I went into Labour Sunday 18th May at 11am with my first.
I finally gave birth to him at 1:06am Tuesday morning!!
MY god, and he has always been an OKARD little ****** ever since.
Ginger seemed to time his Fag breaks with another dad who's wife was having their baby next door to me
Me and the women ended up in beds next to each other on the baby ward... and when dads came at dinner visiting, they said " Oh hiya, so you got a lad then "
I was puzzled how they knew each other til they told us they had spent most of their time in the fag room downstairs together
Second son, I went into labour at about 6pm and he was born at 5:46am following morning. I have to say, if ever I had to give birth again it would be like the second time.
I only had gas and air right at the end, no stitches and it was a wonderful experience!! ( But still as bloody painful )
Isn't it funny though, how you just cannot explain to anyone else what the pain is like!!