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Old 25-10-2014, 20:16   #1
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£1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

So Europe wants £1.7billion more from us taxpayers because we've tightened our belts, had people thrown out of their homes, suffered massive cuts to health and transport funding. To add insult to injury, Europe has decided that France and Germany can have an £0.8 billion and £0.6 billion rebate.

So our Bullingdon club Flashman PM is currently talking big about not paying it...YET!!!!

Eh???? Not paying yet??? Is that politspeak for we'll wait until the waters calm or something else makes the headlines and then we'll cough up?..This is 'trust me Dave'..the guy who talks about negotiating with Europe and having a referendum at some point in the current millenium, no doubt with an added tearful monologue about how wonderful Europe is....just like he did in Scotland

This is typical of European thinking...

Work hard you British ants and give your money to the French and German grasshoppers

And where the hell is her Majestys opposition on this...well considering they have a stay in Europe whatever the cost view, and our own obsequious hand wringing Uriah Heep MP tells us we know nothing and the great schoolboy EdM knows all.....we have to assume they are waiting for their spin doctors to come up with the best time to respond that would hurt the tories the most..NOTE..NOT THE BEST TIME TO RESPOND TO WHAT EVERY SINGLE BRITON THINKS!!!!! and that is 'F U EUROPE!!'

A vote for 'disconnected to the voters' Jones or 'shoved in from Lytham ' pointless....

For those who argue manifestos...they are about as useful as a footballers contract, they can be torn up, thrown away or conveniently forgotten about. Every current politician goes into parliament knowing very little about the manifesto, claims to represent YOU!!! and then is subjugated to voting for what Milliband decides you should think by whips like OUR MP GRAHAM JONES!

UKIP for me next time, regardless of how many last minute spin doctor media luvvies assassinate the minority muppet UKIP candidates.....because of course their have been zero screw up mainstream candidates..jailed or outed for fraud, paedophilia, and other various items of criminality etc...Yeah right..surely I dont have to post the links?

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Old 25-10-2014, 20:25   #2
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

The Germans make the rules, the Italians ignore the rules, the French bend the rules, the Greeks can't afford the rules but-
We're British, we play by the rules.
So yes, we'll pay up, any bets on December 2nd?

Just a thought- was this £1.7billion announced just at the right time to cause maximum embarrassment to DC? An EU bureaucrats plot to kill Tory votes, increase UKIP votes and get sad eyed Ed into power? An EU lover?

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 25-10-2014 at 20:30.
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Old 25-10-2014, 20:58   #3
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Yes, I think it was announced to cause maximum embarrassment to DC.
But then isn't this much like the benefit culture we have in this country?
Those who scrimp and save are penalised.....those who do not work, or spend all the money they earn are given more to be spendthrift with.

Because the UK has taken tough decisions, because we have had a long time of austerity.....and yes our economy might be better, but the evidence is that the man in the street is not feeling the EU wants to dib into our pockets and rob us of £56 from each and every tax that those in France can have a rebate.....those in Germany too.
What can they do if we say 'sit on it and twist til your nose bleeds'.....well they could fine us 200 million Euros......isn't that a lot less than 1.7 billion pounds ?
The EU needs us much more than we need them.
The sooner we are out of it the better!
Can you hear me Mr Jones?
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 25-10-2014 at 21:02.
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Old 25-10-2014, 21:06   #4
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Really? You think that the EU would release this figure to mess with Cameron and benefit the UKIP vote in Britain whilst hoping that some childlike nondescript labour leader would win by default???
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Old 25-10-2014, 21:14   #5
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

They will do anything to discredit DC......and I think(but cannot be sure) that the EU do not take seriously UKIP as any kind of threat.......and as for a Labour Victory.....well, the Labour Party haven't said anything about offering the electorate a say in whether we stay in the EU.
So perhaps the EU see that as a win-win situation.....wrong foot Cameron, and get the electorate to vote for a joke party and put Labour back in control.....but then, what do I know?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 25-10-2014, 22:03   #6
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Now if you follow conspiracy theories you would realise that all politics is orchestrated to one agenda/outcome and they are all puppets following a ( the same) script.

The outcome is already planned and decided.

The sensible thing to do is to just chuckle and watch this comedy play out.

