Got up very early this morning and stamped all over my carbon footprint in a large pair of hobnail boots.
The reason for this was that I woke up at about 3.30 absolutely freezing, I sleep in summer with the window open, I think the drop in temperature means my window will be firmly shut until next July.
Anyhow I got up turned the central heating up to overkill and made a large brew.
I then switched on the beebs news channel, They must have run out of news at the moment because they had one of those mini-programs they sometimes do.
This one was about all things green (obviously shown at this time for all those that worry so much about global warming they can't sleep). It started off with a touch of nostalgia that honoured the memory of Blue Peter by showing how to make an all important rain gauge from a plastic bottle and sticky back plastic, a must for every household to show how many icebergs have been converted into water. A genuine rain gauge can be bought from as little as a fiver if you seriously need to check.
It then moved on to the forest fires in Australia telling us how the devastation was contributing to..,
.. you guessed it, global warming 200 years worth of locked in carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere, excuse me? as inconvenient as a forest fire may be aren't they a work of nature? Some trees can't reproduce until they've been touched by fire to ripen their seeds.
Next though came the real hit of the show, the presenter introduced an 'expert', not just any 'expert' but one that can make doom and gloom and the death of the planet seem like a day out in Blackpool eating candyfloss.
She went on and on and on about how mankind was to blame for everything, I was effected so effected I almost swapped my first coffee of the day (made from fair price sustainable beans) for a double whiskey (made with pleasure in mind).
The climax of her diatribe came when she finished by saying that we have no future unless all car manufacturers stop producing petrol cars and start with all electric cars immediately.
Now I'm not an expert but straight away I could see a couple of things wrong with this idea,
Firstly with what do we charge all these electric cars? Secondly what do we do with all the oil we are no longer using?
Do we fire up all the old coal fire power stations to meet the demand? Or do we invest in new oil fired power stations just to drive shorter distances before we have to recharge?
Next time I get up in the middle of the night I'll play a computer game rather than even contemplate turning on the box for the weird and wonderful world of the greens.
Anyone for apocalypse now on xbox?