21-02-2014, 22:55
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Re: Accrington 1918 absent voters list
Originally Posted by cashman
Nice one mate, just found me Grandad. 
Be careful don't take the AVL-18 for granted, in the Greater Accrngton area their are 7909 names, I've found over 500 errors so far, those lists were supposed to be compiled from forms filled in by the men themselves, (rubbish) you would think the men would know their own service numbers, regiment, how to spell their name, and where they lived.
Two men had died in 1916, some in 1917, who put their names in the AVL, what about prisoners of war. Always check the medal records, or service records for the correct regiment & service numbers, look in the 1914 or 1919 register of electors, there is a family called Holden in 1914, in 1919 they call themselves Holding, one of their sons was killed and recorded as Holden, the other was killed and recorded as Holding, the same thing happens with Fielden & Fielding.