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Lost Friends / Family Lost friends from the Accrington area? Maybe someone here can help?

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Old 29-11-2007, 23:13   #1
Junior Member+

Walmsleys in Accrington

Hi all

I am tracing my grandfathers family in Accrington, he was Harry Walmsley and was born in Accrington in 1914 his parents were Harold Vincent Walmsley and Agnes Ann Taylor, HV was born in Church in 1879 and Agnes was born in Ozzy in 1882. I know from records that I have found that Harold Vincent had shops on Whalley Road till his death in 1950, does anybody remember shops on Whalley Road in the late 40s/early 50s. I believe he also had a workshop and garage on Back Ramsbottom Street.

I know my grandad had at least two brothers Herbert Vincent (born c1910) and Fred (born c1907)

I believe Herbert Vincent went on to own shops in Preston but I havent any idea where Fred ended up.

Anybody know any of these names or any advise where I could get further information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading.

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