point in my life .....have we found Common ground  ??
I've looked into this live of the land lifestyle(I lived in a tent for 5mnths eating rabbits,hedgehog,nettle soup etc and collecting/treating water) but you see the system makes it's so hard to live without certain things i feel it's best to avoid it if poss.So for now your stuck with me 
17-10-2012, 15:17
Resting In Peace
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS
there's nothing i'd like more at this point in my life .....have we found Common ground  ??
I've looked into this live of the land lifestyle(I lived in a tent for 5mnths eating rabbits,hedgehog,nettle soup etc and collecting/treating water) but you see the system makes it's so hard to live without certain things i feel it's best to avoid it if poss.So for now your stuck with me 
Well I've done some of it - lived in a cottage in the middle of a field, used a woodstove for cooking and heating, grew vegetables, kept animals, chopped wood... We had a well but couldn't use it cos some idiot had chucked rubbish down it.
Mind you that was years ago before everyone needed computers and all the other electronic gadgets that are essential nowadays. No Accyweb forums then!
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
17-10-2012, 15:42
Beacon of light
Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS
Marg i'm sure your well aware of the profits these companys make each year, With that amount of money they can afford freeloaders,scrounger's etc and still pay waages don't try make out it's my, freeloaders,scrounger's fault prices are silly cos it won't wash.if they were on your/our side i think we would have vertually free energy...Who benefits most from free energy being suppressed? "Follow the money" as they say 
I am well aware of the profits made by companies,(they need to make it worthwhile for investors to put money into the pot, to maintain infrastructure.R&D and the like) but they are in it to make a profit, they are not philanthropists.
Pointing out the profits they make, doesn't take away the fact that you are not paying your way....just diverting the the discussion away from your sponging and freeloading ways.
I have worked very hard all of my life to have the lifestyle which I have.......I do not wish to be paying for you to freeload off my(and your community's) efforts.
The only energy that is free is what I dry my washing with.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
17-10-2012, 16:10
I am Banned
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I am well aware of the profits made by companies,(they need to make it worthwhile for investors to put money into the pot, to maintain infrastructure.R&D and the like) but they are in it to make a profit, they are not philanthropists.
Pointing out the profits they make, doesn't take away the fact that you are not paying your way....just diverting the the discussion away from your sponging and freeloading ways.
I have worked very hard all of my life to have the lifestyle which I have.......I do not wish to be paying for you to freeload off my(and your community's) efforts.
The only energy that is free is what I dry my washing with.
My sponging and freeloading ways should be the least of your worries if you honestly think Any of these companys have your best intrests at heart,,,congrats on paying into the system tho,,,, hopefully it's looked after you for your contributions instead of using you as a cash cow?
To be honest I really don't care what folk think of my ways/views but i think you've sussed that by now(selfish? maaybe),,, it could be worse seen as i'm entitled to benefits of the state but choose not to accept there kind offer 
17-10-2012, 16:16
I am Banned
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by susie123
Well I've done some of it - lived in a cottage in the middle of a field, used a woodstove for cooking and heating, grew vegetables, kept animals, chopped wood... We had a well but couldn't use it cos some idiot had chucked rubbish down it.
Mind you that was years ago before everyone needed computers and all the other electronic gadgets that are essential nowadays. No Accyweb forums then!
Sounds like you was living my dream sue(apart from the well,which was'nt me before you ask  ) Can i ask why you left that lifestyle?
No Accyweb   
17-10-2012, 16:26
Beacon of light
Re: Licence's
I don't think the companies have my best interests at heart, they have their own best interests at heart. I pay because I am not a freeloader....I do not expect anyone else to pay my power bills, or for my utilities either.
I don't see myself as a cash cow either....a customer, yes.
Yes, you are selfish...no maybe about it.
Here ends my participation in this thread......it is becoming as circular of those of your alter ego.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
17-10-2012, 16:47
I am Banned
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I don't think the companies have my best interests at heart, they have their own best interests at heart. I pay because I am not a freeloader....I do not expect anyone else to pay my power bills, or for my utilities either.
I don't see myself as a cash cow either....a customer, yes.
Yes, you are selfish...no maybe about it.
Here ends my participation in this thread......it is becoming as circular of those of your alter ego.
1.I Don't think i've broken any laws by refusing to pay UU(till they want to contract with me it's stale mate) 
2.I dont' expect anyone to pay my power bills(i pay), or my utilities bill
3. cash cow/customer same thing
4.ok so I'm selfish(i like to help others tho) if that gets me any points back?
keep the input coming,,,,we are just getting to know one another 
Last edited by Neil; 18-10-2012 at 01:49.
Reason: *'s
17-10-2012, 16:50
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Re: Licence's
17-10-2012, 16:52
Resting In Peace
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS
Sounds like you was living my dream sue(apart from the well,which was'nt me before you ask  ) Can i ask why you left that lifestyle?
No Accyweb   
Yes you may ask... my other half was trying to run his own business from home selling computer software to engineering companies and fixing people's computers as a sideline - but as the year 2000 approached and people got scared by Y2K (the Millennium bug) his business dropped off and our income diminished. He was head hunted by an ex colleague for a job in the midlands and so we left our country cottage where we had lived for 18 years. Having bought it as a wreck and extended and refurbished we made a lot of money on it which helped a lot. We then moved into a 200 yr old property right in the centre of a town, just for a change.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
17-10-2012, 17:02
I am Banned
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by susie123
Yes you may ask... my other half was trying to run his own business from home selling computer software to engineering companies and fixing people's computers as a sideline - but as the year 2000 approached and people got scared by Y2K (the Millennium bug) his business dropped off and our income diminished. He was head hunted by an ex colleague for a job in the midlands and so we left our country cottage where we had lived for 18 years. Having bought it as a wreck and extended and refurbished we made a lot of money on it which helped a lot. We then moved into a 200 yr old property right in the centre of a town, just for a change.
i do believe i'm starting to admire you,,,good on you 
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