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Old 12-05-2023, 01:51   #16
Senior Member

Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

Taddy, it is interesting to know that you are researching your ancestors. How far back have you got? I have spent many, many, hours on ours and have gone back quite a long way and am still working on this. Accyweb members can be very helpful as I found out some time ago so if you have come to a dead end (pardon the pun), or need any assistance at all in tracing ancestors, why not put some details on here. You will be surprised at the help I feel sure you will get and also about what comes up, though you could get a shock or two when you delve into the past. I might even be able to help you as well. Margaret is spot on with family research but as she said she has a lot on her plate at the present time. She certainly has.

Of course you might not be needing any help with your research but if you do and you take up my suggestion then you should probably start a new thread about it in a different section.
Bob Dobson and taddy like this.

Last edited by dotti34; 12-05-2023 at 01:53.
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Old 12-05-2023, 13:58   #17
Beacon of light

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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

Hello Bryan and I am pleased that you are still kicking.
Yes, you certainly helped me….and the genealogy is well and truly addictive.
Thanks for your offer of help…it is very much appreciated.

Taddy likewise…thank you for your offer of help too.
I have been inundated with offers of lifts and such like….and a few offers have been taken up.

My other half is still on the long road to recovery….we are making baby steps, and mostly in the right direction.
Knowing you are there helps a lot.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 12-05-2023, 23:49   #18
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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

I'm related to the Southworth's on my mother's side, Edna Southworth nee Holt, 1929 - 2001, and sure enough I've found Ellen in my family tree, along with all her brothers and sisters.

I didn't know that she married or emigrated to Australia.
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Old 13-05-2023, 00:05   #19
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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

I got that wrong!

It was their son, Charles who emigrated, not his parents.
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Old 16-05-2023, 09:53   #20
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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
Taddy, it is interesting to know that you are researching your ancestors. How far back have you got? I have spent many, many, hours on ours and have gone back quite a long way and am still working on this. Accyweb members can be very helpful as I found out some time ago so if you have come to a dead end (pardon the pun), or need any assistance at all in tracing ancestors, why not put some details on here. You will be surprised at the help I feel sure you will get and also about what comes up, though you could get a shock or two when you delve into the past. I might even be able to help you as well. Margaret is spot on with family research but as she said she has a lot on her plate at the present time. She certainly has.

Of course you might not be needing any help with your research but if you do and you take up my suggestion then you should probably start a new thread about it in a different section.
Sorry Dotti, I have only just seen this post, in answer to your first question I have managed to trace some of my good ladies, (The wife) and my ancestors to the Fifteen Hundreds. It seems that Hazel's female family line the "Thistlethwaites", goes back to the Quaker, "Society of Friends" movement, that originated in the Yorkshire Dales; only a Chicken stride from where we live now. This is the third year that I have subscribed to the "My Heritage" web site and I Usually spend a couple or more hours a day doing the research; I am even seriously thinking of getting my daughter to download it when finished, onto one of these Fire Stick Thingies and having it printed professionally into a hardback book. Maybe some of "my" relatives worked on the Railways as I could be getting a little above my station! Ha-Ha.
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Last edited by taddy; 16-05-2023 at 09:58.
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Old 17-05-2023, 06:58   #21
Beacon of light

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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

Taddy you could join the genealogy site FamilySearch.
It is Free and it has a good database.
It is run by the Mormon church but you can join without being a member of the church.
Here is a link

I have found family members on here when other sites have failed to flag them up.
It is good to have another option for searches and it is a good way to check information and cross referencing of information.
Do it Taddy…you have nothing to lose. It is FREE
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 17-05-2023, 11:43   #22
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Thumbs up Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1272533]Taddy you could join the genealogy site FamilySearch.
It is Free and it has a good database.
It is run by the Mormon church but you can join without being a member of the church.
Here is a link

I have found family members on here when other sites have failed to flag them up.
It is good to have another option for searches and it is a good way to check information and cross referencing of information.
Do it Taddy…you have nothing to lose. It is FREE

Thanks for that Marge, the My Heritage site that I have been using for the past couple of years or so flag up any matches from other Genealogy sites such as the "Family Search" site that you mention, I have found many sources of reference on Family Search and other similar sites but as you say it won't do me any harm to click on to and join Family Search and print out any useful information.
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Old 17-05-2023, 12:41   #23
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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

Taddy I belong to Ancestry, Find my Past and FamilySearch.
You might ask why, but it is to enable me to cross reference information and to check the sources and documentation.
There are people who will add information to their family trees without checking that it is correct.
I would not add an ancestor without their being some documented evidence to ensure they belong on my tree.
This hobby is brain bashing and very very addictive.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 17-05-2023, 17:50   #24
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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1272537]Taddy I belong to Ancestry, Find my Past and FamilySearch.
You might ask why, but it is to enable me to cross reference information and to check the sources and documentation.
There are people who will add information to their family trees without checking that it is correct.
I would not add an ancestor without their being some documented evidence to ensure they belong on my tree.
This hobby is brain bashing and very very addictive.

