25-03-2005, 20:30
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Accrington
Posts: 2,741
Liked: 18 times
Rep Power: 2426
The Ackers System....
Thought I'd better explain the new system of gaining and using Ackers...
- Replying to a thread in the majority of accyweb earns you 3 ackers. (was 30)
- Starting a new thread earns you 10 ackers. (was 100)
- Viewing a thread earns you 0.02 ackers. (was 0)
- Referring another user to Accyweb earns you 100 ackers (was 300)
- Getting good Karma earns you an acker per karma point. (was 0)
Also, whereas previously posting in the Anything Goes areas gained you zero Ackers, you now earn ackers at a rate of 0.3 ackers per reply and 1 acker per thread started.
The Pet shops have had all their prices divided by 10, meaning petz maintenance costs should be the same as they were before.
You can also spend your Ackers in the bookies and in the forum shop where you can spend Ackers on changing the colour of your username and other such things. In the forum shop you can also buy gifts for other members which will appear in posts.
The bank is a reasonably safe place to keep your Ackers. You can earn 1% interest per week, and the Ackers should be safe from thieves.
Please report any bugs and ask any questions in the feedback and help forum here at AccringtonWeb.