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Old 10-05-2009, 11:19   #61
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i agree its no excuse, but its also fact, i base that statement on many years representing various bodies, i never once claimed more than i was entitled, sometimes didn't even claim, but am well aware " Many" did, cos it was there to do, ya have much to learn andrew if ya assume people are any different.
Did these people write and vote on their own rules?
formerly cyfr
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Old 10-05-2009, 11:20   #62
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
but they are within the rules, like Cashman says most people in any job would claim expenses if it was legitimate to do my mind the real outrage here is the MP's expenses system itself.
Rules made by who? As I read it they set the rules and just because it is within the rules does not make it right. These are the same people who pay our pensioners a pittance and our carers the grand sum of £53 per week. It is disgusting
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Old 10-05-2009, 11:21   #63
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
Did these people write and vote on their own rules?
stop clutching at straws, the principles the same. 2 of the 3 bodies did, but irrelevant.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 10-05-2009, 11:42   #64
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Rules made by who? As I read it they set the rules and just because it is within the rules does not make it right. These are the same people who pay our pensioners a pittance and our carers the grand sum of £53 per week. It is disgusting
could'nt agree more....and some of these fine upstanding politicians have the cheek to lable some people recieving benifits as "scroungers"

Last edited by Mancie; 10-05-2009 at 11:45.
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Old 10-05-2009, 11:50   #65
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
could'nt agree more....and some of these fine upstanding politicians have the cheek to lable some people recieving benifits as "scroungers"
They should be ashamed of themselves but shame is something they obviously don't feel. All they can do is bleat on about it "being within the rules" Being within the rules does not make it right
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Old 10-05-2009, 11:55   #66
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Rules made by who? As I read it they set the rules and just because it is within the rules does not make it right. These are the same people who pay our pensioners a pittance and our carers the grand sum of £53 per week. It is disgusting
agree but rules are always exploited, fact of life.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 10-05-2009, 12:01   #67
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
stop clutching at straws, the principles the same. 2 of the 3 bodies did, but irrelevant.
It's not the same principle at all. Firstly this is public money, paid for by taxes which everyone has no choice but to pay. Secondly you're saying it's okay because it was within the rules, except they are playing judge and jury! They set their own rules, which allowed some of them to abuse the system. How is it that not every MP is abusing the system? Not everyone is the same, some people will be prudent with public money, and use public office to help others. Some are clearly using it to stuff their own pockets and help themselves. It's shameful.
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Old 10-05-2009, 12:31   #68
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
It's not the same principle at all. Firstly this is public money, paid for by taxes which everyone has no choice but to pay. Secondly you're saying it's okay because it was within the rules, except they are playing judge and jury! They set their own rules, which allowed some of them to abuse the system. How is it that not every MP is abusing the system? Not everyone is the same, some people will be prudent with public money, and use public office to help others. Some are clearly using it to stuff their own pockets and help themselves. It's shameful.
you stupid boy, i am not saying its ok, if ya care to read what i said properly,in various posts, i am saying its a fact of life n the way it is, simple really, but obviously beyond your comprehension.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 10-05-2009, 15:13   #69
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
It's not the same principle at all. Firstly this is public money, paid for by taxes which everyone has no choice but to pay. Secondly you're saying it's okay because it was within the rules, except they are playing judge and jury! They set their own rules, which allowed some of them to abuse the system. How is it that not every MP is abusing the system? Not everyone is the same, some people will be prudent with public money, and use public office to help others. Some are clearly using it to stuff their own pockets and help themselves. It's shameful.
The point that this is "public" money we are talking about is valid..but taken as a whole this sort of fiddling expenses within the rules is common place in private business...still don't make it right but it's far from unique in this society...I've worked for companies were executive staff have claimed thousands for furnishings and company cars etc...and then held board meetings questioning working staff claiming for a packet of tea bags!

Last edited by Mancie; 10-05-2009 at 15:22.
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Old 10-05-2009, 17:06   #70
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

It may be within the rules, but it's not within the spirit of the rules. The Additional Cost Allowance was because MPs outside London need somewhere to stay while they're sitting in Parliament. To buy a residence and furnish it on expenses may be OK. To then switch their second home status to their family home in the provinces and then to refurbish and refurnish THAT at the expense of the taxpayer is sheer greed.

This is why our MPs have fought tooth and nail over the last four years not to reveal these expenses, this is why when these expenses were due to be officially published in July, they wouldn't have included addresses. The official reason was security, but the real reason was so we wouldn't know about their second home switching scam.

And, by the way, I'm not just having a go at Labour politicians. Tories and LibDems are implicated in this, too!
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Old 10-05-2009, 17:08   #71
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

like the old saying can't expect turkeys to vote for Christmas.
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Old 10-05-2009, 18:04   #72
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Tory expense scams revelations due tomorrow...not meant to be pleasant reading for the boy David. See, they're all at it.

I can, however, categorically say that no Official Monster Raving Loony Party MP has ever claimed a penny in expenses.
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Old 10-05-2009, 22:05   #73
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Alan Duncan Tory Shadow Leader of house... £4000 over 3 years for gardening. Tried to claim a one off £3100 but claimed he raised with the fees office that it may be seen to be not within the spirit of the rules as it was 'excessive' therefore did not claim.

Quite a few in tomorrows Telegraph. Some paying some back... has to be asked: would they have paid it back if this information hadn't come out?
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Old 10-05-2009, 22:15   #74
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

Must say that there seems to be quite a few innocent MP's targeted. Some of the labour ones for example had given receipts for products but not claimed all the items on the receipt, but the Telegraph had got them for it anyway. Likewise a couple of people have simply moved home and not profited from the 2nd home allowance, but they've been targeted anyway for changing their second home.

On the most part they're pretty deserving of being published though!
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Old 10-05-2009, 23:35   #75
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Re: £10,000 offered to leak MP's expenses

I agree with you this time Andrew..some disc has been bought by a newspaper that may be the truth but then again could have been edited. overall it is a good thing for the public and like has been said it maybe well sort the chaff from the weed.
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