10-01-2005, 13:11
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Re: ltd edition crystal xbox new with 50 games and xecuter 2.6
Now the problem is that software engineers like myself work hard on something to make our living. Then people come along and rip it off thus costing us money. How would you like to go to work and not get paid for it? This is what ripping software off is doing. Yes, there are lots of middlemen making extortionate amounts as well, but in this case hurting one means hurting all, innocent, guilty, everyone.
I totally agree that games cost far too much as does music. iTunes is making inroads into that market I know they are at teh point of doing similar for films in America, hopefully someone will consider extending it to games as well. It comes down to teh old value for money situation. If game A was £10 they may sell 10 Million copies making 100 million gross, they hope that selling it at £45 they will still sell more than 2.5 million hence making more money.