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17-08-2005, 00:47
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The Blog hits???
Marg Pilkington made a joke a few weeks ago about the competition for most viewed blogs, between herself and me.
In the last day or so [since the compaint about me,] two of the blogs have recieved nearly double their number of views since they were started, resulting in mine being knocked off the numero uno spot.
I think it's hilarious, to think that someone may have spent their days and nights clicking away to dislodge me, but is there away to see who did it?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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17-08-2005, 00:52
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Re: The Blog hits???
in the words of shaggy
it want me 
17-08-2005, 00:58
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Re: The Blog hits???
It's worse than the payolla scandal in the US charts in the 5O's, people went down for that.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
17-08-2005, 01:19
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Re: The Blog hits???
It seems to have slowed down, if not stopped since this thread was posted!
How queer! 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
17-08-2005, 01:33
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Re: The Blog hits???
Originally Posted by garinda
It seems to have slowed down, if not stopped since this thread was posted!
How queer! 
Could it have anything to do with the fact that it's 2-30 on a very close Wednesday Morning?
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
17-08-2005, 01:51
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Re: The Blog hits???
Originally Posted by Doug
Could it have anything to do with the fact that it's 2-30 on a very close Wednesday Morning?
Lol, I really don't think so, they [the two blogs,] have been getting hit on at the strangest times already!
Rindy Holmes uncovers another mystery. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
17-08-2005, 01:55
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Re: The Blog hits???
Maybe it’s just the simple fact that Mrs Pilkington’s bloggs are sometimes a bit more exotic in content……………….eh? Maybe, just a little?
I don’t always read bloggs. I find occasional interest in them, but on the all people’s life experience’s, moods and occasional whingeing hold nothing for me…of course I don’t mean to be critical or offensive with that statement but I find that enough get through into the forums to give a picture of what to expect in most of the commentary.
I suppose that I do find a slightly more of interest in peoples comment’s in response to the content, on the all they are almost always supportive which is nice and sometime it’s what they’re not saying “but perhaps should” that’s really enlightening.
I wouldn’t condemn this activity, it does serve a purpose I suppose, but you should understand “like I have all too often found out to my cost on this site” bear your soul and someone will always stick the boot in and open the door, its then the real “people of speculative birth right” lay in to you. But. It’s like anything else, if you ask for it, you’ll often get it……….
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
17-08-2005, 02:10
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Re: The Blog hits???
Your right Doug, it really doesn't matter.
Both Marg P. and I have wondered if it is a vanity thing writing a blog, perhaps it is.
Because I can't physically write a diary anymore, I use this instead.
I could of course have made it a private journal, but I admit I do enjoy the comments and pm's it results in, which have always been encouraging, sometimes received gladly when in in the depths of despair.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
17-08-2005, 10:50
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Re: The Blog hits???
The weird hits are still going on, on everyones journal except my own! Lol.
I think it's funny, but that's not why I write it. It isn't a competition, it's because I can't physically write a diary as I used to.
Anybody who bothered to read the comments as well, would know l'm an avid blog reader too, as well as writting my own, basically because I do find peoples experiences interesting, and I have the time.
Also the Marg P's blog in my opinion, is by far the best, and deserves to be at the number one spot in top blogs. If you haven't read it, and you want to read something that makes you smile, do it. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Last edited by garinda; 17-08-2005 at 10:52.
17-08-2005, 12:21
Beacon of light
Re: The Blog hits???
Oh No Rindy........I thought it was just a mistake in the numbers........so the hit are for real are they.......?
And I get where you are coming from Doug.......reading blogs is not everyone's cup of tea, but I DO like to read of the experiences of other people.......sometimes it helps you make sense of what is going on in your own little world....or indeed sometimes it makes you grateful (read Shilelegh's blog). I far prefer to read someones blog that to watch Big brother. And if I bare my soul and someone puts the boot in then I can't complain.
I am totally honest in my blog and also in my comments and value honesty when others are commenting on my efforts.
I am really a thwarted writer.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 17-08-2005 at 12:23.
Reason: sausage fingers....oops!
17-08-2005, 13:44
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Re: The Blog hits???
Mrs Pilkington you are a wonderful and considerate woman………….I see, understand and accept the value placed on bloggs by individuals and the good that can be derived from another’s good fortune or misfortune, what I wanted to get across is that when one as for whatever reason striped away the veneer or mystic that surrounds ones life you place yourself at the mercy of those that may seek to take advantage of that information be it to bully or to ridicule. Whatever your intention was, good, bad or indifferent, when you open the doors to ones personal life and the secrets there in you invite everyone even those that would hurt you……and once you have done that you have no defence…..
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
17-08-2005, 13:52
Beacon of light
Re: The Blog hits???
Yes, Doug I understand your point. There is absolutely no mystique about me. My face is so readable I would make a pathetic poker player......and in my blogs I tell it like it is.
I am surprised you find them exotic though.......just ramblimgs....just ramblings.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
17-08-2005, 14:03
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Re: The Blog hits???
Did the greatest writers of our time, not on occasion ramble? Madam the proof is in the content and the minds eye of the reader. Those that read via visualisation will know what I mean. It’s the difference between enjoying the words has read or being within the pages…..
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
17-08-2005, 14:10
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Re: The Blog hits???
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I am surprised you find them exotic though.......just ramblimgs....just ramblings.
The serialisation of the courtship was verging on the exotic, if not bodice ripping, and I along with all your fans, was gripped, especially because it had a happy ending when I was expecting a terrible motorbike accident or something down under.
Number One Marg P. fan Rindy. xxx
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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17-08-2005, 14:16
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Re: The Blog hits???
What is this all about ???? Some No's ?? Top Blogger ???? Sad
Marg I am with doug on this I used to read Garindas Blogs but have not for ages, I did not used to read yours but have found them really engrossing since I found them, and enjoy reading them
Bit like looking at the Daily sport Ok for a quick look and laugh but gets boring, But I read the mail and others everyday.
Keep up the good work marg, and ignore any petty moanings
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