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Old 27-10-2014, 20:45   #16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Just don't go holding your breath will you.
I cannot see the EU changing anytime soon. It does not change, it expects the members to suck it up and shut up.
There must be at least 95% of us that can see that.....except our honourable MP still thinks we haven't the brain power to decide this for ourselves.
95% eh? His message must finally be coming through.
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Old 27-10-2014, 20:56   #17
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

It was 95% wasn't it? Tell me I haven't got it wrong.
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Old 28-10-2014, 09:20   #18
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Oh yes, that was the accurate figure that he plucked from his randomiser program to tell us how many aren't capable of deciding on a referendum for the EU.
as for you getting it wrong? Impossible, you are obviously one of the 16.5% remaining that he thinks is capable of deciding.
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Old 28-10-2014, 11:35   #19
God Member

Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Oh yes, that was the accurate figure that he plucked from his randomiser program to tell us how many aren't capable of deciding on a referendum for the EU.
as for you getting it wrong? Impossible, you are obviously one of the 16.5% remaining that he thinks is capable of deciding.
this was posted by graham jones on facebook hyndburn chat

Gary. You are misleading the public. The 95% figure came from IPSOS MORI and that was stated clearly.
he accused a couple of people in that conversation of misleading the public

now i dont know what the definition of misleading the public is but when a person standing for election to be a MP gives strong indication that he is in favour of a referendum and states in his own words on this very website that he thinks the only fair way to decide the issue of the EU is to have a referendum then after getting elected votes against us getting a referendum id say if anyone is guilty of misleading the public it is himself
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

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Old 28-10-2014, 15:54   #20
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Accyman, he obviously feels that there is strength in numbers.
Many of those currently sitting in the POW have mislead the electorate, and not just over the EU...but expenses, alleged child abuse, tuition fees.same sex marriage.......the list goes on and on.
Maybe they think it constitutes custom and practice.
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Old 28-10-2014, 16:16   #21
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

I remember him posting similar on here about it being on mori, I searched...




Asked him to put a link to any poll that showed 95%.

Still waiting


Probably will be waiting for a very long time.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Last edited by Less; 28-10-2014 at 16:19.
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Old 28-10-2014, 16:40   #22
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Each month every EU country pays its dues and after the annual inspection the Commission informs each country an amount is either owes or is owed, negotiations are conducted and a final figure is agreed upon. It's absolutely ridiculous for the EU Commission clerks under the new Commissioner to refer back twenty years to 1995 and re calculate the figures again for every year since, but this time with the inclusion of the "riches" gained from prostitution and the black market!

I'm glad Cameron blew his top and hope he sticks to his guns. I had a similar experience in the 90s when a new tax inspector announced that he'd examined the accounts for every year from when I was in Oak Street and "Chinner" (China) Street in the 1970s and he then quoted an extremely exorbitant sum of 20 years unpaid back tax plus he wanted interest. He didn't get it, what he got was his ears pinned back.
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Old 28-10-2014, 16:44   #23
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Originally Posted by Lucysgirl View Post
Each month every EU country pays its dues and after the annual inspection the Commission informs each country an amount is either owes or is owed, negotiations are conducted and a final figure is agreed upon. It's absolutely ridiculous for the EU Commission clerks under the new Commissioner to refer back twenty years to 1995 and re calculate the figures again for every year since, but this time with the inclusion of the "riches" gained from prostitution and the black market!

I'm glad Cameron blew his top and hope he sticks to his guns. I had a similar experience in the 90s when a new tax inspector announced that he'd examined the accounts for every year from when I was in Oak Street and "Chinner" (China) Street in the 1970s and he then quoted an extremely exorbitant sum of 20 years unpaid back tax plus he wanted interest. He didn't get it, what he got was his ears pinned back.
Which of the above riches was the taxman trying to get you to pay for?
Prostitution or the black market.
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Old 28-10-2014, 18:21   #24
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

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Old 28-10-2014, 21:13   #25
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Good to quote Ken Clarke's contribution in Parliament yesterday
“May I sympathise with the Prime Minister in being taken by surprise on a subject which everybody in the Treasury must have known was coming for the last five months?”
No safety even from his supposed friends there then.
For more information check out Nicky Morgan's letter written back in March which pointed out that the Treasury was alert to the probability of an increased demand from Europe.
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Old 29-10-2014, 12:57   #26
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

No 'Friends' in business or politics...only colleagues opposition and competitors...and they all want to get one over on you.

Personally, I would be giving them the message that the money would be paid in full once a signed off audit of the EU budgets was available and presented with the demand.
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Old 29-10-2014, 14:31   #27
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
What would SCAMeron do if he kept the 1.7billion? Put it into benefits? increase hospital effectiveness? fund transport etc?.......

.....Of course not, he'd just carry on blowing it on paying private companies to do work that the government used to do but for less money....
True. But whatever spin you want to put on it, 1.7 billion is still 1.7 billion ... we are not talking nickles and dimes here.

Not that I should really give a damn ... after all, it ain't my tax dollars ... but the idea that the krauts get money is annoying. After all, didn't we spend enough on those sonsabitches in the last century? Bullets, bombs and battleships don't come cheap. And blood is priceless.
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Old 30-10-2014, 06:50   #28

Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Personally, I would be giving them the message that the money would be paid in full once a signed off audit of the EU budgets was available and presented with the demand.
Absolutely. The pontificating by EU budget officers about 'having no choice but to pay' on TV over the last few days has been irritating.

You have come up with the perfect retort to them.
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Old 30-10-2014, 10:26   #29
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

It irritates me that the EU seem to want to belittle all the efforts of the Uk to sort out the economy......Christine Lagarde( head of the IMF) said the measures put into place would never work.
It also irritates me that those countries who were told to get their act together with relation to their financial affairs have not done so, but are getting a rebate for their lack of action.

Never mind if Labour are elected in May next year, the situation will be one where we get a rebate too...because they will spend money that we haven't got.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 06-12-2014, 12:15   #30
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Not quite sure this belongs here, but still! It's not just Europe whinging & wanting, looks like our self serving politicoes are just as adept at screwing Joe Public & the Country even further into the shiite with their latest plan! The 146 Winkers!

BBC News - Bid to scupper bill on 0.7% foreign aid pledge fails
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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