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Lost Friends / Family Lost friends from the Accrington area? Maybe someone here can help?

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Old 26-01-2010, 20:53   #1
Senior Member+

WALMSLEY / High School?

For some years I have beentrying to find a school pal, John Baron Walmsley who was at Accrington Grammar School with me in the 50s. He will now be 68/69yrs. It has been suggested to me that he married, early sixties (?) a school teacher who may have taught at the High School and who may have become a head teacher, perhaps at the High School. - Can you help me to find Mrs Walmsley? Any information/suggestions/thoughts about her?
John Walmsley may have been a teacher. They may have lived up near the High School.
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Accrington Web
Old 26-01-2010, 21:00   #2
Senior Member+

Re: WALMSLEY / High School?

Oh, thought I was able to help, but would have been duff info.
Funnily enough there IS a Mr and Mrs Walmsley, both ex school teachers (she taught at Accy High) who live around the corner from me, but just found out his first name is NOT John. D and blast!

Last edited by Atarah; 26-01-2010 at 21:08.
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Old 26-01-2010, 21:06   #3
Beacon of light

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Re: WALMSLEY / High School?

Atarah, did this couple have a daughter who was a Nurse? Catherine.....and a son called Robin?

The reason I am asking is, I trained with a girl called Catherine Walmsley...her mother taught at Accrington High school, but I don't know what her father did for a living.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 26-01-2010, 21:20   #4
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Re: WALMSLEY / High School?

Hi Margaret, dont know the couple that well, but yep, I believe I have heard my hubby mention they had a boy and a girl with those names.
BTW, it turns out they are NOT the people Bob is after. Shame!
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Old 26-01-2010, 21:25   #5
Beacon of light

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Re: WALMSLEY / High School?

I did my nurse training in the same PTS as Catherine.......I believe she married Dr Sloans son and now lives in America(or did, the last time I caught up with mutual friends).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 26-01-2010, 21:27   #6
Senior Member+

Re: WALMSLEY / High School?

Have just spoken to this Walmsley couple. They are not the ones I am looking for. However, they both taught at Accrington Grammar School, so I am going to get them on our Old Boys register. Does anyone know if there is a Retired Teachers group in Accrington that I could contact?
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Old 26-01-2010, 22:07   #7
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Re: WALMSLEY / High School?

Bob, dont know if this will help or not, but I know that once a month, ex teachers from Peel Park School meet up for a natter at a local pub. They may not be the correct sort of age group, but ..... Maybe one of them might know of other ex teachers from other schools eh? You never know!
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Old 26-01-2010, 22:14   #8
Senior Member+

Re: WALMSLEY / High School?

Good idea. I will speak with the landlord/landlady at the Peel Park pub which I know is where you do your drinking on a regular basis..

I have written to the editorof the Ross-shire Journal, John Walmsley is a company director up there now. If this fails, I will pay for a search at Companies House.
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Old 04-01-2011, 17:21   #9
Senior Member+

Re: WALMSLEY / High School?

Still looking for John Baron Walmsley. I have found that he had a younger sister ( now perhaps 65ish) called Anne Helen. She may be identical with Anne Helen Walmsley Smith, a psychiatrist ( retired?) in Dundee. I am making enquiries up there. Can you help?
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