Abolish the TV License fee.
14th February 2006
Lee Barnes
Civil Liberty supporter Graham Martin Tasker is being sent to prison for refusing to pay his TV license until the native British poor and disadvantaged, disabled, unemployed, elderly, mentally ill are given parity of treatment with asylum seekers in Britain.
He will be a Prisoner of Conscience and
Civil Liberty will be demonstrating outside the Court at his court appearance in a few weeks time.
Details will be posted here shortly.
The facts
Using television receiving equipment without the appropriate licence is a criminal offence subject to a maximum fine of £1,000. In 2003 a total of 96,872 people were prosecuted in the UK for licence fee evasion. No-one can be imprisoned solely for licence fee evasion. However, if an evasion fine is not paid, then magistrates have the power to impose a prison sentence.
In England and Wales, 28 people were imprisoned in 2004 for non-payment of licence evasion fines (the average sentence was 14 days).
In Scotland 18 people were imprisoned in 2004.
In the top secret document ' The Revised Tenancy Agreement April 2001' for asylum seekers in private accommodation - produced by the Secretary of State for the Home Office, acting through the Immigration and Nationality Directorate it states that ;
“For Each Living/Dining Room 1 new twenty inch screen colour television complete with licence which shall be renewed at each annual anniversary of the Start Date throughout the Term.”
Native Brits, of course, have to wait until they are 75 to get a free TV licence, and non-payment of this iniquitous tax is the biggest single ‘crime’ that puts British women in prison. A full copy of the
'top secret' tenancy agreement for asylum seekers can be found here.
FACT: each year approximately 100,000 people are prosecuted for non-payment of the TV Licence
FACT: 68% of these prosecutions are against women (this is because when the TV Licence inspectors call during the day it's usually the woman who's at home)
FACT: out of the total of 100,000 prosecutions 98% result in a fine causing ever greater poverty for many already impoverished people. Children go hungry as their mothers cannot afford to feed them and old people do not heat their homes as a result.
FACT: because TV Licence evasion is a strict liability offence these cases have to be heard in a magistrates court, and the court has no compulsion to allow fines to be paid by instalments.
FACT: there is no compulsion on Magistrates to means test people who appear in court
FACT: if you do not pay the fine a warrant will be issued for your arrest
FACT: over the years thousands of women have been imprisoned in the United Kingdom because they were not able to pay fines imposed upon them for not having a TV Licence. Almost all of these women were on benefits and around half of them had dependent children.
The propaganda put out by TV Licensing portrays TV Licence evaders as criminals and as the undeserving scum of the earth. The reality is, a large number of the people they prosecute are poor and disadvantaged, disabled, unemployed, elderly, mentally ill and every one of those 100,000 prosecutions causes stress, misery, fear, and in some cases ruined lives for the individuals concerned; and what you have to remember in all this is that it's just about the entirely harmless act of watching television.
Civil Liberty are about to campaign for the total abolition of the TV license fee.
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