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DVD/TV/Film Discussion If you sit in front of a screen and watch it, here's the place to discuss it.

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Old 07-09-2013, 17:36   #1
Junior Member+

Transferring Videos to DVD

Just out of interest, I starting thinking about having obsolete family videos transferred to DVDs. However, with the number I have the price looked somewhat daunting. Just by coincidence I saw a HD DVD maker advertised by Aldi at £19.99. At first I was dubious because of some of the reviews I have read on Amazon about buying similar kits advertised. In conclusion, I bought the EnVivo kit from Aldi and it has worked fine. Once the disc is loaded into the computer it just gets on with it, but it is time consuming. I just thought someone else was maybe thinking about it?
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Accrington Web
Old 07-09-2013, 17:55   #2
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Gremlin's Avatar

Re: Transferring Videos to DVD

It's certainly cheap enough if it works OK Geoff.
I had a JCV, DVD VCR player recorder a few years ago and copied about twenty tapes on to disc. They were all my holiday videos.
Trouble is because it's analogue to digital you have to play the tape all the way through.
The machine was about two hundred quids but eventually I got everything copied.
Needless to say I have never watched them since.

Do you have to play the video at normal speed to copy it Geoff or does it speed things up?
Gremlin R.T.
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Old 07-09-2013, 18:17   #3
Junior Member+

Re: Transferring Videos to DVD

Yes. I just played it at normal speed and the transfer also came out at normal speed. It tends to lose a bit of quality when played it through the DVD on the large tV. The computer it much better.
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Old 07-09-2013, 18:21   #4
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Re: Transferring Videos to DVD

If the films/tapes are old then the quality issue may not be in the transfer device, but in the films have to remember that we are so used to the crisp pictures that the current technology gives us.......old film/tapes didn't have the same quality and it degrades over the years
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Old 08-09-2013, 08:09   #5

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Re: Transferring Videos to DVD

Just been doing this with my families old tapes and some Laser Discs (long story), if you need to edit the footage, Windows Movie Maker is pretty fool proof and its free, almost all modern PC's have it installed.
I prefer Adobe Premiere Pro, but it does take some getting used to.
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