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Old 20-06-2007, 18:54   #1
Senior Member+
junetta's Avatar

I Agree With AccyMel

I've been using this forum for over two years and I've enjoyed every minute of it. Unfortunately, during the past couple of months, I've logged in less and less.

Why should we put up with stupid drivel during sensible debates? It appears that every subject I comment on there is a silly answer which makes me avoid it the next time and prevents me from starting my own threads.

AccyMel has kept this forum going with the superb quiz and from the input we get from her.

I'm sorry that I've started a new thread on this subject but I feel that my comments would be lost in the original one. Move it if you dare, Mr Moderator.
June xx

So much muck to eat before you die
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Old 20-06-2007, 20:11   #2
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Re: I Agree With AccyMel

Originally Posted by junetta View Post

Why should we put up with stupid drivel during sensible debates?
You don’t have too. You can help us help you by hitting the report button. But, please do not quote the offending post. By doing so it often makes it more difficult for us to sort, plus you run the risk of losing your own post as well as the offending post and many won’t be happy with that.

What ever you do, please do not become as bad as the offender by arguing/ slating etc. just ignore and let us deal with it.
It is much easier for us to deal with when there is only one offending post/user compared to many offending posts/users.

Last edited by Len; 20-06-2007 at 20:22.
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