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01-05-2012, 20:25
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by Neil
I just looked and most are bots at the moment - at least 75%
Since you posted this, I've logged on 3 times just to check, and each time all those so called guests have joined just minutes before I logged on, bit strange that, some appear to be viewing genuine threads, about Accy.
01-05-2012, 20:51
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by jaysay
That's a bit like asking the Canal Fire extinguisher to join Dave 
I think you have come onto the wrong thread for that, by the way things have taken a turn for the worse on that thread
02-05-2012, 08:39
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by davemac
I see the bird brain has posted on here with the bile he spreads on other threads, he is a one theme poster. This post was instigated to have a discussion about getting new members. The bird brain is on my ignore list and I only get to read what he says if someone quotes him, I haven't read his posts for a while, but they remain the same nasty rage against the world.
Sorry to go off topic but I resent the spoilers posted by the drug gang, and just watch, more will follow!
Glad you put me on your ignore list as I had no intention of contacting you anyway, so why bother?
There have been some nasty people on this forum - who have been nasty to me and caused deliberate friction - one being a certain Garinda! Who is on my "ignore" list - as he has been trolling!
I thought forums were places to discuss serious issues - not just pat your mates on the back to get high Karma scores as seems to be what occurs here! I know my 278 points in the green will soon become red, such is the nature of things...
Last edited by kestrelx; 02-05-2012 at 08:43.
02-05-2012, 11:11
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
Glad you put me on your ignore list as I had no intention of contacting you anyway, so why bother?
There have been some nasty people on this forum - who have been nasty to me and caused deliberate friction - one being a certain Garinda! Who is on my "ignore" list - as he has been trolling!
I thought forums were places to discuss serious issues - not just pat your mates on the back to get high Karma scores as seems to be what occurs here! I know my 278 points in the green will soon become red, such is the nature of things...
i'm in the green....awaits the red 
02-05-2012, 12:33
Beacon of light
Re: Are registered members frightening?
It is sad that both of you are much more concerned about the issue of Karma rather than what the thread is actually about......the persecution issue also reflects an immature viewpoint.
Can't you both just accept that you are never going to be flavour of the month with some forum members and move on??
These are just my opinions...my own viewpoint.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
02-05-2012, 12:38
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Here we go again, it's that nasty clique (or click if you're semi-literate) driving people away. If you don't like it, go join another local forum where everyone's nicey-nice to each other...and watch the tumbleweed roll across the screen.
The fact that Accyweb is far more popular, lively and well-patronised than many other forums from larger towns is a testimony to its own success.
I've said it before, but Accyweb is one on its own...it's slightly eccentric, left-field, off the wall and, yes, sometimes vitriolic and all the better for it. In fact, it's a fitting reflection of its regular members, some of whom appear to have arrived from another planet!
If you want a normal forum, go elsewhere! 
You must admit though Wynonie, you are always on of the first to get so defensive if anyone mentions or even if they don't mention Clique / Click.
Sorry Im not up to your standards of literacy.
Back on topic, most guests will be as already said Bots.
Chris, Kes, I cant believe your in the green. How much did you both pay. 
Everything is OK
02-05-2012, 12:53
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
It is sad that both of you are much more concerned about the issue of Karma rather than what the thread is actually about......the persecution issue also reflects an immature viewpoint.
Can't you both just accept that you are never going to be flavour of the month with some forum members and move on??
These are just my opinions...my own viewpoint.
These two are on my ignore list so I only get to see responses from them if they are quoted or referred to, but when I do its always the same trolling.
This behaviour keeps the guests from signing up, and the regular members off the site, which gets us back on topic.
02-05-2012, 15:37
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
You must admit though Wynonie, you are always on of the first to get so defensive if anyone mentions or even if they don't mention Clique / Click.
Sorry Im not up to your standards of literacy.
Back on topic, most guests will be as already said Bots.
Chris, Kes, I cant believe your in the green. How much did you both pay. 
i know it cost me 20ish green karma to get in the over 18's bit of this forum
thanks for that Mr mod very adult of you 
02-05-2012, 15:37
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
You must admit though Wynonie, you are always on of the first to get so defensive if anyone mentions or even if they don't mention Clique / Click.
Just fed up of a small minority of members continually whinging about this, that and the other on Accyweb.
If you dislike this forum so much, go and join another one. Simple as.
02-05-2012, 15:40
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by davemac
These two are on my ignore list so I only get to see responses from them if they are quoted or referred to, but when I do its always the same trolling.
This behaviour keeps the guests from signing up, and the regular members off the site, which gets us back on topic.
maybe new members are scared of being the subject of a online witch hunt from certain registered members which also puts us back on topic 
02-05-2012, 15:43
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
perhaps they have been scared off by fire extinguishers and cloning cones
02-05-2012, 15:56
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by AccyChris
i know it cost me 20ish green karma to get in the over 18's bit of this forum
thanks for that Mr mod very adult of you 
i stand corrected Mr mod says over 18s bit is private and have red karma for your troubles....very adult/clicky 
02-05-2012, 16:23
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Registered members are not the least bit frightening ... nor intimidating. Some are crusty and grumpy; some are opinionated and predictable; some are pleasant and helpful; some are short  If, on reading through the threads, some decide not to jump in and make their mark ... well, that's their choice. I don't think that those on this forum should change in order to accomodate potential members. The dog wags the tail, not the other way around. 
02-05-2012, 18:00
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by Eric
I don't think that those on this forum should change in order to accomodate potential members. The dog wags the tail, not the other way around. 
Nail - head - hit. 
02-05-2012, 18:07
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Re: Are registered members frightening?
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Nail - head - hit. 
Ya Wyn others keep hitting their fingers 
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