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Old 14-11-2011, 07:53   #286
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I think your original answer was better than your edited one
Me too!
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Old 14-11-2011, 08:28   #287
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Re: Power - Karma

on the few times I have not signed karma(and it hasn't been the red stuff) it has been because I have accidentally hit the enter key before having had a chance to put my name.
I haven't given much red stuff maybe 7 lots in 7 years(two lots recently) but I have never given red stuff without signing it.

Susie, I would respectfully suggest that as a scientist you accept that there are many things that science cannot explain....and also that this forum gives everyone the opportunity to express opinions. Opinions do not constitute fact....they are just someones take on things....much like theories that scientist publish now and again.......and a few months later someone publishes something that contradicts the first theory...but because these are done by scientists they do not attract the 'nutter' name tag.

Oh and I should have said Welcome to the forum Susie. Maybe you could post something in the Introduce Yourself bit of the forum and we can make your welcome more formal.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 14-11-2011 at 08:31.
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Old 14-11-2011, 09:11   #288
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
just take notice of me signature.
Thanks Cashy, took me a while to work it out but got there in the end.

Nil carborundum, in other words.

Couldn't agree more!
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Old 14-11-2011, 09:14   #289
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Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Susie, I would respectfully suggest that as a scientist you accept that there are many things that science cannot explain....and also that this forum gives everyone the opportunity to express opinions. Opinions do not constitute fact....they are just someones take on things....much like theories that scientist publish now and again.......and a few months later someone publishes something that contradicts the first theory...but because these are done by scientists they do not attract the 'nutter' name tag.

Oh and I should have said Welcome to the forum Susie. Maybe you could post something in the Introduce Yourself bit of the forum and we can make your welcome more formal.
A person with scientific knowledge is often one of the first to say "I don't know", a conspiratist is someone much like a person newly converted to religion, they will grasp at the tiniest straw of what they consider to be true and will then go on a mission in the hopes of converting others to their ridiculous and unfounded theories.
as you say everyone can express their opinion, which also gives everyone else an equal right to express their contempt that a grown up, so called intelligent person should not only believe such rubbish but also want to spread such guff and expect no criticism.
I join you in welcoming Susie to the site, perhaps we can look forward to some interesting posts that will blow our technophobe out of the water?
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Last edited by Less; 14-11-2011 at 09:17.
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Old 14-11-2011, 09:16   #290
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Thing is wi karma, quite a few relatively new members say it should be signed,get used to it cos its never gonna happen, beats me why people give a stuff about it? yeh can't spend it in shops,has no value at all, apart from winding a few up.
If I remember rightly Jambutty used to get his knickers in a twist about unsigned red
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Old 14-11-2011, 09:27   #291
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Susie, I would respectfully suggest that as a scientist you accept that there are many things that science cannot explain....and also that this forum gives everyone the opportunity to express opinions. Opinions do not constitute fact....they are just someones take on things....much like theories that scientist publish now and again.......and a few months later someone publishes something that contradicts the first theory...but because these are done by scientists they do not attract the 'nutter' name tag.

Oh and I should have said Welcome to the forum Susie. Maybe you could post something in the Introduce Yourself bit of the forum and we can make your welcome more formal.
Thought that's what I was doing, expressing an opinion just like anyone else. And the word nutter was a throwaway line, off the top of my head, not meant to offend.

As for introducing myself, think it's a bit late for that but thanks for the welcome.
Rule 13: Introduction threads to be kept as such, with only welcome and thank you posts.

If you want to know more about me the thread I started in the Nostalgia section about three weeks ago is a good place to start.
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Old 14-11-2011, 09:33   #292
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by Less View Post
A person with scientific knowledge is often one of the first to say "I don't know", a conspiratist is someone much like a person newly converted to religion, they will grasp at the tiniest straw of what they consider to be true and will then go on a mission in the hopes of converting others to their ridiculous and unfounded theories.
as you say everyone can express their opinion, which also gives everyone else an equal right to express their contempt that a grown up, so called intelligent person should not only believe such rubbish but also want to spread such guff and expect no criticism.
I join you in welcoming Susie to the site, perhaps we can look forward to some interesting posts that will blow our technophobe out of the water?
Very well put Less, but think I may be keeping my head below the parapet for the time being after this! Thanks for the welcome by the way.
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Old 14-11-2011, 09:35   #293
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
If I remember rightly Jambutty used to get his knickers in a twist about unsigned red
Well my underwear is quite comfortable this morning , just wanted to be able to reply to my accuser that's all.
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Old 14-11-2011, 09:38   #294
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Feisty, opinionated, bit mouthy, could be seen by some as a tad condescending, misjudged vocabulary?

Could be anything Susie.

I'm flummoxed.

Welcome to Accy Web.

Great new avatar Garinda. She was all those things. They don't make em like that any more.
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Old 14-11-2011, 09:40   #295
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Great new avatar Garinda. She was all those things. They don't make em like that any more.
Sadly not.

Still can't give any karma yet, but will do.

Like a lovely old elephant, I never forget.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-11-2011, 09:47   #296
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Re: Power - Karma

Back to karma.

The first time we lose some, it is confusing, as to why.

If members post, asking about it, people, being generally kind, give you lots of karma back, in recompense.

This only happens the first time, mind.

If people keep chowing about it again, in the future, you're more likely to lose even more.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-11-2011, 10:08   #297
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Back to karma.

The first time we lose some, it is confusing, as to why.

If members post, asking about it, people, being generally kind, give you lots of karma back, in recompense.

This only happens the first time, mind.

If people keep chowing about it again, in the future, you're more likely to lose even more.

I'm not confused as to how I lost it and I'm certainly not going to keep going on about it.

Thanks in advance for your contribution by the way.
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Old 14-11-2011, 10:13   #298
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Well my underwear is quite comfortable this morning , just wanted to be able to reply to my accuser that's all.
My post wasn't a slight on you susie, believe me, but older members on here would be quite aware of my thoughts on the matter and the person I refered too
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Old 14-11-2011, 10:16   #299
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
I'm not confused as to how I lost it and I'm certainly not going to keep going on about it.

Thanks in advance for your contribution by the way.
I know.

It was more aimed at others, who'd chipped in to have a little moan.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-11-2011, 10:17   #300
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Re: Power - Karma

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Before this turns into yet another teary, why me Lord?, karma thread, of which there's been many over the years, it might be wise to take note of the forum rules, which clearly state...

15a No Karma comments to be posted on the open forum.

Carry on.

I'm certainly not going to go down that road.

Thanks all for enlightenment, comments, advice and overnight contributions to my karma account. I might be tempted to misbehave again if I thought it would have the same effect! Only joking, I wouldn't be so crass.

As to the anonymous comment that started all this, rather than Two elderly ladies having a go at each other like a couple of school girls in the playground... I prefert o think of it as Two people with strong minds having a good natured (!?) argument... and I hope Margaret would agree. OK maybe I'm a wimp to get worked up about it but no one's ever called me an elderly lady before and I've never thought of myself in that way.

And a previous post Garinda you said

The longer you are here, the easier it is to work out who gave you unsigned karma.

The amount given/deducted relates to a member's reputation power.

I always know how to work out who gave me some, plus there's another fail safe way of finding out.

How does reputation power relate to karma? Is there an idiot's guide to all this? You see I'm a scientist, I like to find things out.

Think I'll stick to the nostalgia threads in future, it's safer.

Thanks again all.
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