Originally Posted by kestrelx
In my view Clint Eastwood encapsulates all those old Hollywood stars like Cagney and Mitchum and brings it into the more special effects era of Hollywood films - how many tough guys have you seen pulling a classic Eastwood face? Loads! 
Ok you lost me now, unless you mean eclipses instead of encapsulates
Can't for the life of me recall an Eastwood film with special effects apart from the extremely dire Firefox ( I discount Tarantula :P).
Don't get me wrong, he's an excellent director, and has an uncanny knack for choosing the right films to make/star in, but his early stuff is really starting to look dated.
The Dirty Harry series and his Spaghetti westerns are not ageing well compared to the Cagney and Bogart stuff. Give me a choice of Angels with Dirty Faces, White Heat, Treasure of Sierra Madre, and Magnum Force..Clint is gonna come fourth.
Eastwood has made a fortune out of playing an anti-hero that is inherently a good guy...for me the best tough guys are usually the bad guys, it's why many actors take on those roles, because it gives them the scope to be nasty, evil and 'tough'.
De Niro in Godfather 2 and Heat, Tommy Lee Jones in The Executioners Song and Gene Hackman in Unforgiven.
Originally Posted by mobertol
Just to throw the cat among the pigeons -Demi Moore- G.I Jane! 
At the risk of opening myself up to male perv weirdo comments..a young Demi in tight fitting bra-less fatigues.. hell yeah