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07-07-2012, 10:52
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Re: BT Infinity
with them saying fibre optic on the advert I assumed.... and with only certain people being able to get it in accrington.... I assumed again. Silly me
Originally Posted by entwisi
Infinity isn't cable, it's fibre to the cabinet then copper to your house, they are looking at fibre to the premises but that will cost a fatuous boy
Originally Posted by jaysay
I have never heard of that either. But this explains it better
BT Infinity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In short. It uses the same thing as cable until it gets a few hundred meters to your house.
07-07-2012, 11:21
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Re: BT Infinity
we must be cabled up in colne so to speak, i tried the bt, expected them to come and connect, they sent a box and other bits, through post ,not that way minded to put together myself but had a go,it advertised that computer could be any where in your home,and would be wireless, couldnt get a signal so rang them, the answer was buy a cable it will work then, not bad for a wireless system, needless to say i bagged it up and sent it back, the tried to bill me but trading standards sorted it
07-07-2012, 12:02
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Re: BT Infinity
A few months ago I switched my ISP from Orange to BT.
I did so because I was frequently experiencing internet downtime with Orange and wanted a more reliable provider.
I chose the BT Option1, which at £13 monthly, was the same as I had been paying to Orange.
I soon found out that BT were limiting me to 10MB a month, whereas Orange hadn't.
Every month I got close to exceeding my monthly allowance despite rarely watching BBCiplayer and never watching live news (which I did often previously).
I felt cheated and wished I had at least explored the option of Virgin cable (which is available at my address)
I am tied to an 18 month BT contract.
The options open to me were - put up with the inadequate 10MB or pay an extra £5 a month to get 40MB.
Then news of Infinity arrival reached me on this thread, so I looked at what it offered.
I found that I could get Infinity for that extra £5 a month, along with the 40MB.
The forcasted speed for my address far exceeds what I get now (can't remember precise figures quoted)
So I have signed up for it.
The difference between the upgrade to 40Mb(broadband Option2), which before was my only option, and the Infinity, is a one off payment of £25 for an engineer's visit and a different home hub. The price of both is £18 a month. There is an ever faster Infinity option with no download/upload limit , but that costs £26 a month.
There is a video on the BT website which explains what the engineer does at the home visit.
I will be switched on to Infinity on 18th July.
07-07-2012, 13:51
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Re: BT Infinity
Originally Posted by MargaretR
A few months ago I switched my ISP from Orange to BT.
I did so because I was frequently experiencing internet downtime with Orange and wanted a more reliable provider.
I chose the BT Option1, which at £13 monthly, was the same as I had been paying to Orange.
I soon found out that BT were limiting me to 10MB a month, whereas Orange hadn't.
Every month I got close to exceeding my monthly allowance despite rarely watching BBCiplayer and never watching live news (which I did often previously).
I felt cheated and wished I had at least explored the option of Virgin cable (which is available at my address)
I am tied to an 18 month BT contract.
The options open to me were - put up with the inadequate 10MB or pay an extra £5 a month to get 40MB.
Then news of Infinity arrival reached me on this thread, so I looked at what it offered.
I found that I could get Infinity for that extra £5 a month, along with the 40MB.
The forcasted speed for my address far exceeds what I get now (can't remember precise figures quoted)
So I have signed up for it.
The difference between the upgrade to 40Mb(broadband Option2), which before was my only option, and the Infinity, is a one off payment of £25 for an engineer's visit and a different home hub. The price of both is £18 a month. There is an ever faster Infinity option with no download/upload limit , but that costs £26 a month.
There is a video on the BT website which explains what the engineer does at the home visit.
I will be switched on to Infinity on 18th July.
Doesn't sound bad that Margaret, I had been thinking about increasing my download capability so I can connect my hub to my Sky HD box which will enable me to access more films when I want them, think I'll sign up myself
07-07-2012, 15:59
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Re: BT Infinity
I think you mean 10Gb a month download limit Margaret, not 10Mb.
I have been with BT a long time and was limited to 10Gb a month and I had a download speed of just under 10Mb.
I kept seeing the advert for BT offers so decided to give them a call.
They gave me unlimited download and the speed is the same, they dropped my payments and I am now £1.30 a month better of, it pays to ring and tell them you are not happy with the service and hopefully they will give you a better deal.
The reason I wanted to increase my download amount was due to the fact that my friend gave me his Sky account password so I could watch the football now and again and I don't have Sky. With his password I can access Sky via Skygo on my laptop and connect to the TV via the HDMI cable.
The first match I watched used half my 10Gb monthly download amount so now I am unlimited I don't have to worry about extra cost.
