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21-05-2013, 18:55
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Skint. Channel 4
Originally Posted by davebtelford
I was working in a team that included younger people who had it as their
main job. I checked the company's website today & they are still recruiting for the same job (all over the country). It's not the system that's wrong it's people whose life choice is to rely on the system.
IF it's their life choice then I agree, however if they have no choice, then it's the system not people at fault.
I make the same mistake as you, always ready to blame anyone that doesn't live within my life's framework, even if their's is just as noble though different to mine.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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21-05-2013, 19:39
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Re: Skint. Channel 4
People make the mistake of thinking that having a job is just about the pay - it isn't. It's about applying yourself, social interaction, progression. The low paid job I had offered promotion prospects for those with the commitment to work hard, learn and take responsibility (not what I wanted but others profited ). If you have a job & show reliability and consistency it makes it that much easier to get other jobs. You can't go in at the top. Just get on the ladder & climb.
21-05-2013, 19:53
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Skint. Channel 4
Originally Posted by davebtelford
People make the mistake of thinking that having a job is just about the pay - it isn't. It's about applying yourself, social interaction, progression. The low paid job I had offered promotion prospects for those with the commitment to work hard, learn and take responsibility (not what I wanted but others profited ). If you have a job & show reliability and consistency it makes it that much easier to get other jobs. You can't go in at the top. Just get on the ladder & climb.
It's also about social opinion, go to a wedding for example, meet strangers, they ask what do you do?
Tell them I'm unemployed, you're put in a box in their mind, being able to say I'm a splurge wrangler is an important part of how others react to a person.
Just as you personally react as if someone these day's chooses to be unemployed.
No they don't in most cases, when 3,500 folk put themselves forward for a job of shelf filler at a local Tesco, there aren't that many other jobs or you wouldn't get that many applicants.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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21-05-2013, 20:04
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Re: Skint. Channel 4
What are you on about? It's not about people's reactions at weddings FFS. There ARE jobs but many of the unemployed won't do them 'cos they don't pay enough. They don't have the foresight to see it might lead to better things.
21-05-2013, 20:14
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Skint. Channel 4
Originally Posted by davebtelford
What are you on about? It's not about people's reactions at weddings FFS. There ARE jobs but many of the unemployed won't do them 'cos they don't pay enough. They don't have the foresight to see it might lead to better things.
So social standing means nothing to you? Although you're proud to have worked?
Originally Posted by davebtelford
There ARE jobs but many of the unemployed won't do them 'cos they don't pay enough.
That say's it all, they don't pay enough, what sort of explanation do you need?
Originally Posted by davebtelford
They don't have the foresight to see it might lead to better things.
Who do you mean by 'they', surely you must know someone unemployed? Is that person so different to you that they are part of a sub-culture?
You really are on a planet within you're own mind, please stop posting, I can't think of any more simplistic ways of putting it.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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21-05-2013, 20:19
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Skint. Channel 4
It's showing now & as you can see they're playing to the camera, their 5 minutes of fame & a lifetime of infamy. The attitudes on display (the youngsters) are most certainly not those of someone concerned about finding employment.
A depressing indictment of modern Britain.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
21-05-2013, 21:02
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Re: Skint. Channel 4
even if they wanted jobs there is not enough to go around.we need to be radical in this country by creating full employment.this is the only way to cure this.
21-05-2013, 21:03
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Re: Skint. Channel 4
Originally Posted by Less
You really are on a planet within you're own mind, please stop posting, I can't think of any more simplistic ways of putting it.

I'll stop posting when you do. You aren't being simplistic - just simple.
21-05-2013, 21:11
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Re: Skint. Channel 4
Originally Posted by Less
It's also about social opinion, go to a wedding for example, meet strangers, they ask what do you do?
Just tell them you`re a support worker. 
21-05-2013, 21:17
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Skint. Channel 4
Originally Posted by davebtelford
I'll stop posting when you do. You aren't being simplistic - just simple.
Oh, I'm shocked and hurt!
How could I possibly match a mind with such a comeback as yours?
However, that isn't what shocks me, nor is it the item that hurts me.
What shocks and hurts me is how someone like you can't think along lines other than from selfishness, you started work when there was plenty of work, times have changed don't pronounce judgement without feeling some empathy for the way those seeking work struggle because work isn't there.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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22-05-2013, 07:43
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Re: Skint. Channel 4
Maybe if the government grew some bollox and actually stopped people coming in from other countries there WOULD be enough jobs for everyone
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
22-05-2013, 08:16
Resting in Peace
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Re: Skint. Channel 4
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
even if they wanted jobs there is not enough to go around.we need to be radical in this country by creating full employment.this is the only way to cure this.
Pray tell us when was the last time there was full employment in this country, there are always those who won't work no matter how many jobs are on offer, they're quite happy to sit there and be kept by the state, you know it, I know it, but you won't admit it 
22-05-2013, 08:19
Resting in Peace
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Re: Skint. Channel 4
Originally Posted by flashy
Maybe if the government grew some bollox and actually stopped people coming in from other countries there WOULD be enough jobs for everyone
That can't happen while we're part of the EU Shaz, that's one of the reasons so many want out
22-05-2013, 08:21
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Re: Skint. Channel 4
Originally Posted by jaysay
....there are always those who won't work no matter how many jobs are on offer, they're quite happy to sit there and be kept by the state, you know it, I know it, but you won't admit it 
And then some of them rub our noses in it by openly flaunting it.
Last edited by gpick24; 22-05-2013 at 08:26.
Reason: change wording
22-05-2013, 14:12
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Re: Skint. Channel 4
Originally Posted by Less
Watched the first 5 minutes then turned off, it was made to get a reaction, looks like it got the one they wanted.
Wouldn't have done if it just showed someone doing shopping once a fortnight at ASDA stocking up from the oops isle then hibernating until next pay day.
very true its as though this show is designed to make teh public think that all people on benefits are living the dream and have way more money than working folk do
with things getting worse and not better i wonder if any of these self righteous lot looking down tehir noses at ANYONE on benefits will care to let us know how they are getting on if they loose their job.
say about 3 or 4 months down the line when their savings have gone and the gas bill needs paying because teh prices have gone up or they need some new clothes but have nothing left after food and bedroom tax decuctions etc.
it wont matter if you have worked all your life and paid national insurance and tax.The second you sign on or sign off sick your scum
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