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Old 22-05-2013, 14:28   #46
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Re: Skint. Channel 4

Claimed my fair share of benefits through both being made redundant & being off sick Accyman, not got a problem with people needing to claim benefits. It`s the ones who are on them and have no intention of looking for a job. Take one of my in laws as an example - Left school at 16, got a job with his brother but lasted just a few weeks until he was told how to beat the system, go to docs complaining of migraines they`ll ask you this that & other and give him these answers. He`s now in his mid 30`s and never worked a day since, down pub every day without fail. Only time he gets a migraine is when disability want to assess him.
It`s people like him that most people have the problem with.
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Old 23-05-2013, 10:53   #47
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Re: Skint. Channel 4

It is being reported that Channel 4 paid some of these layabouts to make these outrageous statements.Its been done before to boost the ratings of their rubbish programmes.
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Old 23-05-2013, 11:28   #48

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Re: Skint. Channel 4

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
They did the same when they made the documentaries about Shadsworth and that place in Manchester Neil, they would do exactly the same if they where to do it in Accy, Ossy, Church, Huncoat and Clayton, narrow minded people like the OP refuse to see/believe what's on their doorstep
Shameless is real life as well, it must be 'cus it's on telly
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Old 23-05-2013, 11:29   #49

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Re: Skint. Channel 4

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Some years ago there was a young child knocked down and killed, when a car back over her, she was the youngest of 8 kids, the only thing the father was bothered about was that he would lose the child benefit.
I don't believe that, more like the quote or bit on TV was carefully edited to make it look like that
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Old 23-05-2013, 17:31   #50
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Re: Skint. Channel 4

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I don't believe that, more like the quote or bit on TV was carefully edited to make it look like that
It happened on Bright Street, TV didn't feature local news in those days, there's no need to edit the truth
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Old 23-05-2013, 20:06   #51
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Re: Skint. Channel 4

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
Claimed my fair share of benefits through both being made redundant & being off sick Accyman, not got a problem with people needing to claim benefits. It`s the ones who are on them and have no intention of looking for a job. Take one of my in laws as an example - Left school at 16, got a job with his brother but lasted just a few weeks until he was told how to beat the system, go to docs complaining of migraines they`ll ask you this that & other and give him these answers. He`s now in his mid 30`s and never worked a day since, down pub every day without fail. Only time he gets a migraine is when disability want to assess him.
It`s people like him that most people have the problem with.
absolutely agree but unfortunatley this goverment is setting about turning the public against anyone on benefits regardless of legitimacey.How teh hell can it be right to decalre terminally ill cancer patients fit for work and stopping their benefits

also if you are on incapacity benefit you are excluded from many programs taht help people back to work, retrain etc infact you dont even get free college where as jobseekers andincome support claimants do

only today i saw and advert saying courses were free for JSA or ESA claimants at college

this ESA is new but before that you couldnt get anything on incapacity which a lot of people are still on and still cant
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 23-05-2013 at 20:10.
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Old 23-05-2013, 20:21   #52
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Re: Skint. Channel 4

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
....How teh hell can it be right to decalre terminally ill cancer patients fit for work and stopping their benefits
It`s not right, they should seek further advice. I don`t know a lot about the different benefits and retraining, but I do know there is a lot of help for people with cancer.
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Old 23-05-2013, 20:35   #53
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Re: Skint. Channel 4

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
It`s not right, they should seek further advice. I don`t know a lot about the different benefits and retraining, but I do know there is a lot of help for people with cancer.
as someone whos had it i can assure you cancer patients get no special treatment and zero help retraining no matter how much you beg

i did get told i wouldnt have to pay for a college course but was presented with a large bill after a month so i had to leave the course.When i say large bill it was a large bill for somone on benefits.When i kicked up a fuss i was told that the advisor had been mistaken about which benefits got free courses.
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 23-05-2013, 20:46   #54
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Re: Skint. Channel 4

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
as someone whos had it i can assure you cancer patients get no special treatment and zero help retraining no matter how much you beg

i did get told i wouldnt have to pay for a college course but was presented with a large bill after a month so i had to leave the course.When i say large bill it was a large bill for somone on benefits.When i kicked up a fuss i was told that the advisor had been mistaken about which benefits got free courses.
Sorry Accyman, I didn`t mean cancer patients would get help with retraining, i meant I don`t know about what different benefits got what with regards to retraining.

But the person you referred to who was taken off benefits and had to work should seek advice about that. There`s no way they should have to work.
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Old 24-05-2013, 12:31   #55
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Re: Skint. Channel 4

i want getting uppity its hard to tell with typing/text at time lol

it was very frustrating been told you will never do your old job again then been refused help retraining

now they have this esa thing it may be different but from what i can tell a lot of folk get flobbed off or made mugs of by compnaies with no intention of giving long term employment.I think once an employer stops getting paid from government to give you a job they get the next corpse in.

A bit like the YTS really there were few given jobs after 2 years teh majority were sacked and a new YTS recruit sent along.That was a tory thing as well .It never works out too well for teh workforce when they are in charge it seems
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 24-05-2013, 13:19   #56
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Re: Skint. Channel 4

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
i want getting uppity its hard to tell with typing/text at time lol

it was very frustrating been told you will never do your old job again then been refused help retraining

now they have this esa thing it may be different but from what i can tell a lot of folk get flobbed off or made mugs of by compnaies with no intention of giving long term employment.I think once an employer stops getting paid from government to give you a job they get the next corpse in.

A bit like the YTS really there were few given jobs after 2 years teh majority were sacked and a new YTS recruit sent along.That was a tory thing as well .It never works out too well for teh workforce when they are in charge it seems
I regard myself to be very lucky when it comes to being employed, managed to avoid the YTS, got a apprenticeship but had a couple of redundancies, but with the exception of a few months in early `91, been employed all my life, had to retrain a couple of times too, but that was all done within the job. But I find mostly for me, it`s not what you know, it`s who you know, there are a lot of vacancies that don`t even get advertised, just filled by word of mouth.
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