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interesting, the guy talking who chose not to believe it at the time, its obvious he did that fer his own gain n never even considered telling the truth, as it didn't suit, so i am very skeptical of believing owt he says, i n think most people of our generation think Kennedy was topped by unknown forces, this may be the answer, but so must many others that have been put forward oer the years.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
It was his mystry lovers father that shot him. When the mystry lover shacked up in Bobby's bed he copped it as well.
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Who says JFK is dead? If you wish to know the truth, he was a secret dingles supporter. Following the faked assassination in Dallas in November of '63 he was smuggled into the UK and from December of that year he has been working in a chip shop just off the Colne Road in Burnley. Unfortunately, once there, there is no return.
Who says JFK is dead? If you wish to know the truth, he was a secret dingles supporter. Following the faked assassination in Dallas in November of '63 he was smuggled into the UK and from December of that year he has been working in a chip shop just off the Colne Road in Burnley. Unfortunately, once there, there is no return.
Oh, you know about it as well, do you, Mr T? Bought pudding and chips from him many a time. Have you noticed that old blonde bird who operates the fryer when he's in? Marilyn or something I think he calls her...looks like she might have been a bit of a looker in her youth...funny, that.
I was not around 47 years ago. Jackie Gleason, the comedian, used to mention in his show the depository in Dallas, on the tour of the building you were not allowed to look out the window, because you would see that Oswald could not have been the killer!!
Seeing that the 'powers that be', could not keep watergate secret or the Iran-contra stuff hidden, I don't believe in this conspiracy. 47 years is a hell of a long time to keep a secret.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
I was not around 47 years ago. Jackie Gleason, the comedian, used to mention in his show the depository in Dallas, on the tour of the building you were not allowed to look out the window, because you would see that Oswald could not have been the killer!!
Seeing that the 'powers that be', could not keep watergate secret or the Iran-contra stuff hidden, I don't believe in this conspiracy. 47 years is a hell of a long time to keep a secret.
Not if ya were connected in those days.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
When I had a job interview for the Public Records Office, I was told that document disclosure at 30 years was the norm, but that some information was so sensitive that it was classified as unpublishable until at least 50 years after the death of the parties concerned.
When I had a job interview for the Public Records Office, I was told that document disclosure at 30 years was the norm, but that some information was so sensitive that it was classified as unpublishable until at least 50 years after the death of the parties concerned.
Was aware that was the case, i can wait.......... wether time can wait fer cashy is another question.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Ah, such sweet memories I have of that sunny day back in '63 sat there on the grassy knoll, cleaning my older cousins rifle, really surprised about the echoey sound it made when you pull the trigger 3 times in quick succession.
The whole day was ruined when the Police cleared the area just because some 'big-wig' had been scratched or something in his open top car.
It was my first and only trip to America, for some reason, nobody talks about it when I'm in the room, but, do you know, every time I apply for an entrance Visa to the states it comes back stamped Undesirable, not that it matters the Home Office has refused to renew my Passport ever since then, never have told me why.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”