09-08-2010, 21:57
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Re: Bookworms: What are you reading at the moment?
non fiction is good(criminology, i hate biography's, seems like everybody is doing them lately) but i prefer fiction to get the imagination wandering
I am now on the last book of the Gideon trilogy. For a bunch of novels aimed for the younger audience they are quite good....Not sure if they class as toilet wall graffiti or not
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Can someone please tell me that they are reading something other than toilet wall graffitti?
How about you tell us what you are reading?? Then again, you are reading accyweb and posting toilet wall like repsonces so..... hmmmmm
haha just kidding
Talking of graffiti. Once i saw this great graffiti down town on a bus stop window. Somebody had wrote "i was ere" and somebody wrote underneath " that is so 1980's " LOL I dunno it just made me laugh