There isn't much else you can do unless you have the guts to lead a revolution
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Old 25-10-2014, 22:16   #7
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Get used to this if you guys stay in the EU ... over here we call this stuff "equalization payments" ... the wealthy Provinces bail out the have nots. This is so that services such as health care and education and all that stuff receive about the same amount of money to keep them going ... from coast, to coast, to coast. In a United States of Europe you guys will be forking over the big bucks every year. Have a nice day
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Old 25-10-2014, 22:47   #8
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
the Labour Party haven't said anything about offering the electorate a say in whether we stay in the EU.

the only way we will get a referendum is if the government is 110% sure they will get a vote to stay in

after what our MP did with his last chance at voting on a referendum would you believe labour if they said we should or could have one ?
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Old 25-10-2014, 23:17   #9
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

What would SCAMeron do if he kept the 1.7billion? Put it into benefits? increase hospital effectiveness? fund transport etc?.......

.....Of course not, he'd just carry on blowing it on paying private companies to do work that the government used to do but for less money....

...Ching Ching that's asda price
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Old 25-10-2014, 23:33   #10
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
They will do anything to discredit DC......and I think(but cannot be sure) that the EU do not take seriously UKIP as any kind of threat.......and as for a Labour Victory.....well, the Labour Party haven't said anything about offering the electorate a say in whether we stay in the EU.
So perhaps the EU see that as a win-win situation.....wrong foot Cameron, and get the electorate to vote for a joke party and put Labour back in control.....but then, what do I know?
I thought that Milliband & Clegg have both stated publically that they will not support a referendum.
DC should have held the referendum before the General Election and followed the vote straight away - no delay, by walking out of Brussels and Strasbourg the day after the results were published - that way, even if Labour form the next government probably with the poodles on their lap, they will be saddled with the fact that we are out of Europe, but I am sure that getting us out of the EU before the election would guarantee that DC would get back in without a problem - maybe with a little help from UKIP
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Old 26-10-2014, 07:52   #11
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

The general election and the referendum should be held on the same day.
This would ensure a good turnout for the general election, it would reduce the costs of having a separate ballot for the referendum and it would prove that DC was serious when saying he will hold a referendum.
All this said, I am sure that I read somewhere that even if a referendum were held, DC is under no legal,obligation to follow the will of the electorate.
So even if it were to happen, it is quite possible that we would still be in this corrupt money gobbling organisation.
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Old 26-10-2014, 08:00   #12
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
The outcome is already planned and decided.

The sensible thing to do is to just chuckle and watch this comedy play out.

There isn't much else you can do unless you have the guts to lead a revolution
Except, it is not really a comedy when we are being robbed blind to support nations who do not have the guts to take action against their own profligacy.
And money to give to Germany pah!

Margaret, I am too old to be a revolutionary, not cunning enough.
You know there is a saying 'all hope is in vain when the devil has pi$$ed in the touch hole of your musket'......I'm sure you have heard that one.....that is how it feels right now.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-10-2014, 11:22   #13
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
So yes, we'll pay up, any bets on December 2nd?
Just in time for them to celebrate Christmas!

Will the cost of the seasonal wrapping paper come out of the money or will we be footing the bill for that as well?

Somehow, I think I already know the answer.
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Old 27-10-2014, 19:02   #14

Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

The EU has shown that it is unfit for purpose. Any organisation that thinks it can slap a charge on a member state of £1.7m without considering the political ramifications demonstrates it doesn't deserve to survive.

It will have to change, and if that means Britain heading for the Exit door, then so be it.

UKIP worry me, though. There is always a nasty whiff of the far right about them. If they want to recruit traditional Labour voters in the north, how does having eccentric right wing Tory MPs from the South East like Carswell and Reckless help in achieving that?
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Old 27-10-2014, 19:55   #15
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Re: £1.7 billion less to spend helping the UK

Originally Posted by hyndburner View Post
The EU has shown that it is unfit for purpose.
It will have to change, and if that means Britain heading for the Exit door, then so be it.
Just don't go holding your breath will you.
I cannot see the EU changing anytime soon. It does not change, it expects the members to suck it up and shut up.
There must be at least 95% of us that can see that.....except our honourable MP still thinks we haven't the brain power to decide this for ourselves.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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