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Old 11-02-2006, 22:56   #166

WINGY's Avatar

Re: Moorhead High School

saw mr and mrs walmsley last year. looking a hell of a lot older. it was good to see them. mrs walmsley said i would marry my mother. well i didnt realise what she meant until a number of years later. but she was right i constantly need looking after and my fiancee does that all the time.

p.s. this is wingys brother, mac (mick mccarthy) for those that dont know me as mac.
[email protected]

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Accrington Web
Old 01-03-2006, 20:23   #167
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Madcat's Avatar

Re: Moorhead High School

Wow, feels so long since I left Moorhead, yet I only left in 2000 ^_^.

It was a good school when I first started going, but then it seemed to get worse (but at that time I was going through the rebellious stage then and everything seemed $@&# then). Probably didn't help having Mrs Parr for my tutor, we didn't get along that well for some reason (which had nothing to do with us disliking each other *innocent whistle*).

Still I remember some funny times from then, like the time Mr. Caudwell made one lad apologise to the light switch because he'd hit it turning it on . Wonder if he still keeps his family of bricks? ^_^

My crowning moment (or perhaps not... I still have the video evidence of how bad it was ) was when me and my friend rounded up some poor peop... erm, willing volunteers to act out a scene from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for the talent contest. Needless to say I don't think any of the students understood it (they were probably waiting for the singing and dancing groups), but at least some of the teachers understood it and got some enjoyment out of it ^_^.
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- You infernal machine! Give me a beverage or give me my money back!

Whoever said "The pen is mightier than the sword
" has clearly never been hit by a sword.
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Old 16-03-2006, 22:35   #168
TracyO's Avatar

Re: Moorhead High School

I work at Moorhead, obviously think its a fab school, its improved one hell of a lot since i was at school.
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Old 20-03-2006, 18:47   #169
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blazey's Avatar

looking for christopher seymour, left in 1984

Hello can anybody help me. I'm looking for my dad.

I'm looking for Christopher Seymour, a moorhead leaver in 1984. He was tall with blonde hair as far as I know and I haven't seen him since I was very young and no longer remember what he looks like. I would be very grateful if nobody could actually tell me details of his whereabouts, if anyone has an old class picture of him so I have an idea of him.

I'm 17 years old and I have no idea who any of my other half of family are. I really hope somebody can help me in my search. I also had someone tell me they vaguely remembered a chris seymour in the boy scouts at the age of 11 or 12. does anybody know if this is true?

Please pm me or post on here.

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Old 31-03-2006, 12:24   #170
those were the days's Avatar

Re: Moorhead High School

Hi, Crikey it was a nice blast from the past reading about all those teachers, The good ole days eh?
I remember Mr and Mrs Walmsley, Mr Bolton, Mr Mc Caffrey (R.E.) I believe he is at Hollins now, Mr white and Miss Dickinson (music) Mr cartledge (chemistry) What was the fuzzy physics teacher called??? Mr Howarth? Biology, Mr Green History, Mr and Mrs Scott, Mr Walker, Mdme Heap, Mdme Smith (french) Mr Caudwell, What would the place be like without him!! the resident Art teachers, Jordan and Williams, Mrs Riley and Mrs Smith (maths) Mrs Jones, still see her around.. Mr Neville Mr Bailey, heads, which leads nicely onto Mrs Skull! Miss Edwards (swimming gala )

I remember queueing endlessly at the Iccy Van,Mr Freeze`s in Summer, i remember how going in by the doors near maths corridor at Crommy building was always a ram slam!

I used to think i hated school, now i realise i loved it!
I was in Lacy house!
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Old 31-03-2006, 12:27   #171
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Re: Moorhead High School

Originally Posted by those were the days
What was the fuzzy physics teacher called???

I was in Lacy house!
Mr Harris?

Me too!
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Old 31-03-2006, 12:43   #172
those were the days's Avatar

Re: Moorhead High School

That`s it Mr Harris, Looked like he`d put his fingers in the plug too many times lol
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Old 31-03-2006, 14:03   #173
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bobon's Avatar

Re: Moorhead High School

I was in Lacy house myself we rocked.
Our year was the first with the blue uniforms 1977.
Miss Nevison(french) was the hottest of the teachers.
I liked Mr Hartley(maths) he was my favourite teacher.
Gary Robbinson how sad the whole thing was.
Mr Baily was head and Mr Mason deputy when i started.
Mr Sutcliffe i hated but i played golf with him about five years back and he's a nice chap.
School reunions have both been fun.
I hated school but looking back damn good years they where.
Heres a pic for those who remeber me

Last edited by bobon; 31-03-2006 at 14:07.
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Old 31-03-2006, 16:13   #174
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SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: Moorhead High School

Dump a lump never thought I would see that uniform again. Brain cant handle it.

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Old 31-03-2006, 16:30   #175
I am Banned


Re: Moorhead High School

Originally Posted by those were the days
Hi, Crikey it was a nice blast from the past reading about all those teachers, The good ole days eh?
I remember Mr and Mrs Walmsley, Mr Bolton, Mr Mc Caffrey (R.E.) I believe he is at Hollins now, Mr white and Miss Dickinson (music) Mr cartledge (chemistry) What was the fuzzy physics teacher called??? Mr Howarth? Biology, Mr Green History, Mr and Mrs Scott, Mr Walker, Mdme Heap, Mdme Smith (french) Mr Caudwell, What would the place be like without him!! the resident Art teachers, Jordan and Williams, Mrs Riley and Mrs Smith (maths) Mrs Jones, still see her around.. Mr Neville Mr Bailey, heads, which leads nicely onto Mrs Skull! Miss Edwards (swimming gala )

I remember queueing endlessly at the Iccy Van,Mr Freeze`s in Summer, i remember how going in by the doors near maths corridor at Crommy building was always a ram slam!

I used to think i hated school, now i realise i loved it!
I was in Lacy house!
Oh gawd the nightmare's returning with those names popping up, i was in Hargreaves house . Gee it was like the old days going stanley this season morecambe match & Mr Nevile behind me & Mr chuckle in queue behind me too
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Old 31-03-2006, 16:33   #176
I am Banned


Re: Moorhead High School

Mr Cartledge was a nutty hothead when he last taught at the school due to nervous breakdown me thinks he pinned a boy in our chemistry class up by his tie against the wall ..... scary you didnt mess about after in his class.
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Old 31-03-2006, 16:38   #177
I am Banned


Re: Moorhead High School

Originally Posted by WINGY
saw mr and mrs walmsley last year. looking a hell of a lot older. it was good to see them. mrs walmsley said i would marry my mother. well i didnt realise what she meant until a number of years later. but she was right i constantly need looking after and my fiancee does that all the time.

p.s. this is wingys brother, mac (mick mccarthy) for those that dont know me as mac.
Is Mr Walmsley still about ????? Tinks will be pleased to hear that PMSL!!
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Old 31-03-2006, 16:40   #178
I am Banned


Re: Moorhead High School

Opologies accyweb is on one again
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Old 31-03-2006, 16:44   #179
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SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: Moorhead High School

Originally Posted by accymel
Mr Cartledge was a nutty hothead when he last taught at the school due to nervous breakdown me thinks he pinned a boy in our chemistry class up by his tie against the wall ..... scary you didnt mess about after in his class.
I remember a few pupil teacher run ins 1 or 2 I was involved in. Mind you those were the days.

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Old 31-03-2006, 16:49   #180
I am Banned


Re: Moorhead High School

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
I remember a few pupil teacher run ins 1 or 2 I was involved in. Mind you those were the days.
Oh dear spuggie did you get the rath of Mr Cartledge then or all teachers LOL
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