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Supposedly it is a collection of adverts that people have found offensive enough to complain about, some of them had less than 100 complaints so could somebody please define for me what 'controversial', means?
O.K. included in the list are some I would class as annoying rather than offensive. The one I disliked the most was the Carphone Warehouse ad' about free broadband, but try as I might I just can't seem to be offended by any of them and I certainly wouldn't call them 'controversial', would you?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
If the Trident chewing gum one was racially offensive why wasn't the "totally tropical taste" one equally racist? You know the one with the bus and a bike behind and when the bus stops because the passengers are arguing the bike rider says "Oh no, it's total gridlock"
The Rustlers one - isn't that more sexist against men if he can't manage to cook a microwave burger?
Surprising what some people consider to be offensive/distressing. Even more surprising is that people have actually taken time out to complain about these Ads. Some strange folk I suppose.
Semper in stercore versor, solum altitudo mutat
whys the 'touch my food,feel my fork' one on their? I like that one the hook through the cheek one is nasty but personally i would get rid of all the quit smoking ones cos they make me need a fag..
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
There were a few in there that I remember watching and thinking 'oh, that's not nice' or 'that's not appropriate' but none that riled me so much that I felt I needed to complain, just went 'tut' in that great British way we have.
The only 'advert' that has actually pushed me to complain wasn't really an advert and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't find the right people to complain to. It was a window display for Top Shop and I thought it was really offensive but there's no one who regulates shop windows.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
There were a few in there that I remember watching and thinking 'oh, that's not nice' or 'that's not appropriate' but none that riled me so much that I felt I needed to complain, just went 'tut' in that great British way we have.
The only 'advert' that has actually pushed me to complain wasn't really an advert and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't find the right people to complain to. It was a window display for Top Shop and I thought it was really offensive but there's no one who regulates shop windows.
Can you say why you found the window display offensive?
Although as you say there is no body to monitor shop displays, the police do visit places who publicly display obscene material, if people make a complaint.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Can you say why you found the window display offensive?
Although as you say there is no body to monitor shop displays, the police do visit places who publicly display obscene material, if people make a complaint.
It was ages ago in Oldham's Top Shop. It was so long ago that I can't remember whether it depicted a man or a woman (think it was a man) and they were doing the blow job gesture i.e. tongue in the cheek and hand gesturing. Not something that I find overly offensive in itself, just that it was on the high street and not appropriate.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
It was ages ago in Oldham's Top Shop. It was so long ago that I can't remember whether it depicted a man or a woman (think it was a man) and they were doing the blow job gesture i.e. tongue in the cheek and hand gesturing. Not something that I find overly offensive in itself, just that it was on the high street and not appropriate.
Was that not, 'Are You Being Served', with the Santa display?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
whys the 'touch my food,feel my fork' one on their? I like that one the hook through the cheek one is nasty but personally i would get rid of all the quit smoking ones cos they make me need a fag..
I must admit that one has me a touch schizophrenic, I can watch it and think, go for it girl stick him one and at other times I'm thinking, Ooeer, wouldn't want to meet her during certain times of the month!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Bring back Umbongo, Umbongo, they drink it in the Congo.
And just one little tiny sip can make you very wongo.
I used to like that advert where the fella had dog breath. He opened his mouth to speak and a dog jumped out.....I believe several people complained about that one too.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
It was ages ago in Oldham's Top Shop. It was so long ago that I can't remember whether it depicted a man or a woman (think it was a man) and they were doing the blow job gesture i.e. tongue in the cheek and hand gesturing. Not something that I find overly offensive in itself, just that it was on the high street and not appropriate.
I hope you're not turning into Mary Whitehouse, seeing filth and smut everywhere you look.
Perhaps the person was sucking an Uncle Joe's mintball, and using the ok sign.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
i know when surf redesigned their packaging to state some of the 100 stains it removed - they had to remove the word semen
which tickled me a bit - imagine mary whitehouse's face as she was doing her whites lol