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Old 21-10-2003, 15:17   #1
Senior Member+

Post Is there any truth in this rumour?

That all the churches in Accrington are to close (apart from the ones in the outlying areas, i.e. Green Haworth and Altham) and that one main church is to be built?  The buildings would then be sold off and used for different purposes.
I have heard this twice since Sunday?
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Old 21-10-2003, 17:41   #2
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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

Have'nt heard anything about it myself,if it's true it will be in the observer on friday.
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Old 21-10-2003, 18:20   #3
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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

there is a church on blackburn road across from the carpet shop that is being knocked down......the asians wanted to buy it to make it into a mosque,but the council declined it.
i heard that last week when i was delivering to a house that is being done up across from the said church!!

sorry about that......didn't mean to offend !!!!!

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Old 21-10-2003, 18:28   #4
I am Banned

Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

Mebbe changing the word pakis to asians would cause less offence there fella ?  There are asians using this board who I am sure will take offence.

Just a friendly sugestion.

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Old 21-10-2003, 18:54   #5
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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

One church, why that would mean....**gasp**

multi denominational...

Whatever will they think of next?  **gasp louder**

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Old 21-10-2003, 19:12   #6

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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

[quote author=HarryX link=board=qanda;num=1066749446;start=0#3 date=10/21/03 at 19:28:56]Mebbe changing the word pakis to asians would cause less offence there fella ? There are asians using this board who I am sure will take offence.

Just a friendly sugestion.


Well said Harry. Im sure the users of this forum arent racist.
I would think it was writen with no malace intended.
[email protected]

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Old 21-10-2003, 20:17   #7
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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

hope no-one was offended....i've changed the word for our asian friends!

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Old 21-10-2003, 21:10   #8
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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

Black is black by Ram Jam oops wrong topic should be link the song  

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Old 21-10-2003, 22:07   #9
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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

As far as I know it's just Sacred Heart Church on Blackburn Road. This is being demolished.
There has been discussion about this for about a year now. I think at one stage there was a possibility that another one might close, not too sure. The other ones under discussion I think were St Joseph's on Belgarth rd, and St Anne's up near the College. So all RC Churches.
A shame it has to go as it is a beautiful building.
Not sure as yet what is going to be built in it's place.
I believe though that a video is  being made available for people to either borrow or purchase, but don't know where from.
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Old 21-10-2003, 22:15   #10
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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

The vicars of St Pauls, St James and St Johns told their members on Sunday that one if not all three would be closing.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 21-10-2003, 22:31   #11
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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

Those are all C of E aren't they? Don't know anything about those.
Haven't seen anything in the Telegraph.
Presume we'll hear about it in Friday's Observer though.
Seems incredible that all of them would close.
Would that only leave St Andrew's & Christ Church or are there others? Doesn't seem to make sense.  ???
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 22-10-2003, 00:28   #12
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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

I too have heard the rumours of St Johns with St Augustines church could be closing down.  There is no official word yet as far as I know, but the rumours have been around for a while now.  Sad really to see churches close down........ but alas thats the way of the world.
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Old 22-10-2003, 07:00   #13
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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

Have heard rumours for several years now that, in particular the Catholic churches were planning to unite. this is because the upkeep of a church is so expensive and the number of people attending is constantly falling, so the Diocese is considering closing some of the smaller churches and making one large parish. Don't know about C of E or other denominations.
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Old 22-10-2003, 22:50   #14
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Post Is there any truth in this rumour?

There is definitely something afoot.  Trust me on this one!Accrington has far more churches than any other town in East Lancs and they all have problems with none being too sound, and few have decent sized congregations to keep them going.  There's a suggestion that St Johns (Acc) would be able to use their own schoolroom for services and could close the church building (which needs an awful lot of money spending on the roof)  What would they do about the "PALS" chapel though?  If we just had the one church, that would mean the closure of Christ Church, St Peters, St Johns, St Pauls, St Andrews and St Mary Mags.  The sale of all these buildings would raise enough money perhaps to build a new church to serve central Accrington (Sure Start are already using Christ Church and St Peters. Perhaps they would be asked to take on the whole buildings?) - St James may just become offices.  Oh dear! "and the times they are a changin".
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Old 23-10-2003, 08:06   #15
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Post Re: Is there any truth in this rumour?

No smoke without fire and i am sure that the flames will soon show.Not a religous person myself.I believe in God and all that but here you have to pay a religion tax so i opted out.All Catholic here and i am C of E anyway.Not really and never have been a big church goer anyway.Keep the buildings by all means but it does not have to be a church it could be used for something else
BigMikDick from krautland
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