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DVD/TV/Film Discussion If you sit in front of a screen and watch it, here's the place to discuss it.

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Old 03-10-2009, 02:49   #1
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the Prisoner , 1960s Brit TV

Absolutly amazing , just watched an episode of "the Prisoner" a TV show made in the UK during the 60s , dont know how the film 'techies' have done it but it looks like it was made yesterday , I'm thinking it was originally shot in black and white , don't think colour TV came to the UK until the 70s .
Never really understood it the first time around and it still seems a bit weird to me today , but thats me (not a big sci-fi fan).

Wonder if any other Accy web users into "sci-fi' care to comment , thx
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Old 03-10-2009, 09:41   #2
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Re: the Prisoner , 1960s Brit TV

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Absolutly amazing , just watched an episode of "the Prisoner" a TV show made in the UK during the 60s , dont know how the film 'techies' have done it but it looks like it was made yesterday , I'm thinking it was originally shot in black and white , don't think colour TV came to the UK until the 70s .
Never really understood it the first time around and it still seems a bit weird to me today , but thats me (not a big sci-fi fan).

Wonder if any other Accy web users into "sci-fi' care to comment , thx
I can remember watching it in the sixties and seventies SJ, and I'm nearly sure it was in colour, because I remember those vivid striped jackets they wore, The Prisoner was a sequel to Danger Man, which was in Black and White, If I remember rightly it was filmed in Port Marian in Wales. I have never been a big fan of Sci Fi, but I find myself watching the sci fi channel quite a lot these days they show some weird and wonderful films
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Old 03-10-2009, 15:12   #3
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Re: the Prisoner , 1960s Brit TV

Was shot in colour in 1967 for all the technical info and cast list etc please go to
"The Prisoner" (1967)
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Old 04-10-2009, 17:04   #4
white rabbits

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Re: the Prisoner , 1960s Brit TV

I loved that show,Patrick mc ,goohan was fantantic,,as he was in "Danger man ",,,,,,,,,,went to Portmeirion a couple of times a few years ago ,,it was amazing,,,but it was a bit run down,although i think its now a holiday place...
Not a full brick
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