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Old 04-11-2012, 15:31   #16
Registered User

Re: Ossy wind farm

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
I have contacted the BBC re reception problem and they tell me there is not a problem with Winter Hill Transmitter so we should contact H.B.C. Ihave this morning sent an email to my local councillor and Hyndburn Borough Council
I wrote to my local councillors too on the 20th Oct when the reception was particularly bad and was subsequently asked if my neighbours were having similar problems. As it's dark when they arrive home I thought I'd leave it until this weekend - but I got diverted and haven't asked any of them yet.

I don't know if faulty suppressors have any effects on digital TV, as they did with analogue TV, but in case any of my electrical units were the problem I also turned them all off but the reception didn't improve.

It's so long ago that I forgot that we, and several of our neighbours on this street, used to have a TV reception problem when were first moved to Baxenden in 1980 which eventually was eliminated. We got told that the problems in the summer were due to trees on the rec. being in full leaf and the weather caused reception breakup in the winter.
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Old 04-11-2012, 15:44   #17
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Re: Ossy wind farm

Originally Posted by Lucysgirl View Post
I wrote to my local councillors too on the 20th Oct when the reception was particularly bad and was subsequently asked if my neighbours were having similar problems. As it's dark when they arrive home I thought I'd leave it until this weekend - but I got diverted and haven't asked any of them yet.

I don't know if faulty suppressors have any effects on digital TV, as they did with analogue TV, but in case any of my electrical units were the problem I also turned them all off but the reception didn't improve.

It's so long ago that I forgot that we, and several of our neighbours on this street, used to have a TV reception problem when were first moved to Baxenden in 1980 which eventually was eliminated. We got told that the problems in the summer were due to trees on the rec. being in full leaf and the weather caused reception breakup in the winter.
I sent my local councillor an email yesterday and got a reply today with the email address of the councillor who is dealing with these complaints If you pm me your email address I will forward it to you
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Old 04-11-2012, 19:27   #18
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Re: Ossy wind farm

I've also written to the BBC to confirm no current problems with Winter Hill And will then follow up with council. The planning application for the wind farm is available online fron Council website and one of the conditions was a contingency fund to be allowed for by construction firm to rectify TV reception problems so there is a tacit admission that the turbines can interfere with reception. One thing I have noticed is that the interference is predominantly during the day and early evening but clears up during the evening later presumably when no construction work or testing is happening.
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Old 04-11-2012, 19:31   #19
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Re: Ossy wind farm

Originally Posted by SteveKJ View Post
I've also written to the BBC to confirm no current problems with Winter Hill And will then follow up with council. The planning application for the wind farm is available online fron Council website and one of the conditions was a contingency fund to be allowed for by construction firm to rectify TV reception problems so there is a tacit admission that the turbines can interfere with reception. One thing I have noticed is that the interference is predominantly during the day and early evening but clears up during the evening later presumably when no construction work or testing is happening.
Yes I only notice it when any of the turbines are turning.I f you pm me with your email I can forward the emails I have got from my councillor with the details of who is dealing with it
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Old 22-11-2012, 17:22   #20
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Re: Ossy wind farm

TV reception is particularly bad tonight - the screen keeps freezing and I can only describe the international football match as though we were watching via a set of static picture post cards.

Latest News : HyndburnWindFarm
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Old 22-11-2012, 17:24   #21
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Re: Ossy wind farm

I received a letter from our MP Graham Jones yesterday with a phone number to contact Nathan Wicks from Energiekontor who are building the windmills. If any member wants the number please pm me
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Old 25-11-2012, 11:40   #22
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Re: Ossy wind farm

I asked in the corner newsagent shop if there'd been any progress on the effects caused by the wind farm which prompted the response' "Haven't you received the letter?". No I hadn't but there was a piece in this week's Accrington Observer which said there'd only been 60 complaints received about the wind farm causing disrupted TV reception. This prompted me to send an email directly to the contact address given in the Observer. I got a reply via email that day in which they asked for further information but my 2nd email has been rejected and returned by their server. I have a feeling that this is going to be a long saga.
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Old 25-11-2012, 11:50   #23
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Re: Ossy wind farm

I rang the phone number twice last week but still waiting a reply.Sent an email yesterday.Let's see what happens. I heard that Graham Jones brought the subject up in parliament.

Last edited by maxthecollie; 25-11-2012 at 11:51. Reason: extra text
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Old 25-11-2012, 11:52   #24
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Re: Ossy wind farm

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
I received a letter from our MP Graham Jones yesterday with a phone number to contact Nathan Wicks from Energiekontor who are building the windmills. If any member wants the number please pm me
Thanks, but as you can see I've already made contact. This is a time when I want to bring back "the good old days". I'm thinking about the time in the 1950s when all you had to do was go to the local post office to make a complaint. They'd send an engineer round with a gadget to test your TV and find the source of the disruption, which was usually a faulty suppressor in either yours or a neighbour's fridge (for example), but was often a vehicle's ancient suppressor. When I visited my grandmother's house she'd always know when I'd got off the bus because her TV made a bleeping noise when the bus conductor rang his bell to indicate to the driver that it was safe for him to drive on.
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Old 25-11-2012, 11:54   #25
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Re: Ossy wind farm

Speaking to some of our neighbours,they seemed to think that their tellies were on the blink.This might be the tip of the iceberg.
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Old 25-11-2012, 14:39   #26
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Re: Ossy wind farm

Originally Posted by Lucysgirl View Post
I asked in the corner newsagent shop if there'd been any progress on the effects caused by the wind farm which prompted the response' "Haven't you received the letter?". No I hadn't but there was a piece in this week's Accrington Observer which said there'd only been 60 complaints received about the wind farm causing disrupted TV reception. This prompted me to send an email directly to the contact address given in the Observer. I got a reply via email that day in which they asked for further information but my 2nd email has been rejected and returned by their server. I have a feeling that this is going to be a long saga.
If the Observer quotes 60 complaints then add another 0, the Observer has been noted for well over 90 odd years for getting the facts wrong, misleading people and not correcting their errors.
You want to see some of their sh1t I've have had to wade thro looking for WW1 soldiers
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