16-10-2013, 15:18
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Re: Fleas on dogs
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
It has really upset my mum too. She has had dogs all of her life but they have never had fleas. I think the two pronged attack will work, especially as the weather is cooling down now too.
Thanks-I'm pretty confident that the problem has gone now, although I did see a tiny one a few days ago on the sofa, the vet said not to worry because all of them cannot live off the dog now and will die off without breeding, and yes the weather will help.
Originally Posted by Bob97531
Buy one of these puppies too for combing...
Works like them fly trap things, when you hit one you hear it crack... flea, dead...

lol nice!
Neill was really upset, I think because his last dog (all have been rescues) was in a bad way when he got him, and absolutely riddled with fleas, and they were so hard to get rid of as there were so many of them. The whole house got infested and everything fabric was on a constant wash repeat cycle until the treatment took hold.
I think he envisioned a repeat of that situation and he panicked when I said I'd seen them on Kya.
I guess they affect different situations and people in different ways, if they're caught quickly they're just a nuisance but they can be a big problem.
Kya HATES being combed unfortunately. Actually she hates most things unless she can eat it or fornicate with it. 
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.