There was no buffering when I watched the Sky football on my laptop so my download speed is fast enough not to want Infinity.
Gremlin R.T.
07-07-2012, 16:03
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Re: BT Infinity
Silly me  you're right giggas and megass confuse me - both mean 'big'
07-07-2012, 16:26
Re: BT Infinity
Originally Posted by jaysay
Doesn't sound bad that Margaret, I had been thinking about increasing my download capability so I can connect my hub to my Sky HD box which will enable me to access more films when I want them, think I'll sign up myself
Are you not better off with sky for your phone and internet seeing as you have sky tv?
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07-07-2012, 19:36
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Re: BT Infinity
Originally Posted by Neil
Are you not better off with sky for your phone and internet seeing as you have sky tv?
I got rid of SKY TV years ago.
I am compelled to pay for a communal ariel that would provide it, but I gave away the box about 5years ago and stopped paying any Sky subs about 7 years ago.
I am not interested in paying for any TV coverage.
The few programmes (mainly drama) that I want to watch are available online.
When my TV set 'dies' I won't be replacing it.
07-07-2012, 20:16
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Re: BT Infinity
Yes gremlin Margaret most certainly meant 10GB. 10MB you will use that in less than a day I would guess
07-07-2012, 21:05
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Re: BT Infinity
Originally Posted by Restless
Yes gremlin Margaret most certainly meant 10GB. 10MB you will use that in less than a day I would guess
I watched the last two matches of the season, Man U on one channel and flicked about watching Man C on another using Sky go with my laptop linked to the TV, it was a very good picture, nu buffering but used 3 gig.
Now it is unlimited I have no worries.
I don't watch TV much less still Skygo but it's there if I want it.
Gremlin R.T.
07-07-2012, 21:47
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Re: BT Infinity
I live in Rossendale & had Infinity installed last October when it first became available here. It was the 'up to' 38Mb down, 9.5 Mb up speed with a 40GB cap option.
I was getting around 25Mb download and around 6Mb upload. The closer you are to those green BT street boxes, the better. I'm around 100 meters away.
This was a lot faster than i was receiving before & was happy with it with the exception of the 40GB limit.
BT kept telling me i was using over the 40GB most months. As an example, in May they claimed i used on average 3.75GB/day for the first 13 days. These figures were not possible.
As i will be doing more work over broadband in the next few months, i upgraded (12 month contract) to their go faster, unlimited download option of up to 76Mb/19Mb. I'm getting around 55Mb/19Mb.
Its good, its reliable & if you get a capped service, assume BT will lie, so measure it yourself from day one.
07-07-2012, 22:14
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Re: BT Infinity
Whilst I was restricted to 10 GB I read my usage monitor every day.
If you have wireless enabled on you homehub, you take the risk that a neighbour is 'piggybacking' your connection.
I disabled the wireless facility at the hub and use an ethernet cable.
I found out how to on BT's community forum
How to disable WiFi - BTCare Community Forums
08-07-2012, 09:51
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Re: BT Infinity
Originally Posted by Gremlin
I think you mean 10Gb a month download limit Margaret, not 10Mb.
I have been with BT a long time and was limited to 10 Gb a month and I had a download speed of just under 10Mb.
I kept seeing the advert for BT offers so decided to give them a call.
They gave me unlimited download and the speed is the same, they dropped my payments and I am now £1.30 a month better of, it pays to ring and tell them you are not happy with the service and hopefully they will give you a better deal.
The reason I wanted to increase my download amount was due to the fact that my friend gave me his Sky account password so I could watch the football now and again and I don't have Sky. With his password I can access Sky via Skygo on my laptop and connect to the TV via the HDMI cable.
The first match I watched used half my 10Gb monthly download amount so now I am unlimited I don't have to worry about extra cost.
There was no buffering when I watched the Sky football on my laptop so my download speed is fast enough not to want Infinity.
Ya that's why I'm ringing them, at the moment just logging onto AccyWeb uses nout, but if I link to Sky it will cost me a fortune
08-07-2012, 09:54
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Re: BT Infinity
Originally Posted by Neil
Are you not better off with sky for your phone and internet seeing as you have sky tv?
Sky don't support my emergency lifeline Neil or I Would have changed to them over 12 months ago, I had everything in place, then I mentioned my lifeline and they pulled the plug, their phone line won't support it
08-07-2012, 10:05
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Re: BT Infinity
The BT email response to my upgrade request indicates that while I wait I will not be charged for exceeding the allowance this month.
Consequently I am 'having a field day' on Iplayer and youtube.
I have used 3.77Gb in one week - most of it yesterday 
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