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01-05-2012, 09:21
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by davemac
But what about the Traffic Clones, not traffic cones, thats cones for traffic. 
Oh no!!!!!!!!! another thread heading for "anything goes" 
01-05-2012, 09:24
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by Neil
I can see more info about the guests and most are search engine robots indexing the site so it shows up in google etc searches
I bow to your wisdom, but at the time of this post there are 23 registered users and 180 guests using the entire site. This does seem to be a high number of guests, and I don't think they are all search bots, as you are the keeper of the secrets how many of this number would be real people?
01-05-2012, 09:26
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by jaysay
Oh no!!!!!!!!! another thread heading for "anything goes" 
Its already been moved, I originaly posted this in general chat, now its in questions and answers, apparently if you get your thread moved three times you qualify for a free fondue set.
01-05-2012, 09:31
Resting in Peace
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by davemac
Its already been moved, I originaly posted this in general chat, now its in questions and answers, apparently if you get your thread moved three times you qualify for a free fondue set.
Or those three little words under your name, I am Banned 
01-05-2012, 11:34
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by jaysay
Or those three little words under your name, I am Banned 
Thats a thought, something to aspire to then. Thing is though, if I get banned, who will take over as the village idiot........I will be taking nominations just in case.....so suggestions please written on a £5 note and forwarded to the administrators office
01-05-2012, 11:51
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by davemac
Thing is though, if I get banned, who will take over as the village idiot.......
Decisions, decisions, from a cast of many ......... ! 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
01-05-2012, 11:58
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Decisions, decisions, from a cast of many ......... ! 
I am starting a list if you have some nominations, if you don't want to name out loud, you can either type in invisible ink, or disconnect the keyboard from the computer then type them and then plug it back in again.
As you can see I am well suited to the job.
01-05-2012, 11:58
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Some of the 'visitors' are cyber robots trawling for potential spam sites.
I heard that Less is one of those, Accy's answer to Blade Runner... 
01-05-2012, 12:01
Resting In Peace
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by davemac
At the time of composing this epistle there are 38 registered members online and 180 guests.
Thats 218 people browsing the site.
Why are these guests not inspired by the pearls of wisdom imparted by members then inspired to sign up, and also share the secrets that are given when you sign up?
The one flaw in this thread is that the guests wont be able to tell us, what do members think, are we scary?
Only just caught up with this thread. The thing that iintrigues me is Accyweb has almost 23,000 members and yet the majority of them have posted less than ten times each since they joined, if you look at a sample few pages from the members list (no sorry I haven't been through all 105 pages to check my facts). I wonder why they joined in the first place? They could probably just have been guests and not bothered posting at all.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
01-05-2012, 12:27
Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by davemac
I bow to your wisdom, but at the time of this post there are 23 registered users and 180 guests using the entire site. This does seem to be a high number of guests, and I don't think they are all search bots, as you are the keeper of the secrets how many of this number would be real people?
I just looked and most are bots at the moment - at least 75%
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01-05-2012, 12:32
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by susie123
Only just caught up with this thread. The thing that iintrigues me is Accyweb has almost 23,000 members and yet the majority of them have posted less than ten times each since they joined, if you look at a sample few pages from the members list (no sorry I haven't been through all 105 pages to check my facts). I wonder why they joined in the first place? They could probably just have been guests and not bothered posting at all.
Just had a look at the list and yes you are correct, I only checked the first page the one with a # at the start, got to the bottom of the page and found a hypnotist was registered, next I remember I woke up in my pajamas in the back garden.
It was the disparity from registered members and guests online that got me started, earlier there was 23 members online and 180 guests.
01-05-2012, 12:39
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by susie123
...I wonder why they joined in the first place?
They probably got hounded out, or fed up with the vitriol that surfaces on a regular basis...
01-05-2012, 12:44
Beacon of light
Re: Are registered members frightening?
I think it could be a bit scary being a newbie on here(it really depends on your constitution...your ability to bite back, but gently  ).
It has been said in many other threads that sometimes new members come here with the wrong attitude(I'm not entirely sure 'attitude' is quite the right word)...they encounter some flak and then spit the dummy and are never heard of again.
Some members (and they know who they are) use Accyweb as a cheaper version of E-bay.....they only come on when they want to offload something.....sell a phone or what have you. Invariably, these people do not contribute to the site...either by way of funds, or by posting.
I can remember coming here a long time ago and being in awe of some of the longstanding members....and I stood back for a good while getting the 'feel' of the place before posting.
It is by far the most interesting and varied forum(bar none) and it is the core of regular posters who make it like this.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
01-05-2012, 13:15
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by Studio25
They probably got hounded out, or fed up with the vitriol that surfaces on a regular basis...
Heres another of those less was referring too in the other thread.  in my opinion.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
01-05-2012, 14:30
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by Studio25
They probably got hounded out , or fed up with the vitriol that surfaces on a regular basis...
Here we go again, it's that nasty clique (or click if you're semi-literate) driving people away. If you don't like it, go join another local forum where everyone's nicey-nice to each other...and watch the tumbleweed roll across the screen.
The fact that Accyweb is far more popular, lively and well-patronised than many other forums from larger towns is a testimony to its own success.
I've said it before, but Accyweb is one on its own...it's slightly eccentric, left-field, off the wall and, yes, sometimes vitriolic and all the better for it. In fact, it's a fitting reflection of its regular members, some of whom appear to have arrived from another planet!
If you want a normal forum, go elsewhere! 
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