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DVD/TV/Film Discussion If you sit in front of a screen and watch it, here's the place to discuss it.

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Old 14-10-2012, 20:14   #1
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The Munsters

New pilot being aired in the US later this month, personally think Eddie Izzard is a fine actor and comedian. NBC still haven't committed to a series because of the cost of the special effects, waiting for the ratings no doubt.

However I'm a little unsure about this myself, I loved the Munsters as a kid. After watching an episode on youtube, I now realise it was corny and predictable and totally carried by Fred Gwynns mannerisms and facial expressions (kudos to the casting agent). I wonder if Eddie Izzard in the (Al Lewis) role of Grandpa can do the same, because I've seen Jerry O'Connell (Herman) in a couple of things and he has all the acting skills and charisma of a wet fish.

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Old 15-10-2012, 16:53   #2
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Re: The Munsters

I'd forgotten about the Munsters-am going to look it up on youtube now..Because I am supposed to be doing useful things like washing and cleaning and other boring stuff..
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