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Old 05-08-2021, 09:50   #31
Beacon of light

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Re: Whatever Has Happened To Sausages?

[QUOTE=taddy;1255777][QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1255773]
Originally Posted by taddy View Post

I don’t know exactly what the man made (I have no problems with this terminology)portion of the skin is....but it includes collagen which is a naturally occurring protein....present in the connective tissue of mammals.

Thanks Marge.
You are welcome Taddy
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Old 05-08-2021, 09:52   #32
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Re: Whatever Has Happened To Sausages?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I don’t know exactly what the man made (I have no problems with this terminology)portion of the skin is....but it includes collagen which is a naturally occurring protein....present in the connective tissue of mammals.
Quite a full explanation here:-

Though reading through I found this:-

Vegetarian casings
Some innovative coextrusion processes have been developed in recent years, allowing 100% plant-based vegetarian casings to be created. Some special alginate coextrusion equipment is required to make casings that can be used in halal or kosher food making
Now I can understand making cases for religious purposes, what I can't get my head around is why a vegetarian would want sausages unless they miss meat so much they have to create poor substitutes to compensate for their bland diet.
A similar amount of puzzlement grips me when I see vegetarian burgers WHY?
Can we come to some sort of agreement? We (the meat eaters) took the humble sausage and burgers to our hearts, we had them first, stop your meddling or we will have to start creating rump steak that looks and tastes to all the world like a Brussels Sprouts or Bacon dressed to look and taste just like a Cauliflower, you veggies just won't know what you're eating. (You have been warned).
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Last edited by Less; 05-08-2021 at 09:56.
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Old 05-08-2021, 12:57   #33
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Re: Whatever Has Happened To Sausages?

Does it not also puzzle you when you see the adverts for 'The Vegetarian Butcher'?
Tell me it a legal requirement to stun carrots before they go into some vegetarian they bleed a lot.

And why would a vegetarian want a non meat burger that bleeds?
Isn't the thought of a 'bleeding burger' just too close to the thing they want to avoid?
I have come to the conclusion that the world has gone quietly and positively insane...and we are only just realising it

I make my own burgers out of lean minced beef and seasonings....nothing else.....if I presented himself with a burger that was bleeding, well I might also be requiring a bit of styptic too
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Old 05-08-2021, 13:01   #34
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Re: Whatever Has Happened To Sausages?

Oh yes you know that there are things called a 'Cauliflower Steak'...cut from the widest bit of the cauliflower and fried like you would fry a nice bit of Rump....but believe me it is fooling doesn't look like steak and definitely doesn't taste like steak...but it was treated humanely by the Vegetarian Butcher.
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Old 05-08-2021, 13:49   #35
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Re: Whatever Has Happened To Sausages?

You know Marge I have always had the idea that the females of our species do not have their giggle switches activated at birth but after reading your posts 33 and 34 I am prepared to accept tha "some" of them (do) have a sense of humour.
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Old 05-08-2021, 15:03   #36
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Re: Whatever Has Happened To Sausages?

Of course I have a sense of humour.
When I was working I was noted for making my patients laugh.
Laughter is most certainly the very best is a giggle that give your insides a jiggle...or at least that was what I told my ladies.
There was one antibiotic i used to dole out and say to the ladies it smelled like TCP...they said...'the anti septic'.....I said it was the new to me that Tom Cat Pee was antiseptic.
But I digress...the thread was about sausage skins...then we migrated to Vegetarian Butchers(what a ludicrous idea that is) and now we are on Tom Cat Pee.
That is one hell of a jump.
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Old 05-08-2021, 17:41   #37
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Re: Whatever Has Happened To Sausages?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
But I digress...the thread was about sausage skins...then we migrated to Vegetarian Butchers(what a ludicrous idea that is) and now we are on Tom Cat Pee.
That is one hell of a jump.

Not as wide as you'd think, said Tom cat widdling round by the chinky chuckout could well find himself as the "Chefs Special Sweet & Sour" or "Chefs Crispy fried Surprise" bit of Hoy Sin & Allspice ..... jobs a good 'un.
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Old 25-04-2022, 16:21   #38
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Re: Whatever Has Happened To Sausages?

My immediate thought reading the topic question was - Sausages became bangers and never really recovered.

I don't really enjoy sausages so much. Any recommendations for any home made butcher sausages in accy?
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Old 25-04-2022, 17:56   #39
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Re: Whatever Has Happened To Sausages?

i think the best sausages are up ossy from the butchers up union rd ossy just past the bubble factory on opposite side of rd we love the pork sausage he makes.used to get them from little blackburn rd accy before we moved up ossy, but think these are superb the one down accy were great also.
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Last edited by cashman; 25-04-2022 at 17:58.
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Old 29-04-2022, 05:31   #40
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Re: Whatever Has Happened To Sausages?

I’m not that keen on sausages but I do like a sausage and onion sandwich now and then, and so I always have a supply in the freezer. I bought some this morning, the label said ‘beef sausages’ and it wasn’t until I got home that I noticed the other little label that informed me they were honey flavoured. What! I ask you, who would want a honey flavoured sausage and onion sandwich. Serves me right for being lazy and buying pre-packed goods.
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Old 02-05-2022, 02:28   #41
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Re: Whatever Has Happened To Sausages?

In case anyone is interested in the subject of honey-flavoured sausages, though I doubt it, let me tell you that my friend’s dog did not mind the honey flavour at all. Quite enjoyed it, but then she will eat just about anything.
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Last edited by dotti34; 02-05-2022 at 02:32.
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