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DVD/TV/Film Discussion If you sit in front of a screen and watch it, here's the place to discuss it.

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Old 12-10-2019, 17:24   #1

Thumbs down TV/Film complaint

Am I the only person to get really, really, really annoyed by TV programmes and films being ruined (for me) by background music drowning out speech.
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Old 14-10-2019, 10:58   #2
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: TV/Film complaint

No you aren't, a plinky plonking piano building to a crescendo of irrelevent noise often ruins the enjoyment of whatever the subject may be.

Plus, as my hearing worsens with age I tend to up the volume in a vain attempt to hear what the hell is being said, then we go to the adverts which because I have increased the sound are suddenly shouting at me with a force of decibels that would make a smoke alarm sound like a whisper!

A mad panic ensues to find the remote and mute the thing before it knocks the pictures off my wall.

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Old 14-10-2019, 11:37   #3
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Re: TV/Film complaint

put the subtitles on...that way you miss none of the dialogue and only a fraction of the picture.

(though I hate the sub titles being on and will not watch TV if they ARE on...I go off and do something different)
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Old 14-10-2019, 12:02   #4
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: TV/Film complaint

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
put the subtitles on...that way you miss none of the dialogue and only a fraction of the picture.

(though I hate the sub titles being on and will not watch TV if they ARE on...I go off and do something different)
Don't want subtitles they are a distraction though not as bad as that woman that comes on in some programmes waving her arms & pulling funny faces whilst blocking half the picture.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 14-10-2019, 13:13   #5
Beacon of light

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Re: TV/Film complaint

Yes I agree Less.
My other half knew nothing about subtitles until daughter showed him them....for weeks he had the things on....even though he is only selectively deaf.

And yes, the signing is a pain too....won't watch anything with either subtitles or sign language
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Old 21-12-2019, 12:10   #6
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Re: TV/Film complaint

I use subtitles if watching something at night and hubby is sleeping, but I cannot stand signing and will miss the programme rather than put up with signing.
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Old 24-12-2019, 10:17   #7
God Member

Re: TV/Film complaint

Originally Posted by Frank T View Post
Am I the only person to get really, really, really annoyed by TV programmes and films being ruined (for me) by background music drowning out speech.
it annoys me as well, but it would help if actors did not mumble as much nowadays. sick of having to put the sound up and down because of the mumbling then pointlrss background music.
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Old 24-12-2019, 10:21   #8
God Member

Re: TV/Film complaint

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1232666]put the subtitles on...that way you miss none of the dialogue and only a fraction of the picture.

problem for me is that i,m too busy reading the sub titles to see the action. reason i swerve those foreign stuff thats on regularly at night.
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Old 24-12-2019, 10:49   #9
Beacon of light

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Re: TV/Film complaint

I have to admit that I also hate sub titles.
I find they are a real I don't watch stuff with subtitles.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-12-2019, 13:53   #10
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: TV/Film complaint

no mate yeh aint the only person to get annoyed with the rubbish that stops yeh hearing whats being said, they give NO thought at all to people that are hard of hearing,miissus goes to bed before me, a very light sleeper so i cant have sound up loud,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 28-12-2019, 19:51   #11
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Re: TV/Film complaint

Go to your Doc tell him your ears aint working so good, Doc sends you to speck savers do a poor hearing test get a pair of hearing aids prob solved, t v sound down hearing aids up.
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Old 29-12-2019, 00:10   #12
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Re: TV/Film complaint

I must admit I watch a lot of foreign films and use the subtitles I think after a while you get used to reading them and watching the film....
An Oxymoron is but an Onomatopoeia isn’t. I shall leave you to ponder that one.
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Old 29-12-2019, 10:48   #13
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Re: TV/Film complaint

The sound level changes is one of the reasons that we generally always record what we want to watch, then when we watch it later I skip through the adverts so we don't have to put up with the difference.

Some programs are so quiet (even with both my hearing aids) that we have to turn the TV up full.
I'm considering getting a bluetooth transmitter for it and Ill sit there with my bluetooth headphones on, I can also ignore everyone else then
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Old 29-12-2019, 11:10   #14
Beacon of light

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Re: TV/Film complaint

My hearing is quite acute for an old bird(himself says I can hear a cockroach trump) so the disparity in sound levels between films and adverts is very annoying.
It seems to be more noticeable on the channel that shows all the old black and white films(or maybe it is because that is the channel that is most used in our house...not MY choice).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 01-01-2020, 09:34   #15
God Member

Re: TV/Film complaint

[QUOTE=Less;1232668 though not as bad as that woman that comes on in some programmes waving her arms & pulling funny faces whilst blocking half the picture.[/QUOTE]

please do not knock diane abbott now the election in over.
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