Even though I never know many of the answers, love listening to Ken Bruce's Pop Quiz during his programme.
Yesterday, was a chap on from Accrington (won't mention his name even though millions heard it), he was a child carer involved in taking autistic and disabled children on trips and what a lot of satisfaction he got from seeing the enjoyment in their faces. I felt very proud of him as it showed those Southerners we are not all drinking, chavs up here. Well done sir ... you were lovely and a great example to our town, even though you didn't win the quiz.
Talking of which, I always thought Cashy could do this quiz, but probably his inhibiting admitted deafness may prevent him from hearing the questions ..
As an aside, funny tale about Cashy :-
Last month met him outside Asda, I carried on talking to friends outside, Cashy comes back out within 5 minutes, which looked like a lonely purchase in the bag. Naturally I said "Blimey, that was quick". "Well, it's like this Kate, bin once today, as I waz goin owt of t'house, Paris shouted 'Don't ferget t'gammon'. I got back and she asked what ad I bought ? Turns owt she sed
salmon, so 'av 'ad to cum back" .....still makes me laugh.