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Old 23-11-2022, 15:49   #1
Junior Member


Hi all,
I'm Alan Wright, b. 1940. I was born 'higher than the lamp' hence Ozigobbin. The lamp was outside the library on Union Rd. & if you were born 'higher' than it, you were a gobbiner. A gobbin was always used to refer to someone someone a bit stupid but how it originated I don't know.
The area I was born was referred to as 'back o Johnt's or back of John Harth's.John Howarth was the owner of the Vine mill and the 3 streets in the shadow of the mill were 'back o Johnt's'
It's now 60 years since I left Ossy so I suppose things will have changed a bit. I know the street I was born in is no longer standing. we used to go out to Accrington, usually dancing up Joe Mort's (Mortimers) on Blackburn Rd and up Knowlmere Street. Looking forward to discussing 'the good old days'!
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