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Old 26-12-2007, 09:48   #16
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
But how did they class deprived?
fifty years ago i think it was about new found socialism
my dad had just died and mum had three young uns
dad had paid in to the hospital fund from work
two pence a week and you whent through means testing
dont think nits scurvy or impetigo had any thing to do with it
but it was a great place
its just

like i've never been gone
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Old 26-12-2007, 11:03   #17
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

When I was 10 I had a friend whose Dad died and she got to do all sorts of things like that. She even ended up being sent to a private school. Around the same time, my Dad had a stroke and was very severely disabled and unable to work. My Mum worked all the hours God sent and still tried to look after my Dad and me so our life was pretty grim. I know it sounds awful now but at the time I actually envied the girl whose Dad had died because to all intents and purposes my Dad may as well have been dead. He couldn't communicate with us or anything and needed looking after like a baby. My Mum had less time for anything and was always tired and in a bad mood because she had so much to do. Yet my friend's Mum got lots of help on account of being a widow and the children got free holidays. I suppose they had to select people somehow but to me at that age it always seemed that she was a lot better off than I was.

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Old 26-12-2007, 11:36   #18
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

and now willow
with wisdom and age you realise she wasnt
its just

like i've never been gone
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Old 26-12-2007, 12:39   #19
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

My Dad never really fully recovered though and suffered in pain for another 17 years. He was never the same personality either. He'd previously been happy and funloving but probably because of all the pain he was suffering he changed into a miserable and grumpy person. So in a way I did lose my Dad when I was 11. The person we subsequently lived with was like a total stranger.

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Old 26-12-2007, 12:48   #20
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

could be wrong but think the parents/parent had too apply somewhere for the kids to go.?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 26-12-2007, 12:53   #21
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
could be wrong but think the parents/parent had too apply somewhere for the kids to go.?
They did Cashy but when I asked my mum she can't remember where. If my memory serves me right seem to recall an office on Whalley Road on the block opposite what was Catlows. Definetly went to Cannon Street Clinic for a bit of a medical week before we went. Cannon Street was also the pick up and drop of point
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Old 26-12-2007, 16:30   #22
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

That'll probably explain it because my Mum was one of those people who would never apply for anything even if she was entitled to it! My Gran (her mother) didn't even apply for her pension and carried on working until she was 75 because she didn't want 'charity'!!! I suppose she'd been brought up in the days of the workhouse and such and regarded something for nothing as just not being right.

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Old 21-10-2008, 02:14   #23
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Hi there,
A friend from school, Ribblesdale in Clitheroe, his Mam & Dad looked after place.
They had a week off in between two weeks of boys or two weeks of girls. I was fortunate to be invited over during the week off when Brian and I had the run of the place. A wonderful old house. Brians Mam & Dad were just as lovely as anyone could be. So I now have these wonderful memories of the house and those huge Horse Chestnut trees in the autumn. Thank you Brian & Mr Mrs Olston.
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Old 22-10-2008, 23:00   #24
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Got many happy memories of time spent at Chaigley Manor
Me too, I loved it there. I remember going swimming in the river.
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Old 25-10-2008, 15:18   #25
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

My sister & I used to go to Chaigley, we had great times there, we were picked up from outside Cannon St Clinic on a Monday and returned back on Friday of the following week. We had a medical a week before, you couldn't go if you had nits, if you had them they checked you again on morning of departure. Parents could visit on the Sunday, there was a bus from the Odeon on Broadway.In later years ( around 1985 ish) they built an outdoor!! swimming pool, my kids went there too.

My mum and dad subscribed to the 'penny a week' fund which enabled us to go, but I had to pay for my two as this had stopped.

Jelly Baby
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Old 04-11-2008, 10:30   #26
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Hello I'm new to this site, I was googling Chaigley as I use to work there befor I had my little boy. I loved everyday I was there, the children that came were amazing and most of the staff were great. Sadly Mr and Mrs Cook who had it at the time I feel ran it to the ground. I was so upset to see it had been sold. The Cook's aloud their children the run of the place and I mean the run.. I WAS the only member of staff that had the balls to say what I thought and it wasn't liked. Although I am not here to slam the Cook's I do feel they didn't really have the heart for the job. It sadn's me to think that Chaigley Manor is now just a house for someone with too much money. As I have been reading all comments on Chaigley Manor this morning on here it makes me wonder where the money from the sale HAS gone... I'm sure a smaller property could have been bought to carry on the good work of making children happy.
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Old 04-11-2008, 11:31   #27
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

My mother painted this when she came to visit me one day at work. Hope it brings back good momories for all xxx
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Old 05-11-2008, 15:50   #28
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Hi, I used to be a teacher in HYndburn and used Chaigley Manor so I thought I would put what I know about the Trust.
Initially the Manor was bought by Accrington to be a home for children,for deprived children ,convalescing children,children that needed protection etc. It received money from commerce, Trade Union Workers whose pay had a deduction of a few pence per month and fund raising events in the town. It became increasing difficult to finance as Trade Union members declined and a decision was made to allow schools in Hyndburn to use the Manor as an activity centre (paying guests ) The Manor became very busy with a number of schools taking advantage of a cheap holiday with obvious benefit for lots of children who rarely had a holiday or even visited the countryside. The manor relied on using training students from various local colleges, they had free board training but didn't get paid.
THe crunch came with new legistration insisted all people who work with chidren need to be quailified,there to be two shifts and health and safety issues fully implemented.
The building needed serious renovation, they now couldn't afford the staff and reluctantly it had to be sold. Many East Lancs boroughs had such properties and all have gone the same way.
The money from the sale is still held by the trust which gives it out year by year to all the schools of Hyndburn on the basis of numbers in Year 6.
The intention is that the schools use the money to subsidise their school visits and help pay for any children whose parents cannot/will not pay.
In my opinion losing the Manor was a great loss and deprived the children of a wonderful asset.
These are my observations and no doubt there are many people who know more but I hope some questions about the trust have been answered.
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Old 12-03-2009, 04:29   #29
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

The Trust haven't been spending the money and are to be asked why not
Date set for Hyndburn charity questions (From Lancashire Telegraph)

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Old 12-03-2009, 10:30   #30
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
The Trust haven't been spending the money and are to be asked why not
Date set for Hyndburn charity questions (From Lancashire Telegraph)
Don't really know much about what has gone on with the Trust, but from what I hear its been a concern on a cross party basis at HBC for some time
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