Marge, I totally agree, before I download anything to Hazels and my tree I always, Always, check it on official records, i.e. Census returns or immigration records etc, I have seen too many people that have put the birth of their ancestors as for example as 1600 and their death as maybe 1565, most of them and I am not being raciest against the Yankee Doddle Dandies, (well maybe a little bit), come from America where they can only trace the history of their country back to the "second War of Independence of 1812, where as we Brits have history that goes back over two thousand years.
I was never much good at maths at school, although Milton Suthers did his best too help me because he was, as you know our games master as well and I was one his favorites because I loved Sports but I also enjoyed history and the teacher who taught us, whose name escapes me; (please help), inspired a love of the past that I still have. Sorry to go on a bit but a few pints of Hobgoblin does make me natter a bit, you should listen to me when I am with my elderly mates in the Peel Park Pub on a Saturday Afternoon, Or maybe not.
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Last edited by taddy; 17-05-2023 at 17:53.
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Old 18-05-2023, 05:39   #25
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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

Taddy, congratulations on what you have found so far and the research you have done. It sounds like you are really on the ball with it. If you haven’t already been on the On-Line Lancashire Parish Clerks site you should give this a go as well as it is also very useful. As Margaret said, Family Search is a good site to use. I have got a lot from this. Margaret is so right about the need to check and cross-check as you also have found out. So many glaring mistakes that have been cop-ied over and over again. Anyway, keep up the good work.
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Old 18-05-2023, 05:39   #26
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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

By the way, I make hard copies of everything and file these in the appropriate folders because I find this is an easy way to show what I have found and also to add to. I designed sheets to record all the information I get as I find out as much as I can about each family, not just about the family members who are in our direct lines. By recording it like this I have been able to put together several loose-leaved ‘books’ for a number of people. Entails quite a lot of work but definitely worthwhile.
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Old 18-05-2023, 07:35   #27
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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

I bring to your attention the Lancashire Family History (& Heraldry) Society aka LFHHS. There is an active Hyndbrn branch which meets in Harvey St, Ossie and holds help-desks in Ossie and Rishton libraries. The society's library and work-room is in The Straits Ossie and is open each Thursfay afternoon and monthloy on Saturdays See its website. I thinki it worth joining, even if for one year. It has anon-ine forum in which members raise queries and receive advice from others.
On thee website's home page is a turquoise block with the word SURNAMES on. Click onto and and dit will bring up a facility on which you can type in a surname such as Pilkington. It then brings up a alist of members who are intersted in that name and location. You can contact those membersand send your queries to them, via the society's secretary. Any responses come direct to you. When sosmeone jpoins the society, his/her name is published in the quarterly magazine along with their surname interests. It is read by all members either in print or digitally..
By chance, the LFHHS is holding its AGM and conference in Watson St, Ossie this coming Saturday I will be there..
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Old 18-05-2023, 08:00   #28
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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

[QUOTE=dotti34;1272541]By the way, I make hard copies of everything and file these in the appropriate folders because I find this is an easy way to show what I have found and also to add to. I designed sheets to record all the information I get as I find out as much as I can about each family, not just about the family members who are in our direct lines. By recording it like this I have been able to put together several loose-leaved ‘books’ for a number of people. Entails quite a lot of work but definitely worthwhile.

Thanks Dotti, the My Heritage web site is all stored on their own computers and they have a system where you can download your own Family Tree and print it out on your own printer; I printed out as far as I had got with Hazel's and my own tree last year, It came to nearly 500 sheets of A4 paper "Per Book", i.e. 1,000 sheets of paper! and that was nearly 18months ago, as our trees are obviously linked I am going to download the finished copy onto a memory stick thingy and see what it will cost to have it printed professionally, should be a nice family heirloom.
That is if Putin does not put an end to it of course.
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Old 18-05-2023, 08:04   #29
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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

[QUOTE=Bob Dobson;1272542]I bring to your attention the Lancashire Family History (& Heraldry) Society aka LFHHS. There is an active Hyndbrn branch which meets in Harvey St, Ossie and holds help-desks in Ossie and Rishton libraries. The society's library and work-room is in The Straits Ossie and is open each Thursfay afternoon and monthloy on Saturdays See its website. I thinki it worth joining, even if for one year. It has anon-ine forum in which members raise queries and receive advice from others.
On thee website's home page is a turquoise block with the word SURNAMES on. Click onto and and dit will bring up a facility on which you can type in a surname such as Pilkington. It then brings up a alist of members who are intersted in that name and location. You can contact those membersand send your queries to them, via the society's secretary. Any responses come direct to you. When sosmeone jpoins the society, his/her name is published in the quarterly magazine along with their surname interests. It is read by all members either in print or digitally..
By chance, the LFHHS is holding its AGM and conference in Watson St, Ossie this coming Saturday I will be there.

Thanks for that Bob, I will keep it in mind.
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Old 18-05-2023, 10:00   #30
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Re: Seaching for family members in Accrington

Bob, that is a really good suggestion. There is also the Guild of One-name Studies that is definitely worth looking at.
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