17-01-2015, 12:52
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Re: honey?
Originally Posted by lancsdave
Hoskins cheese stall on the outside market sell various honey
Good heads up. I bought two jars of orange blossom, The nice lady knocked off 40p as the honey had started to crystallise, I don't mind that but I appreciate the gesture.
Originally Posted by MargaretR
If you want a naturally sweet tea drink, try liquorice tea bags - no added sweetener necessary. Liquorice is good for repairing damaged 'guts'.
I cannot stand the taste of Liquorice though I do have bad guts quite often, I had an endoscopy and it came back fine- Doctor told me its linked to anxiety, though it could be the 2-3 bottles of whisky per week I was drinking till I stopped altogether just over a year ago.
Also I was drinking around 8-10 large cups of coffee(2 heaped tsp) a day with 3.5 tsp of sugar and since switching to tea I feel less stressed at work. I ran out of honey at work and put two spoons of sugar in my green tea and I had to pour it away, it was quite horrid. Surprising really