19-10-2007, 22:12
Resident Waffler
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Re: Artificial Nails
They don't interfere with the growth of your own nails because that comes from further inside your finger.
I don't know why my nails and hair went to pot when I was pregnant. It didn't happen with earlier pregnancies but neither have recovered. My hair used to be thick and wavy but it went very thin and has stayed that way. It literally fell out in handfulls. No amount of treatment or supplements or consultation with GP has made a ha'porth of difference. The water retention started at the same time and I was told I would be back to normal in no time once I'd given birth. She is now 13 years old and I still have the water retention. Doc has tried various tablets but all to no avail. Believe me I'd much rather have my own strong nails back, and my thick wavy hair and lose all this flippin water if only I could.