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Old 31-07-2008, 18:39   #1
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question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

this is a question to bosses/workers etc regarding stocktakes and I am ****ed off a bit so excuse me if I rant a bit..

I work in the distribution/warehouse sector and we had a stocktake yesterday which I organise, set up, and count with the bosses - the warehouse is about 20,000 square foot with £5m worth of stock there or there abouts it takes me the best part of 5 weeks to organize and get ready..and have done so since I started with the company 4 years ago as its part of my job now.
when I started the loss for that year was £45k , the year after it was down to a loss of £37k, year after that £30k and yesterday was £14k with a percentage of 0.5 so it proves that I do my job pretty well...however my main bosses told me that this wasnt good enough and that it should have been lower ..I told them that they hold about £4/5m worth of stock and to have a loss of £14k is pretty damn good given the amount of breakages that does happen with the goods we handle..I also said that 0.5% is a superb result for any stocktake and they should be happy as most companies would..they said I was wrong and didnt evan say thanks for the work done and end result...even though I have saved them more than £30k in the 4 years I have been there

my question is to those who do stocktakes - would your company be happy with you and a 0.5% result and £14k loss for the year or the equivelant to...

its really ****ed me off to the point of perhaps going to work elsewhere for someone who would appreciate the work, money and results I can achieve/save them...

question/rant over...

and breathe
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Old 31-07-2008, 18:58   #2
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

the thing is it wll be the same wherever you go because most bosses are assholes.when they go to their bosses they will be taking the credit.its the way this country runs and it stinks .people who backstab two faced and damn liars always become bosses you now create an image for themselves with the bosses and rip off other peoples ideas so if you have an idea keep it to yourself because these people will take the credit and tell damn lies....this is another reason british industry is down the drain because they are not team players...
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Old 31-07-2008, 19:09   #3
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

i used to be responsible fer stocktakes, monthly @ annual, though probably different to yours mate, as it was calculating volumes as well as the counting of materials. but gotta say 0.5% n i would probably have got a rise on me annual appraisal,was not n easy task in a large chemical plant. i agree with cmonstanley, they sound like real assholes, thing is though most are the same these days n not worth a light, hate to sound pessimistic but never forget- you are a number, ya don't count, sadly thats the way it is.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 31-07-2008, 19:12   #4
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

Perhaps they really realise you are good and needed to deter you from asking for a decent rise.

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Old 31-07-2008, 19:18   #5
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

I wouldnt get a pay rise - havent had one for 4 years apart from the cost of living...and I would have been happy with a thanks - thats a great result...not even that..
time to get paid what I am worth I think...
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Old 31-07-2008, 19:18   #6
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

anyway dont let them get you down because you know deep down you did a good job you dont need to justify anything and you wouldnt lower yourself to their standards .if they do this at work they probably do this through life and will end up with nothing seen it all before .....watp
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Old 31-07-2008, 19:19   #7
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post

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Old 31-07-2008, 19:19   #8
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

do you know where the £14K went ? Breakage, theft, shrinkage etc ?
If you can keep your head and remain calm, whilst around you everyone is losing theirs, its likely you dont understand what just went wrong
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Old 31-07-2008, 19:20   #9
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

Are the goods still from the same source GG with continuing cost prices ?

Sounds to me like this company is panicking a little ... ?
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Old 31-07-2008, 19:20   #10
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

breakages mostly...
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Old 31-07-2008, 19:21   #11
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Are the goods still from the same source GG with continuing cost prices ?

Sounds to me like this company is panicking a little ... ?
couple of different suppliers but mainly the same ones..
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Old 31-07-2008, 19:22   #12
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

Well if your bosses want an off the shelf satisfaction rate for parts, they have to accept that keeping £4m worth of stock is going to cause some breakage. If they want to reduce it you order parts from a 3rd party when needed (unless these are parts you manufacture yourself?)
If you can keep your head and remain calm, whilst around you everyone is losing theirs, its likely you dont understand what just went wrong
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Old 31-07-2008, 19:23   #13
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

Originally Posted by glasgow guy View Post
breakages mostly...
then its up to the dip sticks to target that area, not use you as the fall guy. typical *******.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 31-07-2008, 19:26   #14
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

Greed GG, I know your employers, and know they are greedy and can be arrogant, you would think that 14k was small change, given that they have over 400 display products which I understand come free, I also know that they would pass the losses back to the suppliers where possible, they havnt done bad, and you have done a good job.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 31-07-2008, 19:38   #15
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Re: question for those who have to organise/sort out/deal with stocktakes at work..

The trick is to get an "acceptable" figure up front that you agree is a reasonable target.

Whilst I don't do stocktakes in my PD I have to have objectives that are

<mind the business bull.... Bingo here>


or CSMART for short

i.e. I will reduce sincidents to our Q by 20% by end of october through identifying repeat incidents and fixing root cause.

so if I was you I would ask for something like " I will control stock within a 0.75% loss margin" then when you get 0.5 you have exceeded their target and rightfully have evidence for asking for a rise.

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