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Old 12-03-2009, 19:09   #31
Senior Member+

Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Margaret mentioned about the scrutiny meeting to discuss Chaigley Manor next Wednesday at the Council offices.

I would encourage anyone who is interested to come along to the meeting. Scrutiny meetings are often a useful way to find out what's going on in the borough.
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Old 13-03-2009, 00:58   #32
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Dont know much about the trust but was actually talking to friends the other day about Chailey manor and I didnt even know that folk of accy used to pay into it. By rights thatactually makes it belong to the folk of accy dosent it? Find it all a bit confusing myself but I do have happy memories of the place .
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Old 13-03-2009, 01:19   #33
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

i used to donate £1 a week from me wages fer near 20 yrs n it still closed.
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Old 06-04-2009, 14:02   #34
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

A couple of interesting articles in the Telegraph on this subject.

Hyndburn leader calls on Chaigley board to quit (From Lancashire Telegraph)

Underfire Hyndburn charity unveils major project (From Lancashire Telegraph)

I hope the Gisburn project is a success. It looks as though the Trustees have been working hard despite the criticism from councillors.
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Old 11-04-2009, 17:54   #35
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

A further link

Leader Welcomes Chaigley Announcement

I think the Trustees should be local people. After all, it is local money for local kids.

Last edited by gynn; 11-04-2009 at 17:56.
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Old 26-04-2009, 10:04   #36
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Chaigley Manor

Hi, have just driver past this BEAUTIFUL house this morning. It is sandblasted and looks absolutely stunning. Am just curious as to who owns it now, but more importantly, who is living in it?

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Old 28-04-2009, 14:54   #37
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

It was sold by the Chaigley Trust to a businessman from Preston, who intended to spend a lot of money on it and live in it himself with his family.
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Old 17-11-2009, 14:13   #38
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Further to previous questions about the future of Chaigley Trust, I spotted the following on the LET website:-

MAJOR changes have been announced by a Hyndburn charity which now plans to spend its legacy providing mountain biking and archery activites for children.
The Chaigley Manor Trust came under fire earlier this year over the spending of a £625,000 fund left for children in the borough.
The trustees have now changed the name of the charity to To Inspire, severing links to Chaigley Manor, which was a grand house in the Ribble Valley owned by the people of Hyndburn and used as a holiday home for deprived youngsters of the borough.
Trustee Nicole Cook said the new charity is days away from signing a deal to take over the lease at the Stephen Park Training and Activity Complex in Gisburn Forest and it should be open early in the New Year.
Officials said the project would see facilities for children including mountain bike tracks, archery, woodcraft workshops and den building available.
Mrs Cook said: “We had hoped that it would be up and running by now but there have been some delays.
“It will primarily be for the children of Hyndburn and will be free for those who cannot afford to go away on holidays.
“We also want to involve the schools in the borough.”
The lease will cost an initial £100,000 for the site, which is currently being managed by Knowsley CVS. The group will continue to work alongside To Inspire, Hyndburn & Ribble Valley CVS and the Forestry Commission to develop various projects for children.
She said residential facilities for 35 people would be available at the site and at least eight jobs will be created. There will also be facilities for day visitors.
Mrs Cook added: “It will operate in a very similar way to Chaigley Manor and I’m sure it will be popular.
“It will get children out of the towns and into the countryside having fun but also learning about nature. As soon as we sign the lease we will begin to take bookings.”
Chaigley Manor was sold in 2001 for £625,000 in 2001 and the fund was put into the care of the Chaigley Manor Trust.
A ruling was made that the interest - around £25,000 per year - should be spent on worthy causes annually.

I like the idea - Hyndburn kids have missed out since Chaigley Manor closed.
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Old 17-11-2009, 15:01   #39
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Great hope it goes ahead soon, had some great holidays at Chaigley when I was a youngster
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Old 17-11-2009, 15:38   #40
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

£625,000 is a heck of a lot of mountain bikes, how come I for one haven't heard of anyone in my neighbourhood getting one?
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Old 17-11-2009, 16:38   #41
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

There was even a waiting list back then, it was one of the only times I was glad to have a surname with 'W', only time I ever wanted to be back of the list.
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Last edited by Neil; 18-04-2019 at 12:49. Reason: fix formatting
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Old 17-11-2009, 19:30   #42
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Originally Posted by Less View Post
There was even a waiting list back then, it was one of the only times I was glad to have a surname with 'W', only time I ever wanted to be back of the list.
Now there's a turn up, you with a name starting with a 'W'
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Old 17-11-2009, 19:55   #43
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Originally Posted by Royboy39 View Post
Now there's a turn up, you with a name starting with a 'W'
and you taking a chance to be nasty?

That isn't anything abnormal is it? Either join in and be friends with the many on here or else stop sniping.

You know you're wasting your time.

(No number of smilies will cover your hatred, whereas I am willing to give you yet another chance, stop being nasty and actually join in with everyone else!).
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Old 20-06-2012, 18:38   #44
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

Chaigley Manor Convalescent Home.
I spent 2, 4 week stays there in the late 40's. I was there because i was recovering, as a 7 year old, from TB. I remember it was fun, I won a plum in a race - thats funny but I guess in the late 40's a plum was a real prize. I remember the bath tubs upstairs. had to sit in it while water was poured over your head. Guess plumbing was not the best.
Great times spent there many walks in the fields.
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Old 24-06-2012, 11:08   #45
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Re: Chaigley Manor Trust

myself and a school friend stopped there in the late 80's.

The bad
About 12-18 boys stopping in the same room all dead quiet(almost felt like fear) age groups to one room. I didn't get a room with my friend, and there was a boy that wet bed every single night.
There was older boys, about 13-15 years old, One of them put his sunglasses on top of a door(of all places to put them) and when I entered they fell off and they broke. I spent half my holiday running away.

The Good
I remember playing on an old organ a lot. Going Clitheroe swimming baths, doing some fishing(at some place called paradise?). Quite a bit of walking of where we went looking for clay pigeons. There was some swings outside the front of the manor and a couple of mattresses laid out on the ground. We would take the swings up high and jump off onto the mattresses.

There was these Redberries, we picked them in the morning and the cooks made a pudding out of them in the evening. That pudding was great.
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