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Old 02-11-2018, 16:47   #31
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Should we change history for political correctness

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I have a very good imagination, but no....this is a step too far for me.
If only it was a step too far for those that confuse supporting war and supporting victims of war.

The poppy is there to help victims of mans inhumanity to man not to encourage it.

Banning the poppy is forgetting why those people suffered,
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Old 02-11-2018, 17:55   #32
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Re: Should we change history for political correctness

Yes....and we can never afford to let that would be the betrayal of humanity.

Those who think that the wearing of a poppy glorifies war are not getting the message.....and the message is that young men loved the country and the freedoms it offered, that they gave their lives to protect these freedoms.
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Old 02-11-2018, 20:31   #33
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Should we change history for political correctness

As far as i am concerned those people dont want to get the message, they are nothing but glorifield well off lumps of crap and should not even breathe, let alone ban poppies.
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Old 06-11-2018, 09:28   #34
God Member

Re: Should we change history for political correctness

think many people with this poppy issue really fall into two groups. there are those who want em banned and others who have the complete opposite view. the second group look disgusted and actually say things if you do not wear one. for me its a personal decision and no one should be spouting their views at others no matter which group they belong to.
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Old 06-11-2018, 11:34   #35
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Re: Should we change history for political correctness

I agree entirely that it is personal choice.
So far this year I have bought three poppies...and lost all of them.
Do I begrudge the donations for these? Indeed I do not.
The men and women that they represent gave far more of themselves so that I could grow up in a free country....a country where people can express their thoughts, ideas and views.

Poppies do NOT glorify war and conflict, they make us focus on those who gave everything for us....that means something to me and I want people to know that I value the sacrifices made...wearing a poppy is how I do that.
Tomorrow I will buy another one.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 06-11-2018, 14:28   #36
God Member

Re: Should we change history for political correctness

i really do think the media has a lot to blame in giving the anti remembrance day lefties their ammo. you see old newsreals and stills of smiling happy soldiers going to an eventual early death for many. everyone depicted as could not wait to join up which is not the whole truth. as an old schoolteacher of mine said to me once i only joined up because my mates did and they only joined up because i did. some did everything they could do to avoid the call up as well. i know remembrance day is about those who died but a little more media attention for those who were not there for queen and country and hearing their letters from the front might not give the detractors as much ammunition as they do get.
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Old 06-11-2018, 19:57   #37
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Re: Should we change history for political correctness

yes, you are right when you cite the media for bearing a lot of the blame...but that is not the whole story is it?

Whatever the reasons were that young men joined up(and what you are citing is anecdotal, while it may apply to some..equally, it may not have been what many young men felt)....really now it is immaterial. They cannot tell us why they did what they did....and it would not change anything about the need to recognise and salute their sacrifice.

They may have joined up because their friends were doing that, what we cannot get away from is they made the ultimate sacrifice regardless of the motives.

The poppy is not a political symbol unless WE make it one....that is where the danger lies.

It is OUR motives which should be questioned....Why are we making it a political thing when it is not about politics, but about RESPECT and REMEMBRANCE of those who lost their young lives and their futures, their potential to make their mark on their communities???

I will continue to wear a poppy each a mark of respect for the fallen in all conflicts.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 07-11-2018, 09:36   #38
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Re: Should we change history for political correctness

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1219196]

The poppy is not a political symbol unless WE make it one....that is where the danger lies.

It is OUR motives which should be questioned....Why are we making it a political thing when it is not about politics, but about RESPECT and REMEMBRANCE of those who lost their young lives and their futures, their potential to make their mark on their communities???

the only ones who seem to be using the poppy as a political symbol in their twisted minds are the usual suspects, students and the loony left. think the majority who wear or choose not to wear the poppy never think about politics for this issue, but then somebody might be offended by it so lets ban anything that might offend some snowflake.
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Old 09-11-2018, 21:38   #39
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Re: Should we change history for political correctness

Its a load of balls created by Snowflakes plus the Media that pick up on any old crap to create a stink, The Poppy has "NEVER" been a symbol of war, its to remember those who served and many who died so we could have the freedom we have today, theres a commemoration going on, where a German Mayor has come over to take part, as they also believe the real truth of what is being symbolised. those who say it symbolizes War are complete CRETINS, and personally i have no time at all for such BUMS